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Karakterleri Tanıtalım:Cyclops

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Mesaj tarihi:
Longtime leader of the X-Men, Scott Summers is cursed with optic blasts that fire whenever he opens his eyes. Cyclops must wear a protective ruby-quartz visor to hold these destructive beams in check -- or risk destroying everyone and everything around him!

Real Name: Scott Summers
Occupation: Adventurer
Group Affiliation: X-Men
Base of Operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963)

Height: 6'1
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eye Color: Glowing red
Hair Color: Brown

Powers: Cyclops possesses the mutant ability to project a beam of concussive force from his eyes. As he cannot control his optic blasts, he must wear a visor or glasses with ruby-quartz lenses that block the beams.

History: .

The first X-Man, Scott Summers was the older of two sons born to Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot for the U.S. Air Force, and his wife, Katherine. Major Summers was flying his family home from vacation when a midair accident crippled the Summers' plane. Katherine pushed Scott and his brother Alex to safety with the only available parachute. With Christopher and Katherine presumed dead, the authorities separated the two boys: Alex was adopted immediately, but Scott was injured in the fall and remained comatose in a hospital for a year. On recovering, he was placed in an orphanage. Years later, as a teenager, Scott began to suffer severe headaches and eyestrain. A specialist discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem.

When Scott was in his mid-teens, his mutant power finally erupted -- bursting forth in an uncontrollable blast of optic force that demolished a crane, causing it to drop its payload toward a terrified crowd. Scott saved the onlookers' lives by obliterating the object with another blast. But the bystanders rallied into an angry mob, believing he had tried to kill them. Scott fled, escaping on a freight train. Shortly after, Professor X enlisted him as the first member of the X-Men, helping him harness his optic blasts. To call Professor X a mentor fails to express fully what he means to Scott. More than a teacher, Xavier is the father he never knew. Rather than merely educate Scott in the use of his superhuman powers, Professor X molded the young mutant into the honorable man he is today through precise instruction and unwavering example.

Scott would gladly lay down his life to make the Professor's dream of peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants a reality. As deputy leader of the X-Men, he acted as Xavier's second in command for years, through various roster changes. A natural-born leader, Scott's social skills were somewhat lacking as a teen. He fell in love with teammate Jean Grey, but his reserved demeanor at first prevented him from expressing his true feelings. Eventually, he overcame his anxieties, and the two entered into a romantic relationship. Following an adventure in space, Scott was unaware that Jean had been replaced and cast into suspended animation by the cosmic being called the Phoenix Force. Ultimately, the imprint of Jean's psyche compelled the power-mad entity to commit suicide, thus preventing it from destroying the universe. Scott believed the love of his life had died. Grief-sticken, he left the X-Men, but his feelings for Jean endured.

Some time after the real Jean emerged from suspended animation, she and Scott married. She was his inspiration, a beacon lighting his soul with hopes and dreams. But through the years, Cyclops has evinced a tendency to put his personal life aside in favor of his responsibilities as leader of the X-Men. He has grown more comfortable shouting orders to Jean in the Danger Room than confiding in her his deepest feelings. Blessed and cursed as he is with concussive blasts that fire whenever he opens his eyes, Cyclops feels he must forever hold himself in check -- or risk destroying everyone and everything around him. As a result of her husband's tunnel vision and stoicism, Jean has sought the support of others with increasing frequency, be it father figure Professor X or teammate Wolverine. At times, this has threatened to drive a wedge between the two, but Jean has always remained faithful to Scott.

The X-Men are much more than a team to Scott. They're his friends and his life. And when he was reunited with his brother Alex, who had begun to manifest mutant powers of his own, Cyclops brought him into this, his new family. As Havok, Alex trained with the X-Men to hone his ability to absorb and transmit cosmic energy.

Despite his power, Cyclops is blessed with the gift of vision -- the ability to see unique solutions to the unconventional problems often encountered by the X-Men. Scott believes in rigorous training and strict discipline, and rarely lets his guard down. Even Wolverine, who at first resisted Cyclops' leadership and openly feuded with him at every op
Mesaj tarihi:
harbi kıllık bir yanada resimdeki çizim çok kötü ya da ben alışık değilim belkide orjinal çizimdir.. fox kids teki cyclops tan sonra biraz garip geliyor..[hline]KinGpiN the striked sazan
uleaa şülü şülü fülfülü bülbül..
Mesaj tarihi:
bu kıyafeti uncanny x-men 400'den sonraki yenileşme hareketleri sırasında giydiği kıyafettir..

Eskiden fox kidsteki gibi giyinirdi..[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Mesaj tarihi:

resim baya kotu

bizim bildiğimiz sevdiğimiz scott...
bende sevmezdim eskiden ama tanıdıkça wolv la aralındakı ılsıkıyı falan ogrendıkce sevıyo ınsan..
edit:ulan resim niye çıkmıyo???
[hline]a.k.a. Duxus
Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım...
Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım?
Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor!
My life? Working in Progress!

