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Hired Guns: The Jagged Edge


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Bu oyuna sarmış durumdayım, herkes yerden yere vurmuş ama artık yamalarla falan gayet düzgün durumda oyun. Ve original olmasa da yamaları kendi serverından hemen çekiyor:D
Bir de mod çıkarmış elemanlar, çok şeye ayar çekmişler, mutlaka deneyin derim, forumunun ve dl linkini ekliyorum. Bence bir şans daha verilmeyi hakediyor oyun, zira JA3 yalan oldu. Firma batmış, ya 1-2 sene sonra çıkar ya hiç çıkmaz diyorlar. Grafik diye diye başını yediler güzelim JA serisinin, son dağıtımcı grafikleri beğenmeyip bu satmaz diyince tekrar başlamışlar işe ve de şirket batmış. Herifler bu oyunlarda grafik aranmadığını hala çözememiş, sanki çoluk çocuk oynuyor JA'yı pehhh.
Ahanda modun linki: http://www.gamemodshosting.com/showfile-52/fine_tuned_17.zip%22%20title=%22download%20file%20from%20Game%20Mods%20Hosting

Fine Tuned modu açıklama:

This mod use as base the work of Reinforce (Jagged Edge Reinforced 1.3) but a lot of it has been tweaked and changed (i have no skinning or modeling skills so all that can be found in the mod are either dev's work or Reinforce). I rebalanced all the weapons in the game, they have in general greater range and some do more damage to reflect the weapon's power or it's ammos. I adjusted AP for each weapons to reflect their cycling rate and ease of use. I made a lot of other changes to try to make each weapons closer to what they are in RL (i'm open to arguments here if someone disagree) using this site http://world.guns.ru/main-e.htm. I also added a few unused melee weapons (machete, throwing knife(can't be thrown :( ) and a few others) and adjusted their stats so they are not exactly the same. I fined tuned the grenades, there are now quite a few differences between them other than damage. Made a few adjustment to the availability of weapons and other stuff, cheap and common hardware appear more often at the shop while expensive or rare stuff less often. I also made a few improvement to the AI so it waste less AP doing redundant movements (like going back and forth for no reason), chose better when to go into melee, know when to switch between melee and ranged weapons and most importantly, know where and when to use grenades (no more spam, but bunching up attract grenades). I reworked all the inventory mercs and other characters carry, expect to see more melee weapons and fashionable gears like bandanas and caps, and the weaker enemies are less likely to be armored and well armed (also reduced the amount of grenades, about everyone had many of them). Also note that machineguns now use boxed ammos that can't be used with other guns (because they are belted). I did add a few descriptions to weapons and equipment in the game. And last, i rebalanced every character in the game to be more human and reflect their class and threat factor, they are no hercules or god of war left :). There are fewer differences between easy / medium / hard difficulty level, equipments and weapons remain the same, but hiring cost change, as well as how easy it is to hit your enemies (of course, i might add a few differences later).

New weapons :
From Jagged edge Reinforced : Rx4 Storm, Bushmaster ACR, G36C, G36k, MP7A1, HK416, HK416 Carbine, HK417, SCAR-L, SCAR-H, SIG556, M99 Beretta Sniper rifle, AK-74M, Groza, FN FaL DMR, HK21E LMG, HK MG43, M249 SAW, PKP Pecheneg, TKB-0145K Sniper rifle, L96A1 Accuracy International PM, Steyr Scout, PGM 338, RAI Model 300, SVN-98, V-94 "Vzlomscik", AT4, GM-94.

From this mod : AR-15, Berdysh, Grach, S&W 5906, TMP, Vikhr, Kiparis, Glock 21, Desert Eagle .357, PK, RPK, FN49, PSS, Machete, Small Knife (it's a throwing knife, but can't be thrown), Kinjal, Kuchil, Brass knuckles, rk95tp, rk62, m62s, m2carbine, m67, l2a2, lu-213, rgk-3, m26, sae210, sae310, sig550, fnmag, mk46, mk11, sr25, hkump 9mm, dm-51, dm-61, rgo, e-105.

Revision :
1.7 - Fixed the neutral AI so it turn hostile if you take shots at it. - Improved the AI code so npcs don't try to aim through walls or large obstacles (things that block line of sight completely). This speed up battles.

1.6d - Added missing names to new characters i added. - Further fixes to AI inventory - Changed the look of civilians at the mines so they look like workers.

1.6c - Fixed several AI bugs.

1.6b - Fixed a bug that crippled the AI (introduced by 1.6a). - Fixed a few AI's inventory mistakes. - Did a few tweaks to the AI.

