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Mortal Online

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Mesaj tarihi:
önemli değil :)

benim karakterden daha kalite yapmışın 1 günde :D

ben ilk statlarım daha çok olsun diye karakteri 1.60a çekiyorum. bide büyücü edası olsun diye 55 yaş yapıom :D

narsor dediğin çok doğru ama oynanış tarzına göre değişecek bir şey. mesela ben ilk yaptığım nyx kılıç 30 vuruyordu. ve nerdeyse hiç stamina yemeden ve çok hızlı vuruodu.
ama yaptığım tungsteel kılıç 55 (yanlış hatırlamıosam) vuruodu ama çok bol stamina yiyip çok yaaştı. dediğim gibi oynanış tarzı.

ben yokken ve geldiğimde fark edemediğim meğer ne çok değişiklik olmuş :D

not: nyx granumu rafine edince bolca çıkıyor...
Mesaj tarihi:
minyon ranger olma fikri türedi okuduklarimdan var mi öyle stealth falan?

veya boy kısalınca kalkanın koruduğu alan artiyor mu yoksa silahlarda karekterin eline geçince karekterin boyuna göre mi büyüyüp/küçülüyorlar?

bir de şey sorcam oyun instanced mi yoksa wow gibi open world mü?
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla minyon olmak bayagi avantaj saglayabilir shieldla birlikte, okcular icin de gicik olabilir durum

Smarthan tungsteel yapinca kilici sallayamiyorum malesef, strength yetmiyor, nyx'le fit fit direk kesiyorum ortaligi ama el goz koordinasyonum cok iyi degildir aslinda. Oyunda savasın nasil gercekten oyuncuya bagli oldugunu soyle anlatiyim, elemanin tekiyle antrenman icin 10-15 dakka kapisip durduk, adama 10-15 saniyede bir kez vurana kadar adam bana 5-6 kez vuruyordu ve olay silah savurma hizi stat filan degildi, anlatmasi biraz zor, darbe yiyince sallaniyorsun bayagi bir, o arada vuran tabi yana filan kacip hazirlaniyor sonraki darbe icin, senin hazirlanip atlatman lazim karsindakini, yana vs atlayip karsindakini atlatabiliyorsun vs vs. Ilginc bi oyun sonucta :)
Mesaj tarihi:
qkantr nin karakteri ile girdim bugün.
şöyle gezindim accık sağda solda. hiç bişi yok tabi üstümde. dedim giysi miysi yapem kendime. başladım maden toplamaya.
biraz topladım. gittim refine ettim fln derken yanımdada bi adam. hiç kıpırdamadan sadece maden topluo. 30 dk fln geçti adam hala orda. dedim herhalde afkdır. macro fln kurmuştur. gittim buun yanına. başladım simple axe ile (starter silah bu) vurmaya. vur vur vur vur derken öldü içinden 944 granum çıktı :D :D

aldım bu granumu. koşa koşa gittim bankaya attım hemen. sonra baktım etrafta kimse yok aldım bankadan gitcem refine etcem ama adam hareket edemio. noluo la derken meğer ağır gelmiş maden.(bankaya kadar nası koştu bende bilmiom) nese nabcaz nabcaz birine sordum. adam söyledi. madendi şuydu buydu bunları bölmek için shifte basılı tutup üstüne tıklamak gerekiomuş.(bilmeyen varsa öğrenmiş olsun) derken bu madenle abuk subuk bi zırh yaptım. böle bi ara resim koymuştum eski karakterimin resmini. heh onun omuzluklarından ama gri. aynı onun botlarından ama gri. birde farklı bir armordanda eldiven (kallardian padded armordu galiba) geri kalanda siyah büyücü cübbesi :D

allahım yarı şovalye yarı büyücü dolanıom etrafta. komedi oldu. bide nyxden balta yaptım. bitanede pigirondan kalkan.
(bu arada zırhlar aktive edildikden sonraki ilk melee savaşım bu. çok fark ediyor artık zırh. mesela adam benim zırhlı yerime vurunca 4 vuruo. ama cübbeme vurunca 7 vuruo. mesela kafama vuruncada 10 vuruo. (eskiden 30 50 gömerdik. baya şoke oldum))

biriyle tanıştım. dedi hadi pratik yapalım kim daha iyi oynuo. bende istemiye istemiye kabul ettim.
neyse bunda 2 tane kılıç. bende kalkan kılıç. başladık vuruşmaya. bi vurdum block yazdı 2 canı gitti. ben blokladım benimde 2 canım gitti. niy böle anlamadım hala. sonuçta ben kalkanla blokluorum.1 fln gitmeliydi canım.yada onun 4 fln gitmeliydi.neysebunla kavga ederken biri geldi. beni heallemeye başladı :D sora kavgayı bıraktık. fln derken dc oldum.
ama hoşuma gitti ya şu bloklama olayı. yani kalkanı önüme çekme olayı. mount&blade yada dark messiahı andırıyor. ama daha shield bash yok galiba oyunda. çalışmıor

edit: söylemeyi unuttum. self heal buldum. (daha dorusu guildden biri anlattı)
önce normal heal atarmış gibi heal büyüsüne tıklıyoruz. ardından animasyonlar geçtikten sonra alta basılı tutup tekrar heal basıyoruz. ta daaaa self heal.