[Bu mesaj smerten tarafından 22 November 2003 14:43 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]

Mesaj tarihi:
kötü diye adletmen oldukça yanlış bence yaratıcılarına karşı saygısızlık bunların hepsi ilk çizimler kısaca şuan halen x-men okuyorsan ilk okuyucular cyclopsu böyle sevip aldığı için okuyorsun :)[hline]End is near;
Bu I aint afraid;
I see sarrow on faces
But I aint show pitty,
Cause Im the Fallen One!
Mesaj tarihi:
ya her ne kadar insanlar kil olsa da cyc grubunu kurtarmak icin elinden gelen her seyi yapan guclu bir mutant ozelligine sahip fedakar bi arkadas ve cok ii bir kumandan
esas oglan olsa da severim keretayi :-)[hline]You will be fine, Chére. You got people watchin' over you."

Mesaj tarihi:

şşt hoop wolverine'e laf yok çizerim (sanki bunu daha önce de yazdım gibi geldi.. neyse..)

Name: Scott Summers
Age: 19
Powers: Optic Blasts
Affiliation: X-Men
First Episode: Strategy X
Must See Episodes:Strategy X, Turn of the Rogue, The Cauldron I and II, Adrift, On Angel's Wings, Blind Alley
Originally from: Missouri
Known Family: Alex (Brother) Seen in The Cauldron I and II
Hobbies and pastimes: Basketball, Soccer and yo-yo tricks.
Favorite music: R.E.M., Oasis, Smashing Pumpkins, etc.
Favorite foods: Burgers, tacos and pizza.
Voiced by: Kirby Morrow

Scott Summers is the one the others all look up to, especially since he was Xavier's original recruit. Scott is confident and good-natured, although some people might get the idea that he's a little aloof (it's the dark-glasses thing). Scott is good at sports, and especially excels at basketball and soccer. He is originally from St. Louis, and has that standard American non-accent. Scott is an orphan, and was separated from his brother (Alex Masters - Havok) at an early age. Add to that these crazy eye beams that he can't control, and you can see that his life hasn't handed him the best hand.

Scott has "eye problems," for which he is always wearing red shades. Scott Summers is Cyclops, a mutant whose eyes project devastating force beams. These beams cannot be controlled, merely aimed, so Scott is forever in fear of unleashing their power and causing untold destruction. Having such power is a huge burden on Scott; if he just could have one wish, it would be to become a normal person with normal eyes. Sadly, such will never be the case.

As the X-Men find themselves forming into a team, big brother Scott will naturally take charge. He is a natural leader, yet a young leader. After recently graduating from Bayville High, he's become an instructor at Xavier's Institute for Gifted Children and is currently romantically involved with his long time crush Jean Grey.

[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard

Mesaj tarihi:
Scott Summers/Cyclops

Güçleri: Vücudu güneş enerjisini bir çeşit pil gibi emer. Bu enerji gözlerinden optik ışınlar olarak çıkar. Lazer benzeri bu ışınların tahrip gücü çok yüksektir. Scott bu gücünü kontrol edemediği için sürekli özel yapılmış gözlük veya lensler giymek zorundadır, aksi halde etrafındaki herkesi ve herşeyi yokedebilir.

Biyografi: Birleşik Devletler Hava Kuvvetleri'nde test pilotu olan Christopher Summers ve karısı Katherine'in iki oğlundan biriydi. Ailesiyle tatile giderken Christopher'ın uçurduğu uçakta arıza çıkınca Katherine uçaktaki tek paraşütü oğulları Scott ve Alex'e bağlayarak onları uçaktan dışarı iter ve onların hayatlarını kurtarır. Yetkililer sağ kurtulan iki kardeşi ayırırlar. Alex başka bir aile tarafından evlat edilinirken Scott paraşütle yere düşerken başına şiddetli bir darbe aldığı için bir hastanede bir yıla yakın komada kalır. İyileştikten sonra Nebraska'daki bir yetimhaneye yerleştirilir. Yıllar sonra genç Scott sürekli baş ağrıları ve göz ağrılarından şikayet etmeye başlar. Bir doktor ona özel lensler vererek bu sorunu çözer.

Scott büyük bir şehirdeyken mutant gücü nihayet ortaya çıkar. Gözlerinden kontrol edemediği bir optik ışın çıkar ve patlama yaratarak büyük bir cismin kalabalığın üzerine doğru düşmesine neden olur. Scott ışınları ile bu nesneyi yokeder fakat öfkeli kalabalık onun kendilerini öldürmeye çalıştığını zannederek ona saldırır. Scott oradan kaçar. Onu Charles Xavier kurtarır ve X-Men'in ilk üyesi yapar. Burada takım arkadaşı Jean Grey'e aşık olur. Uzun bir süre çekingenlikleri yüzünden birbirlerinin duygularından haberdar olmayan çift sonunda çıkmaya başlarlar ve ilerleyen yıllarda bu beraberlikleri evlilik ile sonuçlanır.

