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Upcoming Element Shaman Changes!!!!


Öne çıkan mesajlar

We are making some upcoming changes to the Elemental shaman tree. Our goal was to streamline a few of the utility-based talents while giving shamans a little more damage scaling in later tiers of gear.

* Unrelenting Storm – reduced from 5 points to 3 points. Bonus is 4/8/12% of your Intellect returned as mana.
* Elemental Warding – now reduces all damage (not just Nature, Fire and Frost) taken by 2/4/6%
* Elemental Shields – this talent has been removed, since its effects were combined with Elemental Warding.
* Storm, Earth and Fire – reduced from 5 points to 3 points, but keeps around the same net benefit. In addition to current effects, also increases Wind Shock range. The damage bonus to Flame Shock has increased to 60% at 3 ranks. Storm, Earth and Fire has been moved up the tree as well.
* Shamanism – this is a new 5 point talent in the old Storm, Earth and Fire position. Your Lightning Bolt and Lava Burst gain an additional percentage of your bonus damage. We have not finalized the numbers, but it will probably be something like 10% for Lightning Bolt and 20% for Lava Burst at max ranks.

These changes will be available in the next minor content patch, and are in addition to the AE changes mentioned previously.

pve icin super deisiklikler umarım pvp dede biraz buff gelirde biraz arena yapabiliriz :)
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yok yav o kadarda deil

bunu bana yazdıydsan Elemental Warding

ele shammy arenada iş görebiliyordu. 5v5.

evt 1 Chain Lightning atıodum sora bi Bloodlust atıodum ondan sora direk lock down ve ole kosturuodum binevi player lara karsı tanklık yapıodum yani. bizim dps ler birine kitlenmisken healerlarımızda beni ayakta tutmaya calısıodu. Yani cokta fazla zevkli deil dogru duzgun skill kullanamadan kosturmak...
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Çıkmazda değil aslında, ancestral bilmemne bi talent koymuşlar mesela, onu fear'da stunda dmg., düşürme olayı yerine fear stun resist chance falan yapsalar, üstüne de o dmg. reduct. u ekleseler yine shamanın bütün cc sorunu çözülür aslında. Ya da ne bileyim bir skill verirsin 30sn cd'li falan player stun'a fear'a girdiğinde dot yer atan adam. Elemental falanca dersin adına class'a da uygun olur.
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totem sistemide problemli suan tekbi macro ile koydugun butun totemler 3 4 sn icinde yok olmus olabilio. zaten pvp de en fazla 3 totem koyabiliosun malum 1.5 sn GCD(gerci 1 e indirmislerdi yanlıs hatırlamıosam). toteminde hp si 5 olduu icin direk yok edilio. onada bi cozum lazım yani ...
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