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Blizzard mob lvllarını lorea göre hazırlam.. yada vazgeçtim. Evet abi ne öyle koskoca anubarak. Lanet olsun plizzard!

Bide arthas ölmedi. Hala lich kingin içinde yaşıyor. Son combatta bize yardım edicek. Etmezse saçlarımı keserim..

We do, however, intend to allow Druids to be able to use items and enchants with procs in forms, which I believe will work in the next beta build (don't hold me to it though).
Bi ara tbcde de getirmişlerdi bunu betada. Güzel olur uygulayabilirlerse.
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ya kelthuzad azeroth da arthas icin neyse anubarak da northend de oydu. koskoca eski azjol-nerub krali. mid-lvl bile degil low lvl 5 man de olmasi saka olur. gerci blizz farkinda zaten. yazdim bi ustte boyle akama gibi bisiyler olacaktir. olmekten ziyade defeat olur playerlara friendly olup questde felan yer alir. zaten northend e giden kim varsa alayi intikam icin lich king e gidiyor. sonucta anubarak (nerubianlar) lich king'in saldirisi sonucu bu hale geldiler (slyvannas gibi). akama & illidan gibi bisiy yapacaklardir kesin.
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Death Knight

- We have a few reports that Death and Decay is doing too much damage. If it feels like it's overshadowing Unholy Blight, that could be why. (src)
- The very end of the quest chain isn't finished. We are going to do a smoother transition to EP. (src)
- Necrosis should never crit and always hit if the original weapon did. It sounds like a bug. (src)
- A few of you mentioned that Icy Touch should be more of a debuff for Blood and Unholy knights and more of a go-to damage spell for the Frost death knight. That is pretty much our design. The damage boost of Improved Icy Touch probably does need to be higher given that Icy Touch's damage went down. Lowering the cooldown is not something we're crazy about, since it is one of the things that contributes to the feeling of not enough frost runes. The Frozen idea is interesting and might be worth exploring. (src)
- Deathcoil not using any runic power is a bug and should be fixed soon. (src)
- We plan to add, at the very least, one-handed versions of the two-handed runeforging enchants. Having 5% parry on each weapon would be a little crazy, but we could offer 2.5 or 3% on a one-handed weapon. Ideally we'll add some more as well. (src)


- We have no plans to implement a "Dire Cat" form at this time. "Dire Bear" exists for the sole purpose of upgrading the Feral Druid's armor value to match the Warrior/Paladin etc. (Druids get no shield)
We do, however, intend to allow Druids to be able to use items and enchants with procs in forms, which I believe will work in the next beta build (don't hold me to it though). (src)


- Pet skills: We didn't want hunters to have spend a big chunk of talent points just to get pet resistance up to where it is in Burning Crusade. So pets will have some amount of inherent resistance. We're not sure how much that will be yet, but it should be enough that your pet doesn't feel fragile. If you want a truly magic-resistant pet, you can top it off with talents. For now at least the lower ranks of the old resistance skills are just free like Growl and Cower. (src)
- There are talents in all 3 pet trees that you can invest in if maintaining happiness is a problem (or just annoying) for you. We're also trying to give you a few more options to keep your pet alive, such as more Avoidance and reduced spell damage, and even more ways to heal your pet. Of course you can always choose to focus directly on more damage and hope your pet survives long enough to make good use of it. (src)
- Pet loyalty: As far as happiness goes, the pets will behave as if they were at max loyalty. You shouldn't need to feed them more, and with the right talents, you can probably feed them a lot less. In the alpha, I mentioned that it might be a problem if hunters at level 80 run out and grab level 80 pets. Theoretically, you would never need an actual companion in the old sense. You could just get a new pet whenever. In the old system, grinding loyalty and levels discouraged this. (src)
- Exotic pets: We're still working on implementing this particular talent. The talent will allow you to train a different "class" of pets which we're calling "exotic" right now. Only hunters with this talent will be able to train those pets. They won't necessarily be "stronger" (though will all have unique abilities that you can only get from exotic pets), the extra power you should get from the talent will be from the additional pet skill points (pet talent points). (src)
- Think of your pet bar as just shortcuts to your spellbook. It doesn't really matter if an ability is on the bar or not. It can be cast or autocast directly from the spellbook, and unfortunately all new abilities start with autocast defaulted on. This is something we might be able to fix, but in the meantime, peek at your pet's spellbook whenever it gains a level to make sure nothing has changed. Cower can surprise you, because it/si something a lot of players passed on before -- understandably, because even if effective it's not a very fun thing to spend points on, which is why we just give it away now. :)
We haven't done a major pass on threat generation yet for any of the classes. We realize it was very easy in BC for hunters to pull aggro off of their pets. You can probably tell from some of the pet talents (including the ones that just grant more pet dps) that we want pets to be able to hold their own threat against a hunter. This is especially true when it's just you and Bitey out on your own, but ideally a tanking pet with the proper spec will be an effective offtank for 5-player instances, or even a main tank under some circumstances (say a group quest perhaps). (src)


