Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Yeni update e hazırlanıyorlar =) Combat sistemi tamamen yenileniyor, bunun dışında daha çok update var ve bunlardan biride sinir bozucu assembly fail haltı. Sanırım artık malzemenizi kaybetmiyorsunuz fail yaptığınızda hehe[hline]''Most of us walk in the light and the shadow but there are the chosen few who walk this world , carrying their own light to brighten both day and night.''
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 General Improved client stability. Badges New exploration badges have been added throughout the galaxy. Badges will be awarded for achieving Master Titles (and you keep the badge even if you revoke the skill). Bio Engineer New Cloning System implemented (Creature level is now fully dependent on final creature stats. Stats are fully dependent on level of DNA samples used. Gnort DNA will create Gnort-like creatures, Rancor DNA-will create Rancor-like creatures, etc.). Character Added heal self and heal other animations to kneeling posture. Disallowed use of /wookieeRoar if the resulting pool drain would cause the user to become incapacitated. Make Attribute mods due to food, spice, etc, not incapacitate players. Chef The Terratta food schematic will now download to your crafting tool. Combat All new HAM cost system for combat - Special moves take from the max value, but regenerate much, much faster. The end result is that HAM spent on special moves regenerates MUCH faster than damage, so it should make combat more dynamic. Made it so if two players are fighting and both /peace, combat will end (previously the player who /peaced first had to do it again for combat to end). Added to-hit bonus for melee vs. ranged weapon attacks. This is a replacement for the damage multipliers and a sub-feature for the damage mitigation addition. If you use a ranged weapon against a melee combatant, you are easier to hit. Damage-over-time (DoT) effects (bleeding, poison, etc.) will no longer cause pets to randomly aggro on nearby PvP enemies. Players now get a TEF when using DoTs (poisons, disease, etc). Performance buffs now modify the players base attribute not their current max attribute. Added melee/ranged damage mitigation 1-3 abilities. These abilities are spread through the elite professions and will limit the damage ranges that can be done to you. If an NPC/Creature attacker does 1-100 points of damage, is using a melee weapon, and you have damage mitigation 3, the actual damage range that can be done to you is actually 1-40. There are 3 damage mitigation abilities for ranged, and 3 for melee. They do not stack. Fixed a problem where not every target was getting the appropriate messaging from an area of effect combat medic DoT attack. Neutral players can no longer drag incapacitated players that have a TEF. Dragging a TEF'd player can result in the TEF being passed along to the player doing the dragging. Added the standard PvP checks for dragging an incapacitated player. This means that you can only drag a player in the same cases that you could heal him. Added full body standing ranged combat animations for Ewoks Corrected standing ranged combat weapons for Hutts. Creatures and NPCs will no longer be able to poison or disease vehicles and droids. DECLARED players will be set to COVERT when they logout, and set back to DECLARED 60 seconds after the next time they login. (Preventing attacks during Login/Logoff) DECLARED players will be changed to COVERT when traveling until 60 seconds after arriving at their destination. Added standing ranged combat animations for Jawas and Selonians. Added line of sight checks to all healing commands. Because of this, it is no longer possible to perform healing actions on targets outside of a building if you are inside it (or vice versa). Fix for 1pt general combat xp when specific combat xp types are capped AI will now "see" a player that stands up from Incapacitation and may attack (including Feign Incapacitation). Fixed a bug with training mobs that flee from private structures, which caused them to move very slowly afterwards. Fixed an annoying bug which would result in characters being stuck in combat mode for long periods of time after being targetted by an npc. Cut the follow distance in half for a follower and a leader when they are in combat with each other. Added rifle butt animations Combat Medic Combat medic skill mods can no longer increase