edit2: bi afk daha kestim 1000 granumda ondan çıktı. şu afkları kesin maden kazmak istemiosanız.
bide adamın biri 2 vuruşta öldürdü beni büyü ile :S
Mesaj tarihi:
smarthan guzel tecrubeler :) Combat magic'i 40a kasip ciplak buyucu dehseti yaratabilirsin, makro yap bi kosede kendine curse + heal atip, sonra 40 olunca git dagit milleti. (Dinlenince de attributelarin artiyor ona gore.) Magic kasma ve ciplak saldiri olayi su anda zirhlarda magic protection olmamasindan kaynaklaniyor. E dexterity yuksekse yakalanman da imkansiz. Dun bi okcuyu fitik ettim, grafikler cok iyi, adam yayi release ederken bi sicriyosun kenara, hop, gitti ok seklinde :)
Nyx/wood sap ile saglam vuruyosun ciplak adamlara ama zirhli birinde hemen bitiyor silah. Steel'la yaptigin silahi ise spamliyamiyorsun
Dual wield bildigim kadariyla su anda tek silahtan farkli degil. (Bloklamada fark ediyor sanirim) Bir ele agir bir ele hafif silah olarak ise yariyormus guya ama kalkani tercih ederim, saglam blok atiyosun

Bunlari okuyup saglam dovustugumu sanmayin, 30 yas ustunde el goz koordinasyonu 20li yaslara gore zayif kaliyor, 10 yasindaki yegenimi geciricem klavyenin basina zaten, silkroad oynarken araliksiz 10 dakka goz kirpmadan saniyede 10 mouse tiklamasi yapiyor namussuz :P
Mesaj tarihi:
benim de bildigim kadariyla simdilik yok ama patch'den sonra karakter gelistirmedigimden emin de olamamistim. Belki Katr mining filan yaparken pazularin gorunuyor, ondan dolayi dusunmustum. Henrick ileride karakterleriniz guclendikce kaslanicak dedi valla ama ileride ne kadar ileride bilemem
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu arada massive LOD bitmis ve haftaya patch ile gelecekmis. Bu gelismeyle birlikte yavas yavas yeni content salicaz ortama dediler, sonraki patch'de mountlar olacak, farkli cesitte, farkli zirhli, farkli komutlar verebileceginiz pet'leriniz olacak da diyolar. gibi bilgiler var ortamda. Gorucez...
Mesaj tarihi:
narsor said:

benim de bildigim kadariyla simdilik yok ama patch'den sonra karakter gelistirmedigimden emin de olamamistim. Belki Katr mining filan yaparken pazularin gorunuyor, ondan dolayi dusunmustum. Henrick ileride karakterleriniz guclendikce kaslanicak dedi valla ama ileride ne kadar ileride bilemem

"soon (tm)" dimi :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Öyle güzel anlatmışsınız ki, yıllar sonra oyun oynama hevesi depreşti... UO'dan sonra sanıyorum "budur" diyebileceğiz.

Nasıl başlıyoruz oynamaya?
Mesaj tarihi:
eno cok gaza gelme, UO oynamadim dogrusu, ama Eve oynamis biri olarak eve tadinda fantasy settings diyebilirim, developerlar siki UO'cu bu arada, bir cok sey UO'dan esinlenilip gelistirilmis. Ama su an itibariyle ortada ne cok sey var, ne de az, orta karar gidiyor olay, ama fikirler harika adamlarda. Beta foruma tasidiklari (giris public degil) son developer soru cevap kismini paste ediyim, su anki durum hakkinda fikrin olur. Order siki bir yuzluk gerektiriyor.ATI4850 mobile ile oldukca akici bi sekilde oyunu oynayabiliyorum su an, guzel yani kare sayisi pek ekrandaki kisi sayisina gore degismiyor gibi.
Mesaj tarihi:
Henke: shadow, I use to play aochiv, I just made a heavy swing at the head and it was all over.

