Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Süper hatunlardan biri.. Sitede de güzel bir resmi var keratanın.One of the first mutants recruited by Professor Charles Xavier, Jean Grey has been an anchor of the X-Men since the team's inception. Tempering telepathy and telekinesis with warmth and compassion, Jean has overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges -- rising from the ashes of her apparent death like a Phoenix to stand in defense of a world on the brink of genetic war! Real Name: Jean Grey Occupation: Adventurer Group Affiliation: X-Men Base of Operations: Xavier Institute for Higher Learning, Westchester County, New York First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 1) #1 (1963) Height: 5'6 Weight: 115 lbs. Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Red Powers: A telepath, Jean Grey can read minds, project thoughts and illusions into others' heads, and discharge mind-numbing mental bolts. Her telekinetic abilities allow her to levitate herself, other living beings and inanimate objects. History: When Jean Grey was 10 years old, she watched helplessly as a car struck her best friend. The strength of Jean's emotions awakened her latent telepathic powers, and she experienced the dying girl's feelings firsthand. Withdrawn and deeply depressed, Jean discovered she could not control her newly awakened mental abilities and was forced to isolate herself from others to keep hold of her sanity. Jean had been an average child; now, she could hear thoughts louder than voices. Jean's parents were referred to Professor X, who treated the young mutant for several years. Xavier erected psychic shields in Jean's mind so she wouldn't be able to use her telepathic abilities until she achieved the maturity necessary to control them. When Jean had attained a certain level of mastery, Xavier recommended that her parents enroll her in his newly established School for Gifted Youngsters. As Marvel Girl, Jean became the fifth member of the X-Men. Following the removal of Xavier's psychic shields, she proved highly