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Karakterleri Tanıyalım: Spider-Man

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Mesaj tarihi:

The bite of an irradiated spider granted high-school student Peter Parker incredible, arachnid-like powers. When a burglar killed his beloved Uncle Ben, a grief-stricken Peter vowed to use his amazing abilities to protect his fellow man. He had learned an invaluable lesson: With great power, there must also come great responsibility!

Real Name: Peter Parker
Occupation: Crimefighter, teacher
Group Affiliation: None
Base of Operations: New York City
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy #15 (1962)

Height: 5'10
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown

Powers: Spider-Man possesses superhuman strength, reflexes and equilibrium; the ability to cling to most surfaces; and a sixth sense that warns him of impending danger.

Weapons: Spider-Man's wrist-mounted web-shooters discharge thin strands of web-fluid at high pressure. On contact with air, the long-chain polymer knits and forms an extremely tough, flexible fiber with extraordinary adhesive qualities.

History: Orphaned at a young age, Peter Parker was taken in by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May, who raised him like a son. Extremely bright, Peter was also extremely shy, and found solace in his studies, causing him to branded a social outcast with few friends. During a school science trip featuring a demonstration on radiation, a spider wandered into the radiation source, and became radioactive. Dying, the spider fell on Peter’s hand, bit him, and died.

Leaving the demonstration in pain, Parker slowly realized that the bit had somehow caused a change in his body, and he now possessed spider-like abilities. Seeing his powers as a chance to earn fame and fortune, Peter quickly7 designed a costume for himself, and pursued television stardom as the Amazing Spider-Man.

Leaving the TV studio after a taping, Peter chose to mind his own business when he encountered a burglar fleeing the scene of a robbery. Though he could have stopped the man easily enough, Peter allowed him to pass -- arrogantly believing that it was not his responsibility to chase criminals. He returned home only to discover that an intruder had murdered his uncle. Learning that police had cornered the hoodlum in a nearby warehouse, Peter donned his Spider-Man costume and rushed off to seek vengeance.

Employing his new abilities to capture the burglar, he realized that it was the thug he had allowed to escape at the studio. Filled with remorse, Peter finally understood that with great power, there must also come great responsibility -- and he vowed never to shirk his responsibilities again. On that day, a hero was born.

Spider-Man was good to his word, and became one of New York’s first costumed heroes, while working to earn a living for himself and Aunt May by selling photographs of himself in action to the Daily Bugle. At the Bugle, editor J. Jonah Jameson has waged a no-stop battle to smear Spider-Man’s name since his first appearance, but his crusade has largely failed, due to positive word of mouth, as well as Spider-Man’s "man on the street" personality.

From his first appearance, Spider-Man has chased a large number of criminals, many of them super-powered, including the Sandman, the Vulture, Venom, Mysterio, Dr. Octopus, Rhino, Electro, the Lizard, the Green Goblin, and many others.

While his life as Spider-Man has brought him a certain amount of fame, it has also come with a steep price. After he discovered Peter’s dual identity, the Green Goblin kidnapped Peter’s first love, Gwen Stacy, who was later killed during the battle between the Goblin and Spider-Man. Her death has haunted Peter ever since.

Through the years, Spider-Man has fought beside virtually every hero in the world, and has earned the respect of all his allies. Given their overlapping territories, Spider-Man and Daredevil have become close friends as the two have both grown into their roles.

As Peter matured his relationship with his on-again, off-again girlfriend Mary Jane Watson grew as well. The two dated seriously for many years, and ultimately married – a decision that both have since realized may have been somewhat rash and impulsive. Unable to resolve their differences, the couple has separated.

Forever motivated by the responsibility he feels due to his powers, which will always keep him in his identity of Spider-Man, and despite the personal tragedy he has endured, Peter truly loves being Spider-Man. For him, it’s the ultimate escape from the daily grind, a chance when he can let loose – something which shows in his sense of humor and joking when he wears his mask.

After years of hiding his secret, Aunt May finally learned that Peter is Spider-Man, and the two have come to a new understanding of each other’s lives, with May becoming on of Spider-Man’s strongest supporters, now, even prouder of her nephew.

Ever ready with the wisecrack, and constantly balancing his responsibility as a
Mesaj tarihi:
Bonecrusher, 23 November 2003 15:25 tarihinde demiş ki:
Occupation: Crimefighter, teacher

hö? öğretmen mi? nezman? hane freelance fotographer?[hline]a.k.a. Duxus
Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım...
Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım?
Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor!
My life? Working in Progress!
Mesaj tarihi:
büyüdüğünde öğretmen oluyor diye biliyorum ben..[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Mesaj tarihi:
işte spiderman dedin canımı al istersen şu marvel dünyasında en hayran olduğum karakter spiderman dir gerisini tanımam[hline]KinGpiN the striked sazan
uleaa şülü şülü fülfülü bülbül..
Mesaj tarihi:
evet bu da tabii ki baska bir idolumuz ya arkadaslar bu herif kadar karizma olan bi adam daha var midir hayir yani super gucleri olmadan bile mary jane gibi bi kisiligi tavlamayi basarmistir bu kaplan :-)
marvel dunyasindaki en baba kahramanlardan biri diorum daha da dicek bi sey bulamiyorum bone abi solemish zaaten :-)[hline]You will be fine, Chére. You got people watchin' over you."