Henke, will we be able to eat raw materials used in alchemy? for silly effects
Henke: hengarn, not sure

Henrik - when will we get LOG OFF timers and LOG IN safety timer, if at all?
Henke: betabob, we wont have a timer, we will have visibility on players to protect them when loading

<%Henke> To answer the massiveLOD question, I have wounderful news, we just got it in our build, and we start to add our content as we speak
Henke: Im aiming to patch massivelod the next week

Henke: speed tree 5.0 will probably not be in very soon, its in epics hands

Henke: each pet will have a control point

Henrik: I am concerned about the AI, is this going to be it?
Henke: for ex a chicken will have 1 control point, and a player could have around 3-6 points

Henke: Exodeus, no AI is being further being developed as we speak as well
Henke: we are looking to implement the minotairs in the next patch as well if things goes smooth
Henke: the ones you saw from the tv clip

Henke: Maerlyn, the massivelod will contain a few new areas yes, but not the entire continent in 1 patch

Henke: Exodeus, we had a very basic ai ready long time ago, but today we are adding our "special" ai as the ones you seen before, minoturs
Henke: Exodeus, we also had some problems with the pathfindings for our network solution, making our AI a bit more dumb as they should be, that is also getting on track now

Revir> Henke: Will this massiveLOD make the hitboxes more accurate?
Henke: revir, that depends, if your client is lagging because of low performance, then yes, if you have good fps already, then no

Henke: Will MassiveLOD cure cancer?
Henke: shadow, massiveLOD, will be a huge thing for MO

Henke: yes will targeting get some love? the tab 10 times with someone right if front of me before i get a target is annoying
Henke: mfcrackers, yes targeting will be even more imrpoved, also skills involved for targeting

<[IMG]Smithy> What is MassiveLod and what all does it include? if u can please give us examples
Henke: smithy, massivelod is a extension of lod, LOD is level of detail, that change an objects resolution depending on your distance to the object, to save performance
Henke: massivelod takes it even further, and change the entire world and shadows to gain perofmance, giving us the opportunity to add new content and higher visuals

Henrik: will resource nodes be static? or will they deplete then respawn in a different location.
Henke: kush, resources will change and deplete

Henke: are you able to give us a rough percentage on what is working/in MO compared with a released version of MO ?
Henke: Exodeus, oh we still lack the 4 major features, soon to be activated, which is the major features to have a solid release
Henke: Exodeus but these features have been under testing for some time, and very soon to be tested by you

Henrik: Will we see better texture resolutions or is this max?
Henke: shadow, there will be 1 higher textture res at release

Henke: the major features to be activated now is, housing with guild functions, mounts with taming and armor upgrades builds on pets, primary skill tree ballanced,

Henke: We will see secondary skill tree implimented also before launch? Just not balanced?
Henke: bigg yes. there will be secondary skills as well, but not fully covered

when will we have compass and torches??
Henke: javifugitivo, torches will be in soon, compass im not sure

Tyrone> Henke, Can we expect some more spells in the following patch?
Henke: tyrone. there will be a magic patch soon

Henke: in the game you have designated mining spots, when i asked you a while back if you could mine anywhere at mountain sides, you confirmed that, is that still in ?
Henke: exo, im not sure how to answer this, but yes, the goal is to have it as close to uos mining system as possible

So will we have guilds in Beta?
Henke: Golozhopenko yes

<[Mahti]Zheo> Henke when will we have the npc guards that are killable and such?
Henke: zheo, yes we will

Henrik: How are you going to make towns feel like...towns?
Henke: noun, well, to add more npcs doing stuff, some animals and propps will do some good

What plans are there in making the wilderness a place people want to go to rather than travel through?
Henke: katana,ya good one, we are actually adding some interest points now as well

Maybe stupid question, but will we have recallmarkgate skills like in UO? Or somekind of fast traveling?
Henke: Golozhopenko, thats a hot topic on the forums, we are starting with minimal transport spells, because we want full player interaction and exciting moments on the "road"

So really, just implementation of more NPCs and spaceholders. Are the town sizes final?
Henke: noun, the cities you see now are pretty much final size yes, but you have not yet seen our capital cities, which comes with massiveLOD

how many capital cities?
Henke: noun, there will be 2 major cities in myrland, tindrem and the khurite capital

Henrik: Can you please describe the extent of these "transport spells"
Henke: shadow, there wont be any teleport/recall spells at start, not sure if any at all because of how it changes gameplay
Henke: but when you are in a guild, we may be looking at some teleports

<@Stryver> Henrik any plans on altering Archery?
Henke: stryver, archery needs a few tweaks still yes

<[IMG]Kaden> Henke: Any idea where Nystrom is?
Henke: kaden, IM nyström

Henrik, will we be able to customize body shape in the future?
Henke: gomorrah, you will be able to customize body shape in some ways when progressing in your attributes

Is the combat going to be improved at all?
Henke: slash yes allways

Henke: you cannot send items to another char with a /send

Henrik: Any plans to add more swing directions for melee and improve block.
Henke: shadow, we have tried a lot of swing directions, but it didnt add much game play, it ended up in you chose from 2 swings.. thou it costed performance without giving game play so we are not sure

