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Patch notes for Apocrypha 1.1, 16 nisan 2009

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Evet yeni peç çıktı. birasdan açılıcak server.
bakalım neler getirmiş.Patch notları

Gelenler içerisinde en önemlileri T3 lere ilişkin heralde:
Tech 3

The fourth offensive subsystem will allow the fitting of covert ops cloaking devices and the ability to use covert ops jump bridges.
The fourth defensive subsystem will provide a bonus to warfare links.
The fourth propulsion subsystem will provide immunity against non-targeted warp disruption fields, interdictor spheres or anchored bubbles.
The fourth engineering subsystem will give you a bonus to heat damage reduction allowing you to overheat your modules for longer.
The fourth electronic subsystem will provide bonus to equip an expanded probe launcher and gain a 10% scan strength bonus to probes per level
The "Legion Offensive - Convergent Beam Focuser” subsystem has been renamed to “Legion Offensive - Assault Optimization” and now gains a bonus to Heavy assault missile damage and missile launcher rate of fire following a new Khanid focus.
Mesaj tarihi:
abi ingilizcesini sayfada görüyoruz da bu patch note larını birileri doğru şekilde çevirip şuraya koysa ingilizce biliyoruz ama tercüme hatalarının kurbanı olmayalım.
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