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Tradeskills Fixes in the works

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Tradeskills Fixes in the works
Greetings, fellow craftsmen and -women!

I know many of you are concerned about what is happening to the Tradeskills/RnB (resource and building) - I am writing this to inform you more about what we are doing and what is happening to tradeskills soon. I am also writing this in order to explain what has happened to the alchemy crash since todays patch.

Let me start with the bad stuff first.

First off - if you are an Alchemist, opening the tradeskill book by any means will crash your client since last patch. This will be fixed with thursdays patch.

This happened when we were re-arranging some of the potions for tradeskills - If you are an alchemist I'm sure you remember some of the potions would not do anything when created. These potions have been removed from the inventory and will make it back into the game at a later stage. Removing these had an unexpected effect and was unfortunately overlooked by us when patching out the latest patch. We are sorry about this.

Let me assure you - if you are getting the crash, you are not bugged. The recipe book is simply trying to find objects that are no longer available and we have programmers looking into a safeguard for the future so that this type of thing does not happen again.

That's quite enough of the bad stuff. Now I'll detail what we plan on doing with Tradeskills and Resource and Building. Unfortunately, I am unable to give you a timeframe for the fixes and changes below, but we hope to get them done very soon. "Very soon" in this case means expect a few of the changes below to come in as early as thursday. Most of these changes we aim to have ready within a few weeks.


* We will soon have a system where you can unlearn tradeskills.


* We have added an item called "Alchemists Cache" to Mage/priest mobs. This item, when right-clicked, spawns a few random tradeskill resources for alchemists. These resources will include the 'missing' resources (for example Hyena meat and Icy Crocodile tears) so that alchemists are able to progress further than Tier1.
* As soon as possible we will patch out a new Resource and Building population consisting of spiders, hyenas, etc, that will drop the resource "proper". These mobs will be put into Lacheish Plains, Poitain and Purple Lotus Swamp. These mobs will have a typical droprate of between 10-50% droprate of these items.
* At a later stage (still to be determined), we are patching in vendor-bought recipes - these vendor-bought recipes will increase your magic damage. We are also looking into creating various other potions, but thats more hush-hush.


* Architects are undergoing a design-revamp - what exactly is included in this revamp I won't say, but it will allow architects to use their abilities for combat purposes as well as for building the cities.


* Weaponsmiths will get a number of blue recipes in the future. These recipes can be obtained through vendors, world-drops and/or boss-kills. These recipes will be spread throughout the tiers of weaponsmithing and will cover all different weapons (but not ammo).


* As with Weaponsmiths, Armorsmiths will get a number of blue recipes that can be obtained through vendors, world-drops and/or boss-kills. These recipes will provide a more diverse look than what the game currently offers and at level 80, it will be possible to craft an entire set of armor (provided of course that you find the recipes for them).

Resource and Building Regions

* Traders and Trainers will spawn in the guild-cities. These traders and trainers will spawn depending on what building is built (for instance, a Trader will spawn at the Tradepost).
* City-life will start appearing in cities. The more buildings you build, the more NPC's will immigrate to your city.
* We are removing the randomly spawning mobs from the playfields. Instead, we are creating encampments that will dynamically spawn content on the attackers level.
* Quests - we are adding quests to the Resource and Building regions (Lacheish Plains, Poitain, Purple Lotus Swamp). These quests will not be repeatable.

Various other fixes are also being looked at, amongst others the socketing-bugs and the droprate of leather.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya bu oyun hakkinda surekli negatif seler yaziyorumda
abi bu oyun release diil ya
ne demek alchemy ekranini acinca oyun couyodu 1 haftadir ya
bildgin beta abi bu oyun
sizi kandiriyolar
bi suru para verdiniz size zorla beta testing yaptirtiyolar
sole samca bi olay wowda olsa daocta olsa ne biliyim hatta upda olsa
10 saniyede hotpatch gelir ya
bu ne terbiyesizlik be
Mesaj tarihi:
Böyle bir olay başka bir oyunda olamaz çünkü başka oyunlarda patch'i yaptıktan sonra test ediyorlar.

Çanta boyutlarını ikiye katladı adamlar ama o ikiye katladıkları çantalar buglı millet giyemiyor onları :) Ulan bari ikiye katladı mı dur bakalım bi deseydi yapımcılar bug'ı göreceklerdi.

Bir de bi patch'de patch notlarına gemleri düzelttik heyoo diye yazıp da 2 saat sonra "tüh olmamış" dedilerdi, official post editlendi falan :)
Mesaj tarihi:
Adamların test edecek pek zamanı yok doğrudur, haftada 2 patch çıkartırsanız bazı şeyleri değiştirmek için pek zamanınız olmaz. Oyununun daha çok patch e ihtiyacı var ve daha conan bülteninde söylenen değişikliklerin hiçbirini yapamadılar, 1 hafta kaldı haziran'ın bitmesine.
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