Henrik, you should hook DrHat and I up with mounts... because of our services
Henke: Pwntzyou, right

How much of the combat have you implemented now henrik? answer with %
Henke: slash, hehe, Im not sure how many % this would be actually, what I can say is, there will be a lot of more weapons, and ways to harm a player, just to mention war machines, magic, potions, traps, more melee and ranged weapons

Henrik: So no weapon abilities?
Henke: shadow, hehe no noobs

Henrik, will you still release MO this year?
Henke: gomorrah thats the plan so far yes,

<[TBO]Paul> Will mining be more successful at higher skill leve?
Henke: paul yes, the higher skill the more or better resources you will be able to find

henrik so people can still jsut logout to avoid death?
Henke: Angarato. oh no hehe, you wont be able to log to save your self, there will be a out timer

23:59:51] <[ODL]ZLATANN> Henke can we customize our armor in the future maybe a guild symbol or colors ?
Henke: kuka, zlatann, there will be a few options to customize armor and shields yes
<[ODL]ZLATANN> which option Henke ?
Henke: zlatann, some diff color on marks etc.

henke when can we expect the first dungeon to open?
Henke: GetAngry, thats one of our interest points to come with massiveLOD

any ETA when massiveLOD is coming?
Henke: willbo118, we just got MssiveLOD in our current build, and testing it, so far all fine, if it goes as plans its in the next week

Henrik, what sort of creatures can we expect to be able to tame? What sort of abilities can they have? (fetch? guard? track?)
Henke: Wonderboy2402, there will be a lot of pets/mounts to tame, and they will be able to do diff attacks, guard, patrol, stay, follow

Henrik: when is the new patch due?
Henke: Exodeus, sometime next week

Henrik: What are you thoughts are push back being based on the damage done. So people stop spamming light weapons for supreme knock back powess
Henke: shadow, we will change pushback, based on damage and type

henke : when will messaging Pigeons be in ?
Henke: Kamisama, not sure about that

Henrik: will npc's be addressed by talking to them like UO (vendor buy, guards, etc) or by targetting and hitting 'r'
Henke: exo, We will probably have both way of npc interaction

Henrik: Okay a bit more serious question. Given the current mechanics, how dynamic do you think the automated world will be? In other words, beyond that of what players put into the world, how 'alive' will the world be..will NPC's wars happen, will important figures rise and fall? will trade make towns/cities grow/diminish
Henke: npcs will not do "a lot" on their own at release drhat, more of a basic behaviour, cept our ancient and mobs

Henrik, when you implement the massiveLOD patch will the client size go up by a lot?
Henke: Gomorrah, because we add new areas along with massiveLOD the patches may go up a bit yes

<[IMG]Kaden> Henke: Whats an ancient?
Henke: kaden, an ancient creature could be the dragon you saw in the teaser, one time kill never to be spawned again
Henke: ancient creatures will be controlled by gms and some will only be AI based

Henrik: will we see hitbox effects like damage someone legs slows the player, arms slow attack speed, torso hinders stamina regen, and head blurs vision and makes it hard to concentrate or cast magic.
Henke: shadow, eventually yes

Henke will 100 peeple be able to kill an ancient creature in one run ?
Henke: Lunlya, this is the fun part, there is no time line, like you are used to see in for ex. wow, a gang spamming arrows and magic on a creature slowly to die. fighting an ancient in MO requires experience from your previous losses

Henrik: More of a strategy question. Given the current progress, which I admit has come quite a ways over the last month - It is however still quite limited (not mentioning details), have you perhaps thought of creating lots of quests/interactive events to perhaps make up for this?
Henke: drhat, we have noticed that its time to try to add some interest points, even thou we have not planned to add this because of priority, but because we want to see players interest raise

Henrik: will the current vission be addressed? to me it feels like you are looking through the bottom of an empty glass
Henke: Exodeus, we will probably add a small option for you to choose from when it comes to vision

<[TBO]Noxite> Henke, how often will these ancient creatures spawn after one dies?
Henke: noxite, ancient creature will be very rare, and hard to kill, if you manage to do it, there will come a new one in time, but a complete different one

Henrik, I thnk this is going to be my last question, it's what I'm here for, combat, hmm, I heard that the current combat mechanics are not good, what do you ahve to say about it?
Henke: slash, that depends on whats "not good" I want to know what they mean and the reasons before Im able to answer it, is it laggy because of fps, or because of latencty, or is it other reasons?

Henrik , u will be able to stay creature NEW ancient creatures every time over , or there will sometimes the same come again ?
Henke: Lunlya, the same creature wont spawn again, when its an ancient

Henrik: Good call! Now building on the answer of my previous question - Have you thought of perhaps outlining/designing systems for this that would allow for several levels of access/modes so as to perhaps include volunteers in these events. You know, to liven it up a bit (continued)
You know perhaps really low level access that would still mark you as an event character..
Henke: drhat, oh yes, we want to add a lot of player to player interaction even in events.

