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Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3


Öne çıkan mesajlar

EA'den satın aldım oyunu online indirmek için 2 saat önce.

ADamlar order'ımı iptal ettiler gerekçe vermeden. Böyle rezil bir şirket görmedim hayatımda.

Bu EA'den 2. oyun alışım. Daha önce de Hellgate: London'ı almıştım.. daha doğrusu almaya çalışmıştım. İllallah getirttiler.

Oyunun çıkış tarihinden 2 gün sonra ancak downloada açılmıştı.. saatlerce telefonda küfür etmiştim şerefsizlere hala akıllanmamışlar.

RA3'te de aynı muabbet. Oyun çıkalı 2 gün oldu adamlar bırak oyunu satın alanlara download'a açmayı, orderları cancel ediyolar.


Umarım iflas edersiniz de hepiniz aç ve işsiz kalırsınız REZİL HERİFLER!
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bildiğin EA store'dan aldım.

Baya bir insan aldı da cdkey'leri ile alakalı bir problemleri var, patchle hallediyolar o problemi.

EA forumlarına yazdığım mesaj:

Sovereign said:
I ordered the game 2 hours ago for a digital download off of EA.

They canceled my order 10 minutes ago for no damn reason.

This is the second time I'm trying to get a game off of EA and I already started cursing at them.

I hate EA with ALL my heart. I hope their company goes bankrupt and the head of operations burns in hell.

Bu da bi arkadaşın cevabı.. takdir ettim kendisini:

What do you expect?

Who do you think buys more EA games? Hardcore gamers like us who follow every detail from conception to development to release?


Beer swilling, sideways baseball cap wearing, high-fiving college kids who occasionally like to make use of date-rape drugs, or as I like to call them, "casual gamers".

Considering how many of these degenerates go out and religiously fork over $60 for every Madden and every NCAA football game every year, because each subsequent title is sooo much different than the previous, its no wonder EA as a whole consider themselves to be makers of casual games.

Why would they worry about quality control when most of their money comes from people who wouldn't even know their console game was glitching much less know there were these cool places called "forums" to read up on the problem.

I mean no offense to the good people at EALA who make great games. EA is a publicly traded company that, for the most part, mass produces ****** sports games as fast as they can for a casual platform in order to make the biggest profit. I have no problem with making a proft, but if you're going to own a studio that caters to us real gamers, why not lay off with the corporate pressure you apply to the rest of your studios to spit the games out as fast as possible. Let the real game developers release a finished product for once. The head EA guys would do well to take note of Blizzard's quality control standards.

I can't imagine that all of the forum trolls whining nonstop about the games development taking too long helps result in a finished product either.
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