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Tank mısınız? Migrate etmeyi mi düşünüyorsunuzu? Tam size göre bir serverım var..


Öne çıkan mesajlar

bu sabah migrate ettim roguemi karazhandan, böyle berbat bi server olmaz ya , healer olur tank bulunmaz , tank olur healer bulunmaz, dps ararlar inv dersin adam rogue itemine needlemiceksin der, sadece level işi kolay oldu orda.zaten herks 70ledi 1den 70e beraber kastık elemanlarla nerdeyse:) .kurtulduğuma acaip sevinçliyim. :)
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Sen işi bilmiyon ombak. İlk başdan koycaksın otoriteni. Direk uber-tank moda girceksin(Uber-tank mode: tank hariç bütün classlar gereksiz ve eziktir.). Başlıycan emirler yağdırmaya, kızmaya. Bak o zaman laf edebiliyorlar mı :D. İyi bir tank şöyle olur bak.


A good tank has:

1. An insane ego, leading to a true and genuine belief that they are truly gods amongst insects.
2. A desire to bully and harass all members of the party, because they obviously aren't working hard enough.
3. A plan for every single pull. All pulls are controlled by the tank are tactics must be obeyed to the goddam LETTER lest the offending character feel the full brunt of the tank's righteous anger.
4. A complete knowledge of the main abilities of every class, which allows the tank to scream 'SHACKLE THAT SMEGGING GHOST NOW YOU FOOL' at Priests, 'TRAP KITE IT YOU AMATEUR DPSBOT' at Hunters, 'IF YOU USE EXPOSE ARMOUR ONCE MORE I SHALL RIP OUT YOUR ENTRAILS' at Rogues and so on.
5. An instant demand to be Master Looter for the entire run.
6. An aversion to corpse running. Tanks never corpse run, they wait to get ressed while they top up their nicotine and caffeine levels and de-stress.
7. An ability to take a break whenever he damn well feels like it. Those other puny souls get to wait but woe betide anyone else who wants to take a break.
8. A total and utter conviction that all encounters revolve entirely aroud THE TANK and his skill alone is what makes victory possible. Tanks only fail because the others were not working hard enough.
9. The skill, gear and personality to get away with all of the above.

The final, mystical Tenth Step to Tanking Deification is as follows:

10. The ability to do everything above, whilst utterly smashed on alcohol, without anyone really noticing.
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