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i doser


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Mesaj tarihi:
Konuyu doğru yermi actım bilemiyorum?

iş yerinde arkadaşla torrentte link ararken karşılaştığımız bir dosyayı sizinle paylaşayım dedim.

70 mb yakın ses dosyası bulunmakta! ...ve bu ses dosyaları size gönderdiği sinyallerle o anki ruhsal durumunuzu bir şekilde tetikliyor.

biz bir kaçı denedik! mesela "quick happy" adlı soundu dinledik bir süre sonra ikimizinde kollarında garip sızı oluştu ve gülmeye başladık :) (ya da biz öyle sandık):D

bir çok farklı ruh halini tetikleyen sesler bulunmakta bu paketin içinde.


bunlardan bir kaçı,

. said:
Sexual (VERY Strong)
50 Minutes

An orgasm is defined as the release of sexual tension built up during sexual stimulation
such as masturbation or intercourse. It is a feeling of intense pleasure. Contractions of
muscles occur, a world of pleasures and vibrations envelope your entire body and soul, and
there is a release unlike anything you have ever experienced. You shake, quiver, and a
sensation unlike any other in the world happens over every inch of your pleasured body.
Orgasms are one of those things that are difficult to describe, but if you have one,
you'll know it. With out orgasm dose, you'll know it!

Out of Body
Stimulant (Strong)
30 Minutes

This dose is to help assist you in experiencing an out of body experience: defined as an
experience in which a person seems to perceive the world from a location outside the
physical body. The consciousness separates from the body and is free to roam the earth
plane. Phenomena associated with the out of body experience are things like remote viewing
or other such seeing of places and people as they exist in this time and place. "I floated
up out of the house into the sky and became aware of everything around me. Then suddenly,
I could perceive all time and in particular the whole of my life. I could see clearly that
everything that seemed real and solid was just an illusion of mind. Time and space did not
exist." 75% of out of body experiences happen while the user is laying down or sitting and
relaxed, so put on the headphones and go into a deep state. You just may have an out of
body experience.

Prescription (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

Probably one of the most abused prescription drugs ever, we have finally achieved the
impossible: The PERFECT simulation of a high level dose of oxycontin. Oxycodone is an
opiate, narcotic analgesic, used primarily in the treatment of pain. It is one of two
derivatives of morphine, the other being hydromorphone. While oxycontin in it's prescribed
form is always time-release, we have removed that factor from our simulation. Oxy will hit
you will full force, so that is why we recommend those for only the most advanced doser!

Recreational (VERY VERY Strong)
35 Minutes

If you are new to hallucinogenic experiences then we HIGHLY suggest starting with our TRIP
dose. It is MUCH more mellow than Peyote. If you really want to fly through the outer
stratosphere, then we are happy to offer you Peyote. We sent one of our senior techs to
Amsterdam to sample some of the best Peyote in the world, equipped him with a laptop, and
told him to write a dose that gets you as close as possible. He came back with this, and
it BLEW OUR MINDS! Causes a mystical loss of oneself, disorientation of the senses,
distortions in body image, distortions in perception, the inability to communicate and
hyper suggestibility. A true altered state of consciousness, not a toy, not for the weak
minded, not for MOST people. If you aren't ready, STAY AWAY! We warned you.

Stimulant (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

The ups and downs of life can hurt. People can feel happy, sad, depressed, all over an
entire gambit of moods and stimulations. Prozium is the answer to an evened-out life,
mellow and secure, and able to deal with any of the barriers life can throw in front of
you. Do you feel angry? Prozium. Do you feel sad? Prozium. Is something just a little off
with you today! PROZIUM! Even out your entire day, and be ready for anything. Dose it in
the morning, and drift through the day with ease and confidence. Dose it at night, and be
able to deal with the trials and tribulations or family, relationships, or inner chaos.
This dose will smooth over your soul. You will never feel so even.

Antidepressant (Moderate)
5 Minutes

QuickHappy is for when you need that quick little pick-me-up. While not as strong or as
long-lasting as our other antidepressant doses, it is the perfect amount for when you need
a quick hit in the morning, at lunch, or right when you get home from work. At only 5
minutes to bring you from an alpha 10hz down to a soothing carefree .20hz, it has become a
favorite "Monday Morning Dose." You will be amazed at how much easier it is to head into
the office after using QuickHappy.

