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dostum sorunuma en azından cevap aramışsın.teşekkürler.fakat bu takıntıyı geçebilmiş değilim.istersen en baştan başlayayım.bilgisayarcıya gittim.bana şu meşhur half life oyununu ver bakalım dedim.(bu arada oyunlar konusunda yeni sayılırım.5-6 tane oyun bitirdim.bitirdiğim oyunlar;madel of honer,call of duty,halo,max payne 1-2,renagade gibi)geldim eve oyunu yükledim.bu oyun half life birmi ikimi yoksa fsp m, bilmiyorum.oyun bir helikopterin düşmesiyle başladı.sonra sırayla ülkelere görevlere gitmeye başladık.en son italya/venedik'e geldim.burada da bir miktar askeri kurşuna dizdikten sonra iki tane gondolun üzerinden atlayarak bir yere geçtim.bu sırada askerin biri habire (galiba almanca) birşeyler söylüyor.tercüme edebildiğim kadarıyla "onların bu tarafa geçmesine izin verme "diyor galiba.bende askerlerin geçmesine izin vermemekiçin sürekli el bombası atıp çıkan askerleri silahımla vuruyorum.bundan sonrasına geçemedim.senin o zengin oyun hazinene bi bakıverde şu benim sorunu halledelim.şimdiden teşekkürler...
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bu kesinlikle half life 1 degil,2 olabilirmi?grafikleri a$mi$ veya cok fazla hatali-soluk mu?[signature][hline]Ranger : Hero : Druid (Excalibur)
Hunter - you share a special connection with animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms, you consider your weapons and pets to be your only true friends.

Hunter - you share a special connection with
animals. Whether you rely on bows or firearms,
you consider your weapons and pets to be your
only true friends.

What WoW Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
">What Kind of WoW Character Are You?

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banada opposing force gibi geldide boyle topic acmasaydin keske ozel mesaj atsaydin . evet evet opposing force half life icin bir eklenti half lifein kendisi degil bu sana chapter 1in ingilizce tam cozumunu yaziyim
You will start the game inside a US army chopper flying toward the Black Mesa
Facility. While you listen to your's teammates' talking be sure to look
outside to see a familiar cliff...After a while your chopper gets hit by a
lightning bolt and explodes. You will wake up in lab next to a scientist that
will tell you to look for a radio on the crash site. Exit the room and turn
left at the first chance you get to listen to a little chit chat about
headcrabs and obtain your vest. Then follow the other way until you reach the
new fat security guard that will open a door for you. Shortly after that you
will get your first weapon: the pipe wrench. It's not much but it's yours now.
Walk under the green and purple lasers and hit the mirror that reflects them.
Don't bother to try to reach the steps as you'll probably kill yourself. When
the mirror is broken, both lasers will disappear and the way will be clear
now. Climb up the stairs and kill the headcrabs in your way by dodging them
when they lunge at you and smashing them with your wrench. Jump over the green
ooze and look at the door nearby to see your old pal the G-man telling the
security guard not to open the door. Since you won't be able to go that way,
break the crates for some health and climb up the stairs. Soon after, you will
reach the surface. The point here is to jump on small patch of ground under
the bridge and jump from ledge to ledge. When you stumble on a dead alien
slave, take the knife and jump over the other broken bridge to enter a small
room. Go inside the tunnel where the headcrabs came from and you will reach
your crash landing site. Don't try to cross the broken fence just yet or you
will die electrocuted. You will have to find a way to turn the power off.
Enter the huge silo doors and kill the few crabs that will get in your way.
You will see another open area with crates. Break them to get your first
bullets. Do not touch the door or you will lose health. Instead, go inside the
ventilation shaft and cross when the bolts disappear. Be careful not to touch
any walls and stop the electricity by using the breaker. Pick the Desert Eagle
next to the dead bodies and open the door. Just make sure you turn your laser
sight on by pressing the alternate fire button or you will realize just how
bad it aims without it. On your way back to the helicopter you will be
ambushed by two alien slaves. They won't cause you any trouble: just pop a few
round of your new pistol on them. When you are on the other side, operate the
radio to get the order to pull out by the transit system. But before going
down the ladder make sure you broke all the crates. (From now on, I'm gonna
drop that brake the crates routine. I'm sure you know all the good stuff is in
there..:o) Now go down the ladder, avoiding the barnacles and not wasting your
ammo on them. Kill the alien slave and take the shotgun by the dead marine.
Make your way down the ladder, shooting the slaves and avoiding the steam. You
will reach an elevator going down. Do not let your guard down as a duo of
salves is on board. Now this is a tricky part: Jump over the broken bridge
and, when the floor starts breaking, walk next to the big red "secure access"
door on your left and wait patiently. Don't panic as a platform on ceiling
will fall and you will be able to climb on it. From there, go left and run to
the security door while taking a glance at the G-man that did this mess. Once
the door is open, take a quick rest from your emotions and push the elevator's
button. Jump over the green ooze and kill the crabs to reach the control panel
while being sure you haven't missed any ammo on the way. Move the platform in
such a way that you will be able to jump from the crates in front of you to
the crates with a battery on top of them. After you've done that, push the
button next to the door to open it. Jump once more on the platform, this time
to reach the crate with the crab on it. And now do a final jump to reach the
other side. Push the button on the barricade to open it and enter the broken
pipe near the debris of a door. You will fall into a large pool of water. Make
sure you don't hive the gangway when you fall or you will die in quite a
stupid way. Swim into the broken fence and proceed to the ladder while
avoiding the barnacles. Continue walking and avoiding barnacles until your
road separates in two ways. Just go right to pick the grenades and magnum
bullets before going left. You will hear an alarm and ladders will be blocked
by strong steel bars. By reading the inscription on the wall and looking down
you will realize what is the problem: the dumb loading robot is
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Bu kesinlikle tanınan bir half life modu değil .. o kesin.Opposing force zaten değil çünkü orada black mesa ve xen de geçiyor olaylar ve askerimiz kendi poposunu kurtarmaya çalışıyor, venedikle falan alakası yok.

Bir de bunun half-life olmadığını biliyoruz.Hl modlarının hl olmadan çalışmayacağını biliyoruz.Bu oyunun hl ile alakası mı var yoksa tamamen farklı bir oyun da herif sana öylesine verdi hl diye ( Hl 2 olabilir mi acaba ? orada bayağı şehir savaşı vardı.)

yahu sen oyunun kısayolundan falan ismini yazsana buraya veya menudeki ismini. Hiç mi bir şey yazmıyor ki , yani bayağı yardımcı olurdu isim.[signature][hline]What we do in life,echoes in eternity.
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