Henke - Will you come to DHW and show off the game and gain milijons of new players?
Henke: Denaton, not sure

<[TBO]Noxite> Henke, will normal npcs end up looking different in minimal ways or is that not important?
Henke: noxite, they will look different, mostly in mesh because textures are something we must save for the players to use

When can we eat those shrooms? =)
Henke: denaton hehe not sure, hopfully soon enough
cant wait for guild mechanics tho
Henke: Mas same here

will secondary skills be in next patch?
Henke: angarato, no sec skills will be in later

henke, can u tell us what to expect when it comes to player house customization?
Henke: GetAngry, there will be different upgrades for all houses, such as adding a forge or stable etc. or builg a new level on the house with roof view etc, to shoot ppl passing by

will secondary skills give attribute skill ups?
Henke: angarato, all skills that increases will give a bonus to attr gains

Henrik, will Mats Item creation idea be in at game release? Will you have a better Item creation interface?
Henke: Gomorrah, Im not sure how complexed that system will be at release, mats can go crazy on those complexed features, but it's really awesome, and the plan is to get there eventually, but we still have to focus on our core features to be there and be solid, so ppl can enjoy the game till we extend the rest small but important features

Can the deva shere the key of a household?
Henke: Denaton, there will be 1 house cap per account, but your chars can stay in the same house if you want to

Henke, how many %'s of the 100 primary and 1000 secondary skills are finished today and how many of them will we see at release?
Henke: drudley, we will get about 80-100% of all primary skills at release, and secondary is impossible to answer becauyse they can be added whenever we find a new interesting skills that brings some value

Henrik: Chat Bubbles - how are they working out for you... last time i checked they were very transparent and didnt stay visible long
Henke: Exodeus, ya our windows will be reworked, and you should be able to toggle transperancy etc

henke: skilled crafting isn't considered a core feature anymore?
Henke: Quavis, crafting is a core feature yes, but the "minigame" will be limited based on our first vision because of prio
Henke: quavis, im pretty sure that our released crafting system will be amazing

henke: there has been alot of talk about the nudity in-game. Are there going to be any changes on nudity whether it is a new starting char or resurrected char?
Henke: kush, nudity will be changed in the way that, all players will have a "blessed" underwear that you allways can wear and not be looted, but you can still stripp down if you want to.

Henrik: Realistically..and with all due respect intended - hearing from many a folks in the corners, many ask that the game be postponed for further refinement. Is this out of the question?
Henke: drhat, we still see our self on track to release the core features we have said in our presentations before, there is still no reason for us to postpone this, if we find a reason we will state this on the website

henke will houses be predesigned and you pick 1? or can you make your own houses by placing walls and adding doors/windows etc
Henke: Angarato, at release you will have to pick a base, location, get resources and start building, then you can upgrade it in some diff ways.

Henrik - Can you build you house anywere?
Henke: denaton, there will be some limits in where you can palce a house, for example,. some interest points areas, ancient creature areas, dungeons, planned "empty" fields, etc wont be buildable because we need it to be free from player houses

henke:just to let you know. There are many of us that are not worried about a q4 release. We just want a polished game. No pressure.
Henke: kush, we understand that, thats why we are very open with what we plan to release and what not at release,

henke: will private houses still be destructable?
Henke: Exodeus, all houses will be destructable, but as said before, it will be HELL to destroy an "innocent" house

Henke: when will see further improvements in player crafting and resource/weapon balance?
Henke: izanaki yes, the player crafting system is not yet in the game, it will be before release

If I BUY MO in dicember,Will I entwer to the beta=???
Henke: oriol95, if you get a licence of MO you will get instant beta yes

Henke , what will be the peeple limit on each server? 10 k ?
Henke: Lunlya, we have not yet reached our server cap, thats why we accept more players at a slow rate

henke when can we expect addition to content to really start taking off?
Henke: GetAngry, well, as soon as we see that massiveLOD works as intended we will start adding areas and interest points as well

we now have 8 k ?
or more?
Henke: Lunlya, right now we have 11k+ active accounts
Henke: but its worldwide, meaning diff time zones and active time varies

henke: of that number, what kind of server loads are you seeing daily now?
Henke: Quavis, the server load is still very low, but we are changing how much data we are sending now as well, to tweak how combat feels
Henke: that will change server load as well

Henrik when can we see content/features added into the etherworld...
Henke: bigg, thats a seecret

Henrik: Will we see pre-order boxes shipped this month?
Henke: shadow, the boxes are ready to ship, but we are thinking about the dvd, what to put on it, most ppl just want their box now, and we will resend a new dvd when releasing, for the LEs we are waiting on our loot bags from england before we can ship them