the range of medicines beyond 64m. The maximum experimental range for ranged healing and DoT medicines has been capped at 48m. Droids and vehicles are no longer affected by combat medic area of effect poison and disease attacks. Commands Added /g command for groupsay. Fixed the insufficient funds error message for bank tips. Fixed a menu issue related to "shutdown" of a player HQ in a countdown sequence. Fixed several bugs with /tip that would cause funds to hang. /tip update to hopefully improve response time for cases where payments would lag Crafting Fixed not being able to use ingredients in an equipped backpack (or other container) in crafting. Changed the chemical dispersion mechanisms (both normal and advanced) so that their damages may be modified. Fixed mission draft schematics showing up in the "genetics" tab. They now correctly show up under the "mission" tab. Fixed crit fails when crafting installations preventing you from tr
draedan Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 vaybe hepsini okudum harbi. anlasilan yine carbineer larda bi duzeltme ekleme vs yok! yeni patch ne zaman olacak, yine gunlere mi yayacaklar mis?[hline]eededo tha Pokemon Master -------------------------------------------- Adventure Crew ... www.advcrew.com Knights of The Old Republic ... www.advcrew.com/kotor
Escobar Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Olm allah unutmuş carbinecileri soe napsın.[hline]Pearce Escobar /// Master Kebabcı /// Eclipse
DA2019 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 "DECLARED players will be changed to COVERT when traveling until 60 seconds after arriving at their destination." Bu iyi olmuş, loading olurken kimse overt olarak seyahat edenlere saldıramayacak, bu da demektir ki faction şehirlerini basmak eğlenceli olacak. :) "Droids and vehicles are no longer affected by combat medic area of effect poison and disease attacks." Bu da iyi olmuş, koskoca AT-ST'ye poison ya da disease atmak saçmaydı zaten... "XP awarded to Creature Handlers when their pet kills something will be divided by the current number of active pets." CH olmak bununla beraber çok zorlaşıyo, 2-3 petle bi tane güçlü yaratığa dalıp hepsinden 2k-3k xp almak tarih oldu, yaratığın vereceği toplam xp petlere dağıtılıyor... Bence oyun gittikçe oturuyor, özellikle specialların götürdüğü ham daha çabuk dolacak... Eskiden hatırlarsanız şu böyle, şu şöyle diye tartışıyorduk, gördüğünüz gibi herşey yavaş yavaş oturuyor. Benim gibi sabırla bekleyenler mevyeleri toplayacaklar sanırım...[hline]Devvo Ki'yyst Master Sharpshooter Master Creature Handler Ex-Master Ranger Royal Imperial Paladins (R.I.P.), Eclipse
Gilean Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 12, 2003 eh oyun toparlanıo yvş yvş ama bizim paracıklar gidio arada[hline]Bathory, 07 December 2003 21:43 tarihinde demiş ki: butun kız arklarım cok sevmisti cok rahat alıolar ellerine
Popeye Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 eheh pis herif simdi araçlı şehirli mountlu oyuna koncaksın biz o kadar cefa çektik sen direk sefasını sürcen nerf azmodaii[hline]dark-dr, 14 May 2001 05:10 tarihinde demiş ki: osi de rp=soytarılık diyorum.
codmaster Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 FP sistemi hala düzelmedi sanırım :),eskiden savaşlarda ben icap ederdim başka biri db vururdu of of..[hline]Eaglef Ifock of Eclipse,TR (Retired)
AssassiN Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 evet o ne yazikki ole hala[hline]The World is yours.
Qui Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Süper süper! Bi çok insanı tatmin edicek bir patch![hline]Semi-Dr. Quinthalus @ primum non nocere ICQ UIN: 1957744 MSN Messenger: [email protected] (bkz: Quinthalus) (bkz: Qui) Adaxe Wiabolih of Eclipse, Rifleman/CH Liga Sonega of Bloodfin, Weaponsmith/Architecth
AssassiN Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 said: Jedi now get a TEF for equipping a saber when in combat. They also get a TEF when entering combat with a saber equipped. ooooooooooooooooooh holo-freaklere selam yolluyorum burdan patlayin :)[hline]The World is yours.
Eno Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2003 Sonunda be azmo. :) Ben daha oyunu almadan sorunu vardı adamın kartla. hehe Bu arada güzel düzenlemeler.. Sevmeye başladım :) [Bu mesaj Eno tarafından 14 December 2003 00:37 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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