1.6a - Added the missing grenades. - Added new grenades : dm-51, dm-61, rgo, e-105. - Improved grenade descriptions. - Several minor fixes. - Increased the odds AI throw a grenade when target is behind obstruction. - Enabled the guards (guys holding the heavy weapons like machineguns) to move like everyone else. - Disabled the line of code that made soldier switch to a knife when negociating around obstacles.

1.6 - Added several new hats. - Made some some improvement and fixes to the AI. - Corrected description for akm (now state it has 40 bullets capacity). - Fixed a few typos in Things.xml that made some soldiers spawn without a gun. - Fixed ragdoll physics so corpse drop properly when killed. - Added new description to several armors and helmets/hats. - Made changes to armor protection.

1.5b (minor fixes) -Missing 7.62x33 ammo added (caused crash). -Missing mk 48 and mk 46 picture added.

1.5a -Fixed bug that prevented spawning on certain maps. -Swapped the look of kevlar helmet with the heavy helmet (look more appropriate). -Increased the availability of FM P90 and FMK-3. -Removed extra files i added by mistake in v1.5, the archive will be smaller now.

1.5 -Fixed a serious bug with the AI that was introduced with 1.4. -Reworked the whole inventory of every characters in the game. -Modified missions so new inventory show up. -Adjusted stats of characters for each difficulty level. -Fixed some visual issues with some characters in the game. -Fixed sound and explosion effects for grenade launchers and rocket propelled grenades -Fixed buckshots, they now spread properly. -Reduced number of shotgun pellets to 12 (more standard), and reduced the damage penality. -Added new grenades : m67, l2a2, lu-213, rgk-3, m26, sae210, sae310 and renamed the old ones to their proper names. -Fixed RPO-A rocket launcher, used to have 2 ammo and ridiculous damage, as well as being available too early. -Reduced the AP cost of shooting GL and RPG. -Adjusted the AP cost of shooting heavy snipe rifles. -Adjusted damage and fire rate of m2 machinegun. -Added rk95tp, rk62, m62s, m2carbine, sig550, fnmag, mk46, mk11, sr25, hkump 9mm. -Removed ammo restriction, you can now swap ammos as in stock game. -Added silencer capability to most rifles, including 7.62 ones. -Removed sight restrictions to weapons because adding a scope don't change the sight angle, this caused an imbalance between scoped rifles and the ones with the add on. -Adjusted range of carbine types rifles : they now have shorter range and lower accuracy, but have longer burst (ideal for cqb). -Fixed weapon sounds, there was a few mistakes and missing sound. -Made a few adjustments to several weapon's stats. -Changed the availability of certain weapons. -Fixed the availability of clips/mags so they appear when they are needed (there was a few oddities). -Fixed ammo count on shotguns, their clips now match their capacity and reload/unload correctly. -Reduced the space used by ammos, i had set the values too high, it prevented players from carrying healthy supply of them and caused problems with the AI. -Changed max ammos on machineguns to create some difference between them (added ammos box for them too). -Reduced price of addon. -Added modified combat icons, they should no longer mask the targets.

1.4 -Several more fixes to weapons and ammos -Added several new weapons to use (AR-15, Berdysh, Grach, S&W 5906, TMP, Vikhr, Kiparis, PSS, Glock 21, Desert Eagle .357). -Improved AI stamina and AP management. -Adjusted rifles power, reliability and rarety (so it's easier to get them than sniper and a good alternative to AR). -AI won't sneak and dodge if no armed enemies present (ie attacking civilians). -Shotguns are now more common at the shop -adjusted wich AR weapons could use silencers (most can now, exept the large caliber or the already silenced) -Sniper don't support any option now, they don't need any. -Added new ammunition for the new weapons. -Made a few adjustments to damage fallof of each types of ammos (there was a few mistakes and oddities there). -Adjusted weapon pricing, some had ridiculously low price for how good they are (like the Calico). -Fixed the Groza loudness, it's supposed to be silenced. -Changed the Enfield l85a1 to l85a2 (no point in having an unreliable crap when we have so many weapons to chose from). -Fixed weapon reliability to be closer to RL, there was some wacky numbers there. -Improved appearances of shotgun tracers, they feel more right now. -adjusted shotguns accuracy ; it's unfortunate but pellets spread is linked to accuracy, it also mean slug are innaccurate too.

1.3 -Fixed a few mistakes in the data files. Some weapons did not have their ammos, or could not use them. -Made a few balance fixes to the Data Files. -Started to rewrite the items descriptions so they are more informatives (uploaded as a second file due to file size restriction).

