KARAMURAT Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 22, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 22, 2003 Before the battle between good and evil mutants escalated to the brink of genetic war, carefree millionaire Warren Worthington III was the high-flying, heroic Angel. But Warren's world came crashing down when dark forces conspired to clip his wings. Recovered from his brush with evil, Archangel again soars the skies alongside the uncanny X-Men! Real Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III Occupation: Chairman of the board and principal stockholder of Worthington Industries Group Affiliation: X-Men Base of Operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963) Height: 6' Weight: 150 lbs. Eye Color: Blue Hair Color: Blond Powers: Warren Worthington is a mutant who can fly by means of natural wings, which span 16 feet from tip to tip. Archangel's entire anatomy is adapted for flight: His bones are hollow like a bird's, his body is virtually devoid of fat, he possesses greater proportionate muscle strength than a normal human, his eyes can withstand high-speed winds, and a special membrane in his respiratory system allows him to extract oxygen from the air at extreme velocities and altitudes. History: While attending a prestigious East Coast boarding school, Warren Worthington sprouted wings from his shoulder blades. Initially alarmed by his mutant gift, Warren soon grew to relish the freedom of flight. Still, he strapped the wings tightly to his back to avoid suspicion -- and by extension, discrimination. Warren was forced into action, however, when fire struck his dormitory. Donning a blond wig and long nightshirt to conceal his identity, he delivered the students inside from certain death -- appearing as an angel to onlookers. Despite the obvious risks -- exposure, loss of standing, even death -- Warren would not be grounded. Shortly after saving his classmates, he took to the skies of New York City as a costumed crimefighter. Warren's nocturnal activities drew the attention of Professor X, who invited him to become a founding member of the X-Men. Warren accepted Xavier's offer. Warren initially hid the secret of his double life with a mask, but later revealed his identity to the public. Besides serving as an example to other mutants, he naively hoped to dazzle humanity with the photogenic face of evolution. Tolerated only because of his family's vast wealth and impeccable standing, Warren quickly learned he would only be embraced for who and what he truly is if Xavier's dream for peaceful coexistence between man and mutant becomes reality. As such, he has fought for his mentor's vision in various capacities since his teens. But Warren was not always Xavier's prize pupil. For a time, he made more headlines for his social escapades and celebrity conquests than as the poster boy for human-mutant relations. Warren's carefree world came crashing down after dark forces conspired to clip his wings. When a squad of superhuman assassins descended on the Morlocks, New York City's subterranean mutants, the X-Men intervened. During the clash, one of the mercenaries impaled Warren's wings. The wounds became infected, and doctors were forced to amputate the crippled appendages. Deeply depressed, Warren attempted to commit suicide. Just before the explosion of his small aircraft, however, he was teleported to safety by Apocalypse. The mutant warlord offered to return Warren's ability to fly, but for a lofty price. Warren could regain what he had lost only by becoming Apocalypse’s acolyte: the Fourth Horseman, Death. Warren was desperate and confused, and he surrendered himself to Apoclaypse completely. Born on razor-sharp wings of steel, the fallen hero fought his former teammates under his new master's thrall. Mentally unbalanced, Warren came to his senses only when tricked into believing he had killed his old friend Iceman. Having reconciled his short-lived servitude to Apocalypse, Warren finally molted the warlord's metallic wings to reveal his natural feathers underneath. Recovered from his brush with evil, Archangel again soars the skies alongside the X-Men. No longer a happy-go-lucky youth, Warren fully understands the price that must be paid for lasting peace between man and mutant. Now dedicated completely to Xavier's cause, he has brought the preponderance of his sizeable inheritance to bear in the fight for a better tomorrow.[hline]End is near; Bu I aint afraid; I see sarrow on faces But I aint show pitty, Cause Im the Fallen One!