Recreational (Very Strong)
30 Minutes

Party all night! The lights, the waves of bliss that cover over your entire body, the
euphoria that streams through your veins, pumping music, non-stop dance, the way every
single little touch or look hits you with such force that the world is completely inside
you, around you, over and under you, one with you. Perfect for a night out dancing, going
to a rave, being with friends or lovers, and good for overall enhancement. This dose was
modeled after that oh-so-popular rave drug and let us tell you: it comes VERY close:
warm-hearted, connected – and a very powerful emotional release! Experienced users only,
please! Ecstasy! FINALLY!

Brain Reset
20 Minutes

Reset will reset your brain to a normal 8hz level, or normal and awake. This dose was
designed so you could "reset" your brain if you wanted to get rid of the effects of a dose,
or try another dose and "clear" your brain before you administrate another one! Because
many I-Doser doses are so very powerful, we do not recommend you piggy-back doses one after
another. If you try a dose, and then want to try another, MAKE SURE you use a reset dose
in between! Order some today so you always have them on hand! Using reset is the ONLY way
to try multiple doses in succession.

Sleeping Angel
Sedative (STRONG)
25 Minutes

"Sleeping Angel" is our perfect nap, or evening doze into sleeping bliss. Lay back, put on
the headphones, and let it open by syncing to your current awake brain waves, then
gradually bring you down into a Theta state, and tuck you gently into Delta. Your sleep,
your perfect rest, is delivered through pink noise that gradually fades while the binaural
beats take charge. By the end of 25min you will have gone from your regular awake state,
softly guiding through Theta, and then drift into a perfect-sync Delta, at which point you
will be zoning in a perfect rest: hypnotic, wonder, sleep. Sleeping with Angels.

Similar in effect to: Diazepam (Valium)

Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

When we did a poll asking I-Doser users what they were looking for, many said they would
love a pick-me-up for when days were sluggish. Our popular French Roast dose did the trick,
but the emails still poured in. They wanted more, complete awake, aware, heart-pounding,
spine tingling awake to REALLY get trough a day (or, a night!) Here it is, perfected and
FINALLY available after months of waiting: SPEED! Get: increased energy and alertness, a
decreased need for sleep, euphoria, increased sexuality, and visual & auditory
hallucinations. You must be aware this is more extreme than other wake-you-up doses, so it
is recommended for only advanced users. VERY advanced users.

Pure (4 to 8 Hz)
30 Minutes

This is the region between sleep and wakefulness, in which dreaming and other dream-like
or hypnagogic experiences occur. It's that bit just before you actually fall asleep at
night, or just before you are really awake in the morning. They say it's in this band that
the unconscious talks to the conscious mind. It also seems to be connected with psychic
or ESP-type functioning. Found in states of deep relaxation, theta activity is also
associated with bursts of creative insight, twilight sleep, learning and vivid mental
imagery. It is also found in more advanced meditators.

Sedative (Semi-Moderate)
30 Minutes

Tranquil is so hard to define we almost didn't approve it as a dose. Such an interesting
one, Tranquil is. There were so many supporters of it, we had to include it. What it does
NOT DO: Tranquil does not make you tired, it does not put you to sleep, and won't even
make you drowsy. Tranquil is a soul dose. It eases your soul, harmonizes you with the
earth, and space, and everything that is. Called the "mircale drug" around the offices,
it just seems to melt you easily into the earth, warms your soul and heart, and covers you
in invisible glow. So hard to describe, we can only beg you try it for yourself. Feel the
warm soul experience.

Prescription (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

Modeled after the effects achieved from a strong dose of Vicodin, this is soon to become
one of our most popular prescription doses. It will bring on in waves: improvement of mood,
reduction of pain, and extreme euphoria. As the dose nears the end you will feel twinges
of light-headedness, sedation, and you will notice a change in focus and attention. Things
will drift, lights will fade, and you will feel the massive haze that is one of our most
powerful prescription simulations: Vico!

White Crosses
Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our
monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said.
OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and
intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels
they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness
quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the
experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we
put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This
underground bastard-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned
out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses.

Recreational (VERY STRONG)
30 Minutes

It is known as crazy medicine. This dose, which creates an intense hallucinogenic effect
and can enable users to stay aware, alert, and awake, makes for a powerful one-two punch:
hallucinogenic + stimulant = YaBa. You will have an extreme sense of alert while
experiencing some hallucinogenic effects such as sound distortion, vivid colors, and
visual effects. The combination of these two types of doses can have different effects on
the user, but on thing is sure: it has the potential to be a very powerful combination,
so please use with caution. CRAZY MEDICINE!
  • 2 yıl sonra ...
Mesaj tarihi:
bu konuyu ben açıkcaktım arama yaptım açılmış. ama eklemek istediğim bi kaç ses dalgası var.

ses dosyaları

Gate of hades
En muhteşem dozlardan, korku, ölüm hissi ve hiçbir zaman yaşayamayacağınız bi heyecan.

