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Mesaj tarihi:
Eee. O kadar senkronize ettik saati, tabii ki doğru olacak :)[signature][hline]There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't..

seviyeli muhabbet icin ozelime gelin
Mesaj tarihi:
burda alinmadi saatler ileri felan, bi saat daha fark attiniz bize :)[signature][hline]Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has got one.
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Mesaj tarihi:
karpuz, 28 Mart 2004 09:10 tarihinde demiş ki:

unutmuştuk sabah bile :)[signature][hline]===> orc_lord <===
Buddy'nin resimlerine gider..
Çok abuk subuk bir ismim var bana artık orc da diyebilirsiniz sadece orc :-p
ayy canım cinlerim canım...
cinci şelale hanım
Mesaj tarihi:
sagol karpuz[signature][hline][b]never ask me systematic questions all you do is talk I am coming at you full speed walk on the sidewalk. I will smack your motherfucken face this is not a fucken race so don´t make me chase and place you in space and erase. Cut that fricken noise I sit on the white section with the black voice you don´t have a choice my rap destroys.
I will speak untill you quit stop telling me how to do it because I can rap in both languages real fucken fluent. I got black rap capacity coming from narcotics so don´t piss me off I bury you all with all your rap ethics. I report you transport deport get your passport I escort you to export to take you to the supream coart..
Mesaj tarihi:
karpuz unuttu galiba[signature][hline]''İktidar her yerdedir,direnişte...''Michel Foucault
Bir Ülkede Küçük İnsanların Gölgeleri Büyüyorsa,O Ülkenin Güneşi Batıyor Demektir...
Mesaj tarihi:
neyi ?[signature][hline][b]never ask me systematic questions all you do is talk I am coming at you full speed walk on the sidewalk. I will smack your motherfucken face this is not a fucken race so don´t make me chase and place you in space and erase. Cut that fricken noise I sit on the white section with the black voice you don´t have a choice my rap destroys.
I will speak untill you quit stop telling me how to do it because I can rap in both languages real fucken fluent. I got black rap capacity coming from narcotics so don´t piss me off I bury you all with all your rap ethics. I report you transport deport get your passport I escort you to export to take you to the supream coart..
Mesaj tarihi:
saatin geri alıncagını[signature][hline]''İktidar her yerdedir,direnişte...''Michel Foucault
Bir Ülkede Küçük İnsanların Gölgeleri Büyüyorsa,O Ülkenin Güneşi Batıyor Demektir...
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