Henke , dont u think the server will get very laggy ones u put so many features in it ??
Henke: Lunlya, its not that simple as more features=more server lagg
Mesaj tarihi:
2. Kisim
NOT: Henke Henrik denen sahis, CEO, siki UO oyuncusu vs vs

Henrik: what about fog, rain, clear, weather influence, when will we see that coming?
Henke: Exodeus, we plan to add day and night cicle soon, and the next day and night upgrade will contain weather effects changing in the world, also tied into world events

Henrik: Can I be awarded a complimentary lootbag because I'm awesome..actually..both pwntzyou and myself should get one. And epic mounts..I mean lets be fair! oh and GM interface designing and testing
Henke: drhat, did you not manage to get a lootbag?
Henke: I think theres a few lootbags left since our duplicated got reseted

Henke after LOD is in, since that was the 'holding back' feature for SV as you explained -- we should see a good slew of features coming into play after LOD gets implemented, right?
Henke: Hercules-WORK, that is correct

Henrik: No, I'm one of the cheap slowpokes who missed out on ordering an LE
Henke: drhat, are they sold out now?

Cool, so I figure 2 or 3 weeks after LOD goes in
then I'll expect a buncha features
Henke: hercules, we are now able to add new areas thanks to massivelod yes, also new content to be loaded into a clients memory which was our limits up till we got massiveLOD, you have experienced that in out of memory crashes

Henke , are u planning to be able to pick arrows back up after u shot them away ? like in Oblivion ?
Henke: Lunlya, im not sure about that one, I want it but sebastian doesnt like it because of server load

Has there been any news about speedtree becoming compatible with UE3 yet?
Henke: Chimer0s, there is no news from epic games regarding an eta on speedtree 5.0

Henke, i don't mean just geography, I mean 'features' like the skill tree, magic system completion, housing, guild system, etc
Henke: hercules, yes everything that requires memory swapping will not be able to be added because of the use of MassiveLOD

Henrik: items on the floor, is that out ?
Henke: Exodeus, not yet

Will you put in a handicap system for us 30+ players? We don't have as good reactions as the teenagers?
Henke: red. hehe well there will be many fighting styles, just find one that suits your style

henke. when can we expect to be able to crouch and go prone in-game?
Henke: GetAngry, not sure, but before release

%Henke: Honest now... will this game be as good as pre-trammel UO?
Henke: red, I really hope MO will feel like UO pre trammel, because I did have the time of my life in a mmo in those days

Henke will you change the model for the loot bags or will you have them that whay?
Henke: Denaton we will change them

Henrik: are you still getting a lot of lag issues with people? lag as in client hopping (i have a pretty good ping and no packetloss, but i still have people jumping from spot to spot)
Henke: Exodeus, ya we have noticed we have a few nodes that make ppl get our of sync on the server, we are not yet sure why it happens some nodes.
Henrik: lets hope you get it resolved
Henke: Exodeus, ya we have a few ones on it

henke: me too, this beta is the only game that has given me some of the old UO feeling. GOOD WORK, and keep it up!
Henke: red, nice to hear that

Henrik: The whole loot and inventory system seems pretty fubar. Is this a placeholder for hopefully UO drag and drop inventory?
Henke: shadow, oh yes the current loot is fubar indeed, it will be changed soon

<[TBO]Noxite> Henke, will magic require reagents? and will it require any weapon of sort? also, will the reagents vary depending on which spell you wish to cast?
Henke: noxite, yes magic will require skills and reagents, and of course the spells first
Henke: noxite and yes the reagends will varies depending on what spell

henke: will release feature npcs that sell items that you can gather in the game(wood, bone, etc)
Henke: revenoff, npcs will sell some basic resources yes, but they can go out of stock, but othe players can sell to them again and then you can buy again

Henrik , will guards become npc's later on instead of gods lighting strike ??
Henke: Lunlya the guards will be killable later on yes. and they will be stronger or weaker depending on what city

@Henke: Are we able to have guild cities? like a guild hall with guild housing inside with a wall around it?
Henke: acroma, you will be able to build your own houses to form a city, and yes to try to controll that with your guild

Henrik: will mages be able to cast while they have a weapon out and will mages be able to cast while on horses?
Henke: kingbuns, you will need free hands to cast a spell, but you will be able to cast a spell on a horse but not controll it during the moment you cast it

Henrick, is the massive LOD ready for the next patch?
Henke: narsor, it looks like massiveLOD is ready for the next patch yes

henke will casting be allowed during combat mode? or only out of combat mode?
Henke: getangry, I want you to be ablt co precast a spell in combat and out of combat mode, but we have a few problems to solve to make that work

Henrik: Will there be some way to create trapped boxes like in UO?
Henke: kingbuns, yes

