Luriel Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2011 Hatta başka commentlere bakarken gördüm şu spoilerdaki yazı tam anlamıyla hislerime tercuman olmuş karakterler kısmında. Sam'e de katılıyorum animenin genelinde ne izlediğimiz belli değil konu bi yere bağlanmıyo. But a ton of problems arose as the series went on. The characterization was shallow, and this was surprising coming from BONES. Even at the end of the series, it's hard to sympathize with any of the main characters. The presentation was dramatic without being able to create any drama because the audience just never learns enough about anyone, even Akiyuki. The minor characters (especially Ishu and her crew) were there but you never feel like you know them that well either. When characters cried, I could barely understand why they were crying save for the part about Haru's mother.
Sam Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2011 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 25, 2011 böyle kaba etten hikayeyi 'bağlamaya' ortak bir isim vermişler. cuk oturmuş.
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