- We've been very busy trying to get everything working for other classes. We'll be doing a polish pass of the Mage very soon. (src)


- In terms of Blessing of Salvation and Defiance, we're turning away from requiring talents and spells to grant threat and instead just "bake" it into the existing threat generation abilities. (src)


- We'll be removing the imposed cooldown on Circle of Healing in an upcoming beta build. We'll experiment with the ability having no cooldown, but it's still possible we may decide it needs it. We are indeed concerned with the impact AOE heals such as Circle of Healing, Chain Heal etc. have in endgame raiding, but we haven't decided the best way to address the issue. (src)


- Doing some changes to poisons, should see them in an upcoming build. (src)
- Riposte: This mechanic is being replaced with "Dismantle" which you can use on demand instead of relying on a proc. (src)


- We'll be doing a polish pass of the Shaman soon. But yes, we do want Flametongue Weapon to be the "Elemental Shaman" weapon. Not sure yet if that is through passive spell damage or a different mechanic. (src)
- Maelstrom Weapon reseting the swing timer is a bug, We hope to have it not reset your swing timer sometime soon. (src)
- All 6 charges of the lightning shield are used up on 1 static shock cooldown, its a bug. (src)
- Spirit Link: The ability has a few bugs right now (and it doesn't have the proper graphic either). The design on the ability may also be changed, we do want Spirit Link to be viable in as many aspects of the game as possible. (src)
- Mana Spring: We'll get that fixed. Healing Stream and Mana Spring were sligthly re-designed to pulse heals/mana to players instead of applying a buff to players. Because of that, the totem is pulsing the healing/mana spell. (src)


- Improved Soul Leech is bugged and should be working in 1-2 builds. (src)
- Haunt is currently not yet completely implemented, we hope to get the damage over time boost effect to work in a future build. (src)
- We're doing a polish pass of the Warlock currently, you'll see some changes in the next build (sometime this week I believe?), and a little more after that until the end of beta. Keep letting us know what you think. (src)
- Design of Demon Form is not yet complete, we're going to give him a strong melee attack and make the form a type of "DPS timer" for PvE purposes. It's texture is also not yet finished. (src)
- Demonic Sacrifice is going back to it's former self in the next patch, although it'll be changed slightly. We want Warlocks to gain benefit from using their pets in PvE, not destroying them for buffs. Demonic Sacrafice was originally created for situations where having a pet out wasn't as viable. Today, that situation is/should be coming less frequent. We realize that is because of issues with the pets (mana regeneration, some are too fragile, etc.) which are have/will be addressing. (src)


- We have more work to do on the Warrior, yes =) . Hang tight a bit longer. (src)
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We're also trying to give you a few more options to keep your pet alive, such as more Avoidance and reduced spell damage, and even more ways to heal your pet.

but ideally a tanking pet with the proper spec will be an effective offtank for 5-player instances, or even a main tank under some circumstances (say a group quest perhaps). (src)
tek başımıza inslere girebileceez mi:P
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Bence anubarak gayetde güçlü bi boss olmalıydı. Lich king ölüm kalım meselesine dandik herif yollamaz. Arthas a yardım etmesi için anubarak ı yolluo ki muhtemelen arthastan sonra en güçlü adamı olarak onu görüodur nerzhul.

Oyun içindede (semphony of frost and flame son bölümü frozen throne un) anubarak resmen arthas tan daha güçlü. Arthas ta mighty 1 diodu herife adama tıkladın mı da qoute: My might can not be matched. Boşuna götü kalkık değildirr yani... Bence kesinlike kendi instance hub undaki 25men raidinin son boss u olmalıydı (lady vash yada kael gibi). Ben şahsen çok severim anubarak ı ki üstüne bide traitor da olsa koskoca prens yani.

Onuda geçtim bari lvl80 instance ında olsaydı...
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Obaaaa süper bir değişiklik var Frostfire bolt 'un açıklamasında değişiklik yapıldı. Artık fire damage vurmuyor, frostfire damage vuruyor. Yani fire ve frost ağaçlarındaki "your frost damage spell" "your fire damage spell" diye biten bütün talentlerin bu büyüye etki edeceği kesinleşiyor gibi.