Henrik dodges my aim based magic question
Henke: shadow, Im not sure when we enable tha aim based school.
Henke: shadow, but its an important ballance factor involved

Henrik , will u do something about the overpowered nude mage issue ? ^^
Henke: Lunlya, ya a nude mage will be an easy target for a melee weapon or arrows

Henrik: are you sticking with the whole Z and R keys for combat/operating/looting or will you focus more on using the mouse
Henke: Exodeus keys will be changeable by the user

The majority of players want all aim based offensive magic. What do say to them?
Henke: shadow, all I say is, I want to hear your opinions when the magic system is fully in the game

Henke: oromea ya we know that, we are looking at adding an adrenalin feature that helps catch a player in some cases

Henke is it true that they are shipping out the boxed versions this month?
Henke: merkaba, we are trying to ship the boxes in the end of september yes, we are waiting on the lootbags from england
Henke: and what lunlya said, we want the dvd to contain a small base to patch from at least, not just to redl the entire thing

Henrik: Any plans to add blood decals to show visually the health of another person?
Henke: shadow, there must indeed be a indication on how hurt a player is, but we are not able to add the visual effects for that feature, meaning we must use a health bar in a way

henke will players be able to change the lock to their houses if they notice that their key is missing?
Henke: GetAngry yes

@Henke: Are mount making it into this next patch?
Henke: Acroma, not in this one, massivelod goes into this one, mounts will go after

Health bar makes baby jesus cry.
Henke: shadow, well a health bar is pretty much the same thing as a visual effect on a player, but it cost 5% of the performance

Henrik: is the patcher able to update small pieces of the game yet, or do updates still require the entire game to be downloaded?? that and... do we still need to manually install the NVIDEA physics engine?
Henke: Exodeus, we have an update on our patcher, making it work a lot better just to dl the needed files indeed

Atleast the blood effect isn't a magical bar, since we are going for realism
Henke: shadow, ya, but if we cant show you how hurt a player is, a health bar is 10 times better then going on the bground totaly blind not relying on reading the situation
I'd rather be blind but that's me :P
Henke: shadow, so you would rather go blind not relying on reading the situation to act on your own player skills than just swining blindly till somethign dies?
No I would no aprox how many hits I have landed on an opponent and base my actions off what I have seen and not some magical bar.
Henke: shadow, ya, but if he gets healed then you know nothing, and if he is in a diff state you know nothing, meaning you cannot act to a diff situation, which takes away A LOT of player skills and experience,. this is what takes you from tha msses if you are a good pvper
Nope I see the spells animations on the spell and compute how much it healed while keeping track of how many blows have previously landed on the target.
Henke: shadow, yes you can do that on 2v2 but nor 5v5
Henke: not*
Henke: but in real life you would see it, to simulate this we need a visual indication
Henke: shadow, the goal is to give HUGE room for players to advance in pvp situations

@Henke: How is the new Logout System going to work?
Henke: acroma, your char will stay in the world for 2 min if you log out in an unsafe area
I just hope you can get blood decals in.
Henke: shadow, ya we will se how that evolves during time, but at release we wont see it

Henke when will you take off the safe zonse around the priest?
Henke: denaton, soon

Henke , i will just follow someone untill he likes to log out and then i kill him ...
Henke: Lunlya, there will be safe zones to log out in, such as inns and player houses

Henrik - this has been asked many times before, but : Will the patcher music volume be lowered please? or at least a mute button?
Henke: betabob hehe I just adressed that today, yes it will

Henke: alright guys, its getting late and I have some work left today
Henke: ok, thank you everyone for the chat round lets have another one soon again
Mesaj tarihi:
Player housing olacağını sölemişler, Evlerinizi build ederek şehirler yapacaksınız falan demişler. Keşke ondan sonra da bu evler istediğimiz yere koyuluyor mu yoksa önceden belirlenen yerlere mi die sorsaymış. Darkfall da da şehir kurma ve player housing var ama hepsi önceden belirlenen yerlere. Başka türlü capture vs muhabbeti yapılamio zaten.