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 22, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 22, 2003 benim kuzende bi kitap vardı marvelın sanırım bütün karakterlerini içeren bi kitap acaip fazla sayıda karakteri tanıtıyordu tabii kesin yeni karakterler türemiştir o zamandan bu yana saymakla bitmez abi bu adamların karakterleri..[hline]
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 angel çok komik bir adam.. ilk başta melek gibi bişi, normal adam ama kanatları var.. sonra apocalypse'in oyununa geliyor, çelik kanatları ve garip bir derisi oluyor.. sonra healing factore sahip oluyor ve kanatları bu çeliği patlatarak yeniden ortaya çıkıyor ve üstteki hali alıyor..[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 X-Men Evolution: Name: Warren Worthington Age: 18 Powers: Wings that allow him to fly Affiliation: Independent First Episode: On Angel's Wings Must See Episodes: On Angel's Wings Originally from: New York Known Family: None Voiced by: Mark Hildreth A wealthy bachelor, Warren has hard time adjusting to his mutation. He decided to use his powers to help people and became a lone vigilante, but Magneto caused the people to turn against him. He has stopped acting as a solo hero and also decided not to join the X-Men at present, but the invitation remains open. Angel's mutation is a pair of huge white wings that allow him to fly.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
smerten Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 hastasıyım abi.. daha nasıl olunabilir ki??? melek kanatları ya süfer ya harika...[hline]a.k.a. Duxus --------- Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım... Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım? --------- Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor! --------- My life? Working in Progress!
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Warren Kenneth Worthington III/Angel/Archangel Güçleri: Warren'ın tüm anatomisi uçmak için yaratılmıştır. Uçmasını sağlayan doğal kanatları vardır. Kemikleri kuş kemikleri gibi hafiftir, vücudu şişmanlamasını kendiliğinden engeller, normal bir insandan daha fazla kas kuvveti vardır, gözleri yüksek hızlarda oluşan rüzgar akımına dayanabilir, vücudu havada ani basınç değişikliklerine dayanabilir ve çok yükseklerde bile nefes alabilir. Biyografi: Warren yatılı bir okulda okumaktayken sırtından kanatlar çıkmaya başladı. Birkaç ay sonra kanatlar tam boyutlarına ulaştılar. Warren bu kanatları sıkıca bağlayıp kıyafetlerinin altında gizliyordu. Fakat sonraları uçmanın verdiği özgürlük duygusunun tadını çıkarmaya başladı. Günün birinde okul yatakhanesinde çıkan yangında sarı bir peruk ve uzun bir gecelikle kimliğini gizlemeye çalışan Warren içeride sıkışan öğrencileri dışarı taşıyarak ölümden kurtardı. Görgü tanıklarına aynı bir melek gibi görünmüştü. Okulda daha fazla kalamayacağını anlayan Warren, New York'a gitti. Burada suça karşı savaşan biri oldu. Bir süre sonra kendisine Avenging Angel adını veren Warren, Prof. Xavier'ın ilgisini çekmişti. Xavier onu okuluna aldı ve böylece Warren, X-Men'lere katıldı. Warren sonraki yıllarda X-Men'den ayrılarak önce Champions of Los Angeles adlı gruba katıldı ama sonra tekrar X-Men'e geri döndü. Kısa süre sonra tekrar ayrılarak Defenders'a katıldı ama sonunda gene eski ekibine geri döndü. Bu olaylardan sonraki çarpışmalardan birinde Harpoon adlı biri tarafından kanatlarından yaralandı. Avengers'ın bir üyesi olan Thor tarafından kurtarıldı, fakat kanatları ciddi olarak zarar görmüştü. Doktorlar yaranın daha da yayılmaması için kanatları almak zorunda kaldılar. Kanatlarını kaybettikten sonra depresyona giren Warren intahara kalkıştı. Arkadaşları onun öldüğünü sanmışlardı, fakat aslında X-Men'in en büyük düşmanlarından biri olan Apocalypse tarafından kurtarılmıştı. Mutant savaş lordu, Warren'a mekanik kanatlar takarak ona uçma yeteneğini yeniden vermeyi teklif etti. Warren bunu kabul etti, fakat bedeli çok yüksek oldu. Apocalypse'in emrindeki Mahşerin Dört Atlısı adı altındaki bir grubun Death adlı üyesi oldu. Ona takılan jilet keskinliğindeki çelik kanatlarla birlikte deri rengi de maviye dönüşmüş ve bir nevi 'düşmüş bir melek' görünümüne bürünmüştü. Fakat Apolcalypse'in yokettiği sanılan eski duygularına tekrar kavuşan Warren tekrar X-Men'e katıldı. Mekanik kanatları yüzünden bu kez Archangel adını aldı. X-Men'e katılmasının ardından bir kere daha dönüşüm geçirerek mekanik kanatlarından kurtuldu ve eski doğal kanatlarına geri kavuşarak tekrar Angel oldu, fakat deri rengi mavi kaldı.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
