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Senjou no Valkyria: Gallian Chronicles


Öne çıkan mesajlar

geçen yıl yayınlanan bir ps3 oyunundan uyarlama bir seri, geçen haftalarda gösterilmeye başlandı. imparatorluk güçlerine karşı köylerini koruyan bir milis grubunun ordu güçlerine katıldıktan sonraki mücadelelerini işliyor. gençlerin askeri hayata uyum sağlama çabaları yanısıra bol bol tank savaşları da cabası! (tu)

henüz dört bölüm yayınlandı, şimdiye kadar beklediğim kadar eğlenceli çıktı diyebilirim. ekşın, komedi ve potansiyel aşk. karakterler de hoş, alicia başta olmak üzere. :)

bir de yazmadan edemeyeceğim, gölgelere uyguladıkları güzel bir dalga efekti var ki bütün sahnelere hafiften bir suluboya havası veriyor. ps3 oyununda da uygulamışlar benzer bir efekti sanırım, buraya taşımaları çok başarılı olmuş.

königstiger vs 1. dünya savaşı tankları = gg, strateji anlayışımdan tam not aldı edelweiss!
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Şu and gözüme kestirdiğim 1-2 oyun var. Kışa da FF13 çıkıyor. Gerçi şu anda ps3 sattıran oyunların hiçbirisi içimi açmıyor ya neyse

Şu diziyi de izleyin. Yazık eleman kasmış yazı yazmış o kadar. Hiç yoktan reaction princess alicia nın suratları için izleyin
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blizzard ulduar ilk bossu valkryia dan cakmis





hayvan gibi guclu onunden kacman gereken tank
zayif noktasi ustunde adam cikart tepesine zayif noktayi kessin insin

bunu tekrarla ve nuke

blizzard fikri iyi uygulamis en azindan siege enginelari filan isin icine katip, batomys piyadeyi suzgece ceviriyor cunki :(
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oyunda en pis carpildigim sahneydi su

rosie nin seiyuu degsitiginden bu mukkemmel sarkidan mahrum kaldi anime

sunuda canvas engine in mukemmelligi ve sarkinin guzelligi icin birakiyorum spoiler yok isteyen herkes izliyebilir


welkin (tu)
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shitstorm baslamis welkin in karakter oyunda cok arka planda olan faldio one ciksin diye tirtiklanmaya baslayinca

sirf seiyuu su yuzunden (spinzaku lulz) faldio yu gereginden fazla gelistiriyorlar

4chan da shitstorm baslamis bile

Yeah, they made Welkin out to be a whiny cunt in the anime.

He was a fucking man in the video game, you fags can call me out on bitching about adaptations, but they really screwed this one up.

In the game Welkin never went emo

it seems like it's all forced drama

Fucking sucks to see the anime take a fun, interesting character like Welkin, who is indeed a very capable leader in the game, and drag him down with their shitastic direction.

It’s really, really annoying

The one thing that stood out in the game, in a war story was that all the characters were sympathetic and well rounded. The dialogue and plot was well written.

Some how, they’ve decided to get some hacks who can’t even appreciate the original to write the anime. The villains are decidedly one dimensional and boring, even Damon, who doesn’t seem to care about Gallia at all. Welkin is turned from a careful but lost in his own world guy into a complete tosser.

There was real sympathy for the Darcsens in the game, but here, it’s overdone and comical

If you guys have a chance, play the game or at least watch it on youtube

Anyone think that Welkin is comparable to Narumi from the first season of Kimi ga Nozomu Eien yet? I think he was by far the worst male protagonist ever. I can at least understand Makoto from school days… he was just horny.

they turned Welkin from a quirky yet strong, forceful, and effective leader into a total vanilla dumbass and turned Alicia from a sweetheart into a fucking stupid and hostile tsundere. I've been watching anime for several years, and this is one of the very few that I've deliberately dropped. Hell, given how they handled Welkin and Alicia

>>‘finally have to say that Welkin is one of the worst protagonist I have seen the last couple of years.’

You see, this is why I hate the Anime adaptation. Welkin in the game is one of the most capable and flat out inspiring protagonists in a very, very long time. To see them take such a strong character and run him through the ground like this is just terrible. Seriously, play the game. I implore EVERYONE to play the game. It’s so much better.

welkini KGNE narumi ile bile karsilastirmaya baslamislar o derece adami yerin dibine soktu su son bolum


oysa bole rullaz birseyi yapabilicek kadar super bir adamdir welkin ehah
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