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[Konu direk c/p tamam da, kendi attığınız başlığı Türkçe yaparsanız iyi olur, Türkçe bir forumdayız malum. -bag]

Upcoming Mount Changes

Quote from: Zarhym (Source)In the next major content patch, we intend to adjust mount requirements to further improve the leveling experience in World of Warcraft. In addition, cast times for summoning all mounts will be reduced to 1.5 seconds, down from 3 seconds. The following is a breakdown of the upcoming cost and level requirement changes we are making for each riding skill.

Apprentice Riding (Skill 75)

60% land mount speed
Requires level 20
Cost: 4 gold
Mount cost: 1 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 20 guiding them to the riding trainer

Journeyman Riding (Skill 150)

100% land mount speed
Requires level 40
Cost: 50 gold
Mount cost: 10 gold
Mail will be sent to players at level 40 guiding them back to the riding trainer

Expert Riding (Skill 225)

150% flying mount speed; 60% land mount speed
Requires level 60
Cost: 600 gold (faction discounts now apply)
Mount Cost: 50 gold
Can now be learned in Honor Hold (Alliance) or Thrallmar (Horde)

Artisan Riding (Skill 300)

280% flying mount speed; 100% land mount speed
Requires level 70
Cost: 5,000 gold (faction discounts now apply)
Mount Cost: 100 gold
Mesaj tarihi:
Level atlarken ciddi hız anlamına geliyor bu değişiklikler yalnız, 1.5sn cast 40 lvlde %100 mount, 60 lvlde %150 flying mount demek düz hesap 100 saatlik 0-70 lvling'in en az 80 saate falan düşmesi demek
Mesaj tarihi:

şimdi farkettim de , uçan binekleri yazarken outland yada northrend diye belirtmemişler

bu değişiklikle azeroth ve kalimdor üzerinde de uçabilirmiyiz acaba artık

ne güzel olurdu (:P)
Mesaj tarihi:
burda yazmak olurmu bilmem ama buda ulduar son degişikliklermiş

The Yogg-Saron encounter has received the following changes: Death Ray no longer hits players who are under the effect of Malady of the Mind, Guardians of Yogg-Saron no longer use Dominate Mind, the spawn rate of Guardians of Yogg-Saron is more forgiving, and these Guardians will no longer spawn if a player that is protected by Hodir’s Flash Freeze hits an Ominous Cloud.
In the opening sequence of Ulduar you can now see Liquid Pyrite from farther away.
The Flame Leviathan encounter has received the following changes: the bonus health Flame Leviathan receives per tower has been reduced, the ejection height from Flame Leviathan has been reduced, the snare effect of the Tower of Frost has been removed, and the cannons on Demolishers and Siege Enginers should now break Flash Frozen vehicles in 1 shot.
The XT-002 Deconstructor encounter has received the following changes: the health of the heart has been slightly reduced in heroic difficulty and the rate at which Gravity Lapse and Searing Light are cast has been reduced.
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