smerten Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 bır ınsanın bu kadar karızmatık gorunusu olup ta boyle sallamasyon guclerı olabır mı ya? -hocam gucun ne? -ucuyom abı -nası ya :) bu arada healıng blood olayı nasıldır sadece kendısıne mı herkese mı? bılen?[hline]a.k.a. Duxus --------- Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım... Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım? --------- Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor! --------- My life? Working in Progress!
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 wolverine gibi healing ability'si var.. wolverine gibi, başkasına kanını verince o da bir süreliğine iyileşiyor..[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Real Name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III Occupation: Adventurer Other Aliases: Archangel, The Avenging Angel, Death Place of birth: Centerport, Long Island, New York Marital Status: Single Group Affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) X-Factor, Defenders, Champions, Horsemen of the Apocalypse Height: 6' Weight: 150lbs Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde History:Warren Worthington III was attending a private school in his adolescence when wings began to grow from his shoulder blades. The wings reached their full adult size within months, but Worthington kept them a secret by strapping them tightly to his back and concealing them under clothes. At first he thought himself a freak. However, Worthington learned that he could use his wings to fly and came to enjoy his newfound ability. Then one night there was a fire in his dormitory, and he resolved to use his flying power to rescue the people inside. To conceal his identity, Worthington wore a long blonde wig and a long nightshirt, so that he looked like an angel. The rescue was successful and his identity remained a secret. Shortly thereafter, Worthington became a costumed crime fighter in New York City under the name the Avenging Angel. He was then contacted by the X-Men, a team of superhuman mutants, and agreed to join them, becoming one of the group's original members. Years later, shortly after Professor Charles Xavier, the founder of the X-Men, recruited several new members for the group, the Angel decided to leave the team (see Professor X). After his parents' death, Worthington inherited a vast fortune, and he used part of it to found a Los Angeles-based organization of superhumans called the Champions. Worthington also publicly revealed that he was the Angel, although he and Xavier managed to keep secret Worthington's connection with Xavier's school, the cover and home base for the X-Men. When the Champions failed as an organization, Worthington decided to devote his time from then on to his business duties and to his girlfriend Candace "Candy" Southern. Worthington also briefly returned to the X-Men. The Angel later joined another team of superhuman adventurers, the Defenders, and remained with them after the Beast, another of the original X-Men, reorganized the group (see Beast). The Defenders used the mansion and estate that Worthington and Southern jointly owned in the Colorado Rocky Mountains as their base of operations. After several of the Defenders seemingly perished in a battle against Moondragon and the Dragon of the Moon, the Angel joined four other original members of the X-Men in founding X-Factor, an organization that would seek out and aid superhuman mutants under the pretense of hunting down "mutant menaces." Worthington brought in a friend from school, Cameron Hodge, to act as X-Factor's public relations director. Unknown to Worthington, Hodge was the leader of an organization called The Right and intended to use X-Factor to exacerbate anti-mutant sentiments in the general public. Mystique, leader of Freedom Force, discovered that Worthington, a known mutant, was secretly the financial backer of X-Factor, which was publicly believed to be a mutant-hunting organization, and leaked this information to the news media, generating great controversy. Subsequently, in a battle with the Marauders during their massacre of the mutant Morlocks, the Angel was caught by Blockbuster. Another Marauder, Harpoon, then impaled the Angel's wings with his weapons. The thunder god Thor rescued the Angel, but the bones of the Angel's wings had been permanently crippled, and his wounds became infected. As a result, surgeons amputated Worthington's wings. Worthington changed his will, leaving his fortune to X-Factor, thereby unwittingly