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Xbox360 failure rate is %54


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The dread Red Ring of Death has long been a feature of Xbox 360 ownership, but a recent survey reveals the shocking truth: the console boasts a failure rate of 54.2%, compared to 10.6% for the PS3 and 6.8% for the Wii.

Microsoft of course never releases statistics on its returns rate, so it has taken a third party survey to uncover the apparent rate. In this case, rag Game Informer surveyed 5,000 readers, asking them about the failure rates of the consoles they owned.

Microsoft’s notorious customer support and warranty system (the subject of a class action lawsuit which forced them to extend Xbox 360 warranties) also come in for criticism: the average turnaround for one of the broken consoles was nearly a month, whilst Nintendo and Sony managed a week. Satisfaction with Microsoft’s support was also a good deal less than with the others.

However, Microsoft’s blasé attitude to the pathetic reliability of its console appears justified: only 3.8% of Xbox 360 owners would never buy another Xbox because of failure.


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Sosyal ağlarda paylaş

hani su son cumle nasil bir faildir anlatamam, konsol noobu olmasan yerden yere carpardim asdfsdf

konsollarin omru 5-6 senedir genc

ps2 im eski kasa aldigimda daha liseye gidiyordum, universite bitiyor 2 sene kalmasaydim master bitiyordu alet hala tas gibi

hala da kullaniyorum

ps1 beni ortaokuldan lise sonuna kadar tasidi

otur asagi sifir
3 senemiymis

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