Mesaj tarihi:
espri anlayışı,onun için büyük bir artıdır.bu sayede en kötü durumlarda bile birçok düşmanının sinirlerini altüst ederek onları alt etmeyi başarmıştır..

[Bu mesaj Gabe_Logan tarafından 24 November 2003 18:23 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
adam okudugu universitede yuksek ogrenim yaparken ayni zamanda asistanlik da yapiyor. cogu kitapta ogrencilere sinav hazirliyordu hede ediyordu vs. hatta bunun universitesinden 2-3 arkadasi da var master yapan. bu harry osborn biriydi galba bi de sarisin kiz vardi bi de ned vardi.[hline]referanslar :
www.tokaci.com(oscommerce customization)
aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim: www.bookturkey.com
Mesaj tarihi:
Arkadas sonradan bayabı sonradan lıse ogretmenlıgı yapıyor mezun oldugu lısede dahsedılen ogretmenlık o.

Ve en cok sevdıgım cızgı karakterdır kendısı bole bakar bakar severım kendısını En ınsan gıbı super ınsandır hatasıyla davranıslarıyla. Bol bol dayak yer ole herkezı elının tersısyle dovemez falan baya saglam elemandır kendısı.[hline]Cuce iste bildigin cuce
Mesaj tarihi:

Bir kaç resimde ben koyim bari;

[hline]KinGpiN the striked sazan
uleaa şülü şülü fülfülü bülbül..

[Bu mesaj theKingpin tarafından 25 November 2003 15:28 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

Mesaj tarihi:
Şimdi düşündümde eğer o pozisyonda öpüşürseniz dişlerinizin kırılma riski var =).[hline]Infernal_Reborn, 22 November 2003 17:00 tarihinde demiş ki:o diil de max payne 2 oynuorum adam hep traşlı. lan ne ara traş oluon allahsız.
Mesaj tarihi:
Adam asılı duruyor.
Kadın öpecek.Eğer boynunu tutup kendi doğru çekme olayına girerse daha beter.Düşer boynu kırılır adamın.
Ziyan olur spidey =).[hline]Infernal_Reborn, 22 November 2003 17:00 tarihinde demiş ki:o diil de max payne 2 oynuorum adam hep traşlı. lan ne ara traş oluon allahsız.
Mesaj tarihi:
bence filmdekı kostum ıgrenc[hline]a.k.a. Duxus
Wisdom, clear my eyes.
Honor, guide my step.
Passion, fire my heart.
Darkness, hide my fear.
Life, be my shield.
Mesaj tarihi:
Alexi_Septimus, 25 November 2003 16:50 tarihinde demiş ki:
Şimdi düşündümde eğer o pozisyonda öpüşürseniz dişlerinizin kırılma riski var =).[hline]Infernal_Reborn, 22 November 2003 17:00 tarihinde demiş ki:o diil de max payne 2 oynuorum adam hep traşlı. lan ne ara traş oluon allahsız.

yok abi ben denedim bi seycik olmuyo baya da ii oluyo :-)[hline]You will be fine, Chére. You got people watchin' over you."

Mesaj tarihi:
smerten, 25 November 2003 22:57 tarihinde demiş ki:
bence filmdekı kostum ıgrenc[hline]a.k.a. Duxus
Wisdom, clear my eyes.
Honor, guide my step.
Passion, fire my heart.
Darkness, hide my fear.
Life, be my shield.

bence filmdeki kostüm süper..[hline]KinGpiN the striked sazan
uleaa şülü şülü fülfülü bülbül..
Mesaj tarihi:
bence çooook çirkin olmuş.. (zevkler renkler..)[hline]a.k.a. Duxus
Wisdom, clear my eyes.
Honor, guide my step.
Passion, fire my heart.
Darkness, hide my fear.
Life, be my shield.
Mesaj tarihi:

Scarlet Spider'ın kıyafetine hastayım

Scarlet Spider

[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard

Mesaj tarihi:
Şu sitede ilginç şeyler var. Özellikle ilk örümcek adam çizgi filmi ve dizisi (ben bile izlememişim bunları, bir de eski örümcek adam çizgi filmini izledim diye geçinirdim :) )

Örümcek Adam'ın da birkaç değişik halini buldum:

[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard

[Bu mesaj Bonecrusher tarafından 26 November 2003 17:10 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

[Bu mesaj Bonecrusher tarafından 26 November 2003 17:21 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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