%200 crit bonuslu, üstüne %40 ignate ile birlikte her cirtte %280 damageler geliyor :D, hatta burnout ile birlikte (1+.5+.5x1+.5x.25)x1.4 den %297.5 crit damage (yuh). Frosttan %15 firedan %10 mana düşürme, üstüne critledikçe %30 mana geri dönüşümü ile burnout'ın mana emme etkisini azaltma, falan derken harbiden WoLK'la birlikte mageler dps yapabilecek hatta diğer classlar QQ ya başlayacak gibi görünüyor :D.
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FreEmoon said:
Obaaaa süper bir değişiklik var Frostfire bolt 'un açıklamasında değişiklik yapıldı. Artık fire damage vurmuyor, frostfire damage vuruyor. Yani fire ve frost ağaçlarındaki "your frost damage spell" "your fire damage spell" diye biten bütün talentlerin bu büyüye etki edeceği kesinleşiyor gibi.

%200 crit bonuslu, üstüne %40 ignate ile birlikte her cirtte %280 damageler geliyor :D, hatta burnout ile birlikte (1+.5+.5x1+.5x.25)x1.4 den %297.5 crit damage (yuh). Frosttan %15 firedan %10 mana düşürme, üstüne critledikçe %30 mana geri dönüşümü ile burnout'ın mana emme etkisini azaltma, falan derken harbiden WoLK'la birlikte mageler dps yapabilecek hatta diğer classlar QQ ya başlayacak gibi görünüyor :D.

bu kadar hesap yaptıysan bi mage bi druide kaç vurucak onu da söyle kardişim :D
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Freemoon'un dediği gibi değil tam olarak sanırım.

Frostfire damage diye birşey olmaz, yeni bir resistance sınıfı ortaya çıkması lazım.

Zaten orada "if the target is more vulnerable to frost damage, frostfire will do frost damage" şeklinde açıklama var.

Magelerin raid ortamında ciddi organizasyon yapması gerekir.

Fire vulnerable ve frost vulnerable olduğunda ne vuracak peki? :p
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Bence o açıklama değişikliği sadece talentler için eklendi, gene fire damage vuracak bu büyü, eğer frost daha çok vuracaksada frost vuracak. Yoksa talentlerden bonus olması dışında bişey değiştiğini düşünmüyorum.

Birde bu frostfire bolt ilk açıklandığında her iki ağaçtanda yararlanacak denmişti. Eğer bu talentlerden yaralanmıyacaksa frosttan hangi talentten yararlanacakki?. Sonuçta bu talentler dışındaki tüm frost talentleri nokta atış bir büyüye atıf yapan talanetler.
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FreEmoon said:
Obaaaa süper bir değişiklik var Frostfire bolt 'un açıklamasında değişiklik yapıldı. Artık fire damage vurmuyor, frostfire damage vuruyor. Yani fire ve frost ağaçlarındaki "your frost damage spell" "your fire damage spell" diye biten bütün talentlerin bu büyüye etki edeceği kesinleşiyor gibi.

%200 crit bonuslu, üstüne %40 ignate ile birlikte her cirtte %280 damageler geliyor :D, hatta burnout ile birlikte (1+.5+.5x1+.5x.25)x1.4 den %297.5 crit damage (yuh). Frosttan %15 firedan %10 mana düşürme, üstüne critledikçe %30 mana geri dönüşümü ile burnout'ın mana emme etkisini azaltma, falan derken harbiden WoLK'la birlikte mageler dps yapabilecek hatta diğer classlar QQ ya başlayacak gibi görünüyor :D.

işte dediğim buydu, sevindirici bir gelişme
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mmo-champ forum said:
Currently it's only affected by one of the two talent trees, but I believe this is a bug because it seems that the first spell damage that is done is the tree that it takes from. Basically if you look at it in the combat log it says Fire+Frost damage when dealing damage, similar to the Felfire abilities of those in Magister's Terrace (which does Nature+Shadow damage).

mmo-champ forum said:
I did a bit of calculations with 1200 spell power and 25% crit as pre-talent stats.

The results are amazing:
While Frostfire only does an average spellhit of 2172 while Frostbolt does 2312 and Fireball even 2816 damage. On the other hand, you gain an amazing 24% crit through talents, which scales amazingly well with both Ice Shards and Ignite.
As a result, Frostfire caught back up in average cast damage and even went slightly past the other two.
With 1362,6 DPS it beats both Frostbolt and Fireball at resp. 1341,1 and 1330,4.
Further more, thanks to the already cheaper mana cost and extra talents added to that, Frostfire gained an amazing 11,82 DPM while Frostbolt was only 8,68 and Fireball even worse at 8,03 (An increase of 47% efficiency!!).
On top of that it also has 10% less threat generation then either spell.

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