Hands of god
Orjinal fiyatı 200$. Ne kadar muhteşem bir doz olduğunu anlamak için youtube'a bakın.

Eroinin bi alt versiyonu. eroinden önce bunu dinleyin

Eroin:Uyarici, Eroin etkisi yapar

Güçlü açık göz halüsinasyonlar görürsünüz.

Lucid Dream
Rüyada, rüyalarınızı kontrol etmenizi sağlayan muhteşem doz. Uyku felci(karabasan) sorunu yaşayanlar uzak dursun.

Marihuanna: Marihuanna etkisi yapar

Orgazm: özellikle bayanlar da etkili, ilişki esnasında veya öncesinde dinlenebilir.

Out Of Body
Ruhun beden dışına çıkıp astral seyahat yapmasını sağlar.

En ağır uyuşturucu doz. Yeni başlayanlar denemesin.

quick happy
Hızlı mutlu edici doz. 5dk'lık

Sleeping angel
uyku getirici, uyku sorunlarına birebir.

Uyku problemi yasayanlar icin sleep up kişisel tavsiyemdir.(sadece iphone/ipad/ipod)

Metabolizma hızlandırır, uyku kaçırır

"Ruh Okşayıcı". En ilginç dozlardan. nasıl olduğunu anlamak için denemeniz lazım.

White crosses:
Bu dozu, dozu yapanlar bile açıklayamıyor. Mutlaka denemelisiniz.

Çok güçlü hayalgördürücü, enerji verici.

Meditasyon,dinginleşme için

Üst üste dinlediğiniz dozlar işe yaramaz. İki doz arasında bunu dinleyi.

Multi Orgasm
Yoğun,Çoklu orgazm

Çok aşırı güçlü uyku getirici

10dk.lık hızlı uyuşturucu. Güçlü öfori.

Göz açıkken bile güçlü hayal gördürücü, hayat değiştirici.

Yaratıcılık ve zeka arttırıcı, 10dk'lık hızlı doz

Black Sunshine
White crosses'in bi gömlek üstü.


Kristal Meth:
Uyanıklık, motivasyon ve kısa dönem beyin aktivitesini artırır

uyarıcıdır, hayalgucunu arttırır, metabolizma hızlandırır

French Roast
Konsantrasyon arttırır,dikkat toplar.

Alkol etkisi yapar, heroin vs kullandıktan sonra, reset sonrası kullanılmalıdır

Güçlü ağrı geçirici

Stresten arındırır,mutlaka gözleriniz kapalı dinleyin

ekstazi den daha güçlüdür,bayanlara tavsiye edilmez

müzikler dinlendikten sonra olabileceklerden sorumlu değilim.
Mesaj tarihi:
bunlarda tribe giren insanların videoları. feyk yada değil diye bişi de diyemem

1. http://tinyurl.com/5t4a5gj
2. http://tinyurl.com/6dv7c9a
3. http://tinyurl.com/5wqjjh2
4. http://tinyurl.com/69zoup8
5. http://tinyurl.com/4mxlhg8
6. http://tinyurl.com/5vcfgy8
7. http://tinyurl.com/6gaa5jm
Mesaj tarihi:
abi kendinize güvenmiyorsanız dinlemeyin diyorum ben.

he bi de şöyle bişi diyorum, eğer müzik kulağınız güçlüyse kesin etki yapar. ama öle paldır güldür şarkı dinleyen adamlarda pek bişi yapacağını sanmıyorum.
Mesaj tarihi:
sennheiser cx300 ile dinledim uyku adrenalin ve alkol

şunu söleyebilirim ki ilk başlarda yok olmaz böle şey yalan vs dedim ilkinde etki etmedi sonra bir daha denedim adreanlini placebo etkisi dedim bu seferde kalbim küt küt atıyor ağzıma mide suyu geliyordu,

akşam tekrar denedim ve aynı etkileri 2 kat daha fazla gördüm.
bunun üzerine ertesi gün alkol ve mutluluk doselarını aldım ikisi de çok iyi derecede etki gösterdi.

ancak doseların çok iyi kalitede olması lazım piyasadaki 128kbps lik şeylerden degil 320kbps olanlardan dinlemelisiniz
Mesaj tarihi:
eğer bu konuyu merak eden varsa tam olarak nasıl yapıldıgı hakkında ve ses dosyalarını bir tutorial hazırlayabilirim. elimde 60-70 tane 320kbps kalitesinde ses dosyası varç,
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