Scott çocukken başına aldığı darbe yüzünden beyninin mutant gücünü kontrol edebilmesine yarayan kısmı zarar gördüğünden gözlerinden çıkan optik ışınları kontrol edememektedir. Bu yüzden sürekli olarak özel olarak yapılmış gözlükler takmak zorunda kalır.

Scott'ın liderlik yetenekleri onun çok uzun bir süredir X-Men'in lideri olmasını sağlamıştır. Prof. X'in yokluğunda mutant okulunun, göreve çıktıkları zamanlarda ise ekibin sorumluluğu onun omuzlarındadır. Savaş zamanlarında gözlerinden çıkan optik ışınlar çok tehlikeli bir silahtır.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Mesaj tarihi:
Real name: Scott Summers
Former aliases: Erik the Red I, Slym
Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Student, radio announcer
Place of birth: Anchorage, Alaska
Marital status: Married
Group affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) X-Factor I
Height: 6'3
Weight: 195 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (glow red)
Hair: Brown
History: Scott Summers was the older of the two sons of Major Christopher Summers, a test pilot in the U. S. Air Force. When Scott was a child, Major Summers flew himself, his wife Katherine, and his sons Scott and Alex back from a vacation in his vintage private plane. The plane was attacked and set ablaze by a scout ship from the alien Shi'ar Empire. Katherine pushed Scott and Alex out the plane door with the only available parachute. The parachute was unable to slow their fall sufficiently to prevent Scott from suffering a head injury on landing. (The injury damaged the part of Scott's brain that would have enabled him to control his optic blasts.)
The two boys were separated by the authorities: Alex was adopted, but Scott remained comatose in a hospital for a year. Christopher and Katharine were believed dead. (Actually, they were taken prisoner by the Shi'ar; Katharine soon died but Christopher later became Corsair, leader of the Starjammers, a band of interstellar adventurers.

On recovering, Scott was placed in an orphanage in Omaha, Nebraska that was secretly controlled by his future enemy Mister Sinister. Years later, as a teenager, Scott began to suffer from severe headaches and eyestrain. He was sent to an eye specialist in Washington, D. C., who discovered that lenses made of ruby quartz corrected the problem.

While Scott was visiting a large city, his developing mutant power to project optic force beams finally erupted, bursting forth in an uncontrollable blast that demolished a crane, causing it to drop a huge object towards a terrified crowd. Scott saved the crowd by obliterating the object with another blast, but they turned into an angry mob, thinking he had tried to kill them. Scott fled, ultimately escaping on a freight train.

Professor Charles Xavier and F.B.I. agent Fred Duncan joined forces in their mutual attempt to find Scott. Meanwhile, a mutant known as Jack O' Diamonds, and later as the Living Diamond, forced the frightened boy to aid him in his crimes. Xavier rescued Scott from the Living Diamond and enlisted him as the first member of the team of young mutants he would teach in using their powers, the X-Men.

As Cyclops Scott soon became deputy leader of the X-Men. He fell in love with his teammate Jean Grey, although his reserve and his worries about the dangers of his optic beams prevented him for years from expressing his feelings to her. When the other original X-Men left the team, Cyclops stayed on as deputy leader of the "new" X-Men.

Shortly afterwards the cosmic entity called the Phoenix Force secretly placed Jean in suspended animation and impersonated her, adopting a form identical to hers. When this Phoenix committed suicide, Scott believed that the real Jean had died and he left the X-Men. Eventually he returned to the team and met and married Madelyne Pryor, a woman who was Jean's double; he was unaware she was a clone of Jean created by Mister Sinister. Scott and Madelyne had a baby son, named Nathan Christopher, and Scott again left the X-Men.

Subsequently, the real Jean Grey emerged from suspended animation. Scott left his wife and joined with Jean and the other original X-Men in founding a new team, the original X-Factor. Madelyne went insane, developed superhuman powers, and perished in combat with Jean Grey.

Later, Apocalypse infected Nathan with a techno-organic virus . To save his life, Scott was forced to allow a time traveling member of the Askani cult to transport Nathan to the 30th century of an alternate future.

After Professor Xavier returned from a long sojourn in space with the Starjammers, Cyclops and the other X-Factor members rejoined the X-Men. Ever since then Cyclops has remained with the X-Men, sharing deputy leadership with Storm.

Recently, Scott and Jean were finally married. While they were on their honeymoon, Mother Askani, leader of the Askani cult, drew their spirits two millennia into an alternate future, where they inhabited new bodies. There, as Slym and Redd, they spent years raising young Nathan into his early adolescence. Then Scott and Jean returned to their own time and bodies, and Nathan remained to grow up into his time's greatest hero, Cable.

Scott and Jean are currently on leave from the X-Men and reside in Alaska.

Mutant features/abilities: Ability to project a beam of concussive force from his eyes, invulnerability to his own power and that of Havok.

Special limitations: Due to a brain injury, Cyclops is unable to shut off his optic blasts at will and must therefore wear a visor or glasses with ruby quartz lenses that block the beams.[hline][b]Nefret
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