Ayrıca eylülün sonunda boxlarla ilgil ibişey yazmışlar. O nedir? Çıkıo mu oyun eylül sonunda zaten geldik eylül sonuna bu halde release mi edicekler contentsiz betayı?
Mesaj tarihi:
ben eylül sonunda box yollancak oyun çıkınca bidaha yollancak diye duymuştum :D ama biraz saçma

bu arada bu 2 dk boyunca oyunda kalma muhabbeti berbat.
mesela yürürken canım sıkılır. veya işim çıkar çıkmam gerekir. üzerimdede bolca malzeme vardır vs vs.
bu 2 dk içersinde uzaktan biri gelip beni kesip lootlaya bilir. çok saçma.

tabi yanlış anlamadıysam.(malum ingilizcem çok eyi deil.)
Mesaj tarihi:
ama uo da da öleydi

guard protection dışında çıkınca bi süre kaliodu karakter ki mantıklı

eğer hemen kaybolursa

pvp sırasında alt+f4 yapiolar ölmemek için
Mesaj tarihi:
Mortis said:

Player housing olacağını sölemişler, Evlerinizi build ederek şehirler yapacaksınız falan demişler. Keşke ondan sonra da bu evler istediğimiz yere koyuluyor mu yoksa önceden belirlenen yerlere mi die sorsaymış. Darkfall da da şehir kurma ve player housing var ama hepsi önceden belirlenen yerlere. Başka türlü capture vs muhabbeti yapılamio zaten.

Ayrıca eylülün sonunda boxlarla ilgil ibişey yazmışlar. O nedir? Çıkıo mu oyun eylül sonunda zaten geldik eylül sonuna bu halde release mi edicekler contentsiz betayı?

Mortis aslinda o soru birden cok kez soruldu, adamin cevabi ozetle soyle: (o notlarda yoksa niye yok ilginc, atlanmis sanirim)
-Ev yapmanin mumkun olmadigi yerler olacak (dungeon kenarlari, sehir yakinlari, ve bazi creaturelarin yakinlari)
-Evin base'ini secip evi insa edeceksin. Bunun tam olarak ne oldugu acilmadi ama ozetle hazir karelerin secilmesi soz konusu
-Eve kat eklemek, yanina ahir yapmak vs gibi ekler olabilecek

Yani evi istedigin yerde secip yapman mumkun olmayacak. Ama edindigim izlenim darkfall'dakinden daha esnek olacagi (ilk village halini biliyorum gelistirilmis olabilir ben oyundan ciktiktan sonra)
Mesaj tarihi:
Mortis said:

ama uo da da öleydi

guard protection dışında çıkınca bi süre kaliodu karakter ki mantıklı

eğer hemen kaybolursa

pvp sırasında alt+f4 yapiolar ölmemek için

e öbür oyunlarda nasıl çözüolar?.
mesela combat sırasında quit edememk yada ne bilim geri sayım 10 dan 15 den. daha mantıklı olurdu

bu arada ev konusunda sanki sürekli geçiştiriolar milleti.
ama muhtemelen spotlar olucak. istediğin yere kurulmayacak.
Mesaj tarihi:
smarthan said:

ben eylül sonunda box yollancak oyun çıkınca bidaha yollancak diye duymuştum :D ama biraz saçma

bu arada bu 2 dk boyunca oyunda kalma muhabbeti berbat.
mesela yürürken canım sıkılır. veya işim çıkar çıkmam gerekir. üzerimdede bolca malzeme vardır vs vs.
bu 2 dk içersinde uzaktan biri gelip beni kesip lootlaya bilir. çok saçma.

tabi yanlış anlamadıysam.(malum ingilizcem çok eyi deil.)

Dogru anlamissin, gicik bence de. acil cikis gibi bisey mumkun olmayacak gibi, safe yerlerde bile 30sn mi ne bekleyeceksin gibi duruyor ki korkunc, dedigin gibi tuvaletin geldi, telefon geldi, mutfak yandi ne olacak bilmiyorum

15-30sn bana daha uygun gibi geliyor.
Mesaj tarihi:
instant logout hicbi oyunda (MMORPG) yok diye biliyorum, baglantin kopsa bile dunyada kaliyorsun bi sure daha ama bu sure oldukca kisa diye biliyorum. Sebebi su anda milletin yaptigi gibi 2-3 saydirip karsisindaki disli cikarsa zirt pirt logout olanlarin yaptigini yapiyor insanlar
Mesaj tarihi:
dier oyunlarda mesela wowda
oturuosun yere evet 30 saniye beklio

hemen instant log out yapamiosun, alt f4 yapıpı kapatsan yine takılıo fakat UO veya Mortal Onlien da kesilirken kaybedeceğin şeyler var, wowda yok, o yüzden kısa süre var.

yani öle bi bekleme süresi olmasa, seni 2-3 kişi yakaladığı zaman mining yaptıktan sonra, direk alt f4 ü basarsın. Herkes öle yapar tam kesiceksin adamı hop kaybolur.

şehirde sorun yok şehirde çıkabiliosun ama şehir dışındaysan artık köşye bi yere saklanır çıkarsın başka çaren yok =)
Mesaj tarihi:
ha ayrıca wow gibi oyunlarda "combata girme" mantığı var

mortal online darkfall online vs bu tarz oyunlarda combata girme çıkma gibi şeyler yok die düşünüorum fps bazlı olduğu için sürekli aynı durumdasın o yüzden onun ayarını yapamazlar.
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