playing into Hodge's plans. Shortly afterwards, in despair over the loss of his wings, his breakup with Southern, and the controversy plaguing X-Factor, Worthington apparently committed suicide in a small aircraft that exploded. In fact, however, Worthington was teleported to safety by the mutant Apocalypse who, through genetic manipulation, caused the Angel's wings to grow back in a new form. His views towards the world radically altered by his recent traumatic experiences, Worthington became one of Apocalypse's warriors, the so-called Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, and took the name Death. As Death, he battled the other four founding members of X-Factor, but he was shocked into ending his attack when one of the X-Factor members, Iceman, faked his own demise. Abandoning both Apocalypse and X-Factor, Worthington flew off to live a solitary life. He then rejoined X-Factor and adopted the new name of Archangel. Recently Warren underwent yet another transformation. This time Archangel "shed" his metallic wings which gave way to his older, more familiar feathered wings. The mystery surrounding this change is yet uncovered, but Warren fears it could be the next step in some higher pl
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Real name: Warren Kenneth Worthington III Other names: Archangel, The Avenging Angel, Death Place of birth: Centerport, Long Island, New York Marital status: Single Height: 6' Weight: 150 lbs Distinguishing features: Angel possesses large wings with a sixteen foot wingspan from wing tip to wing tip, resembling those of a bird. Due to Apocalypse's genetic engineering, Archangel has blue skin, and formerly his wings were composed of a hard, sharp organic material that resembles the "organic steel" of the mutant Colossus. Mutant powers: Angel is a mutant who can fly by means of his natural wings. Fully feathered like a bird's, the wings have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling him to press them to the back of his torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under his clothing. Angel's entire anatomy is naturally adapted to flying. His bones are hollow like a bird's, making him weigh far less than usual for a man of his build. His body is virtually devoid of fat and possesses greater proportionate muscle mass than an ordinary human does. His eyes are specially adapted to withstand high-speed winds which would hurt the average human eye. He possesses a special membrane in his respiratory system enabling him to extract oxygen from the air at high velocities or altitudes. Angel flies by flapping his wings, as a bird does. Though he generally flies below the height of clouds (6,500 feet), Angel can reach a height of 10,000 feet with little effort. With severe strain he can reach the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight (African geese at 29,000 feet above sea level), but he can only remain that high for several minutes. He can fly nonstop under his own power for a maximum of approximately twelve hours. Contrary to some reports, he could not make a transatlantic flight solely under his own power. However, since his genetic alteration by Apocalypse, Angel may be able to fly for longer periods non-stop than he could previously.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 [hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic ArtsHastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
smerten Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 bone walla bu topıclere pek katılmasamda.. allah razı olsun ellerın der tgormesın (kara murat senınde ve yapan herkesın) usengeclere olum! bu arada resımler hep archangel.. aslıdna cok guzel resımlerı var angelın ıkı tane bıldıgım ama scnner ımı tnaıtmaya ve dergılerı almaya ıhtıyacım var tekrar: uşengeclere ölüm[hline]a.k.a. Duxus --------- Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım... Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım? --------- Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor! --------- My life? Working in Progress!
gambitds Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 valla smerten ozel ilgisi olan bu karakteri pek sevmem kendisinin oldukca basit bi gucu vardir ki bu gucu zamaninda hazerfen celebi de galatasaray kulesinden asagiya dogru icra etmisti kendisi karizmadir dis gorunus olarak zengindir ve yakisiklidir ama bir gambit wolverine veya nightcrawlerle kiyas kabul etmez[hline]You will be fine, Chére. You got people watchin' over you."
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