1.2 -Lowered stamina cost and made crouch as fast as walk (hey, moving crouched isn't that slow) -Improved AI, now don't run so much, will be able to sneak on you. -Changed the special skills of many enemies, many were not useful. -When low on breath, there is a chance the AI will pause to catch it, this should prevent the AI from always fighting breathless.

1.1 -Fixed clip/magazine inventory space, cost and availability. -Fixed a corrupt file -Fixed AI bug left in the last version (Damn it was hard to find) that prevented melee attacks. -Fixed AP ammos values (damage too low) -Sniper ammos are special now, don't mix with standard rifle ones. -A small fix to enemies inventory -Greatly improved the AI, it's now much smarter than stock.

1.0 First version.

Future plans :
-Improving the AI further, i prefer smarter enemies than having them with super human stats. -Having models and skins for every weapons added by Reinforce (Can't make them myself though). -Adding hand axe (with model, this is africa after all :) ), having models for crowbar. -Finish the translation of comments in the LUA files to make AI modding easier. -Changing the Quiz so it's less guesswork to create our avatar. -Adding new types of armor. -Adding new character skins. -Adding even more weapons.

Install tips :
-Make backups of your Basis directory before installing this or any other mod. (note: if you already modded the game before making backup, it's better to reinstall the game and make a fresh backup, with latest patch installed). -Copy the basis directory of this mod over the basis directory of the game, you must overwrite any file that you are prompted to do. If for some reason you end up with duplicate file/directory or extra directories that did not exist before (like "fine tuned xx"), remove those and start over. -If you have a non english version of the game, you have to copy all the files contained in the mod locale/usa dir to your localised dir so the new names and description show up (you end up with english words along whatever language you normally use though).

Credits : Reinforce (Jagged Edge Reinforced)

Note : I strongly suggest starting a fresh game to make use of this mod, especially if you started it under a previous version of this mod. Some of the changes made in earlier version are likely to cause crashes if used with old savegames. Game started after v1.5 should not cause problems.

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bundan neredeyse son kısımlara kadar gelmiştim ama sonra 7.62'yi oynayınca bir daha bakasım gelmedi. 7.62'deki spm (smart pause mode) olayı bütün turn-based ve köhne interrupt sistemini çekilmez kılıyor bir kere oynayınca doğrusu.

ja3 hakkında daha dün bakınıyordum ama öyle birşey görmedim, umarım doğru değildir. onun dışında başka oyun yoktu çünkü bu tarzda çıkacak önümüzdeki dönemde. büyük açlık var, oyun yok squad tactics. :/
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Ya bende o pause muhabbetine alışamadığım için salladım 7.62'yi, yoksa güzel oyundu. Aslında pause olayını ilk Last Days of Gaia'da görmüştüm ve onu da bu yüzden bıraktım, yoksa Gaia'nın atmosferi, konusu falan fevkalade, müzikleri yeter zaten. Eğer pause olayına alışırsam asıl Gaia'yı tekrar denemek istiyorum, almanca ama ing altyazı ile idare edecez artık.
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Dragonutopia said:

Ja3 üzerine calısıyorlar..hatta yardım ediyorum :)

Kullandıkları Silent Storm motorunu dağıtımcı firma beğenmemiş ve en baştan işe başlamışlar diye okumuştum. Şu ara nette kimisi tekrar ertelendi diyor, kimisi iflas yüzünden iptal oldu diyor. Sen ne duydun çıkış tarihi için, 6 ay içinde çıkması lazımdı ama?
Madem adamlarla bağlantın var, akıl versen de hiç olmassa Mount&Blade gibi beta satışlarla para bulsalar, hem gelen feedbackler sayesinde efsane bir oyun ortaya çıkar.
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Akellada calisan Alexander adinda bir adamla maillesiyorum..Bildigim kadariyla bu adam JA haklari icin aracilik yapan bir adam yani direk designer yada programmer degil zaten coder sirketin de degistigi soyleniyor..Baska bir sirkete verilip verilmediginden haberim yok ama verildiyse bile Rusya icerisindedir zaten bu adamlar ekmek yapar gibi oyun cikartiyorlar..Silent storm motorunun gelistirilmis versiyonunu kullandiklarini biliyorum ama publisher begenmedi die neredeyse bitmis bir oyunu cope atmazlar,hired guns gibi adini degistirip cikartirlar..2010 basi yada ortasi olarak belirlenmis cikis tarihi evet ertelendigi dogru sonucta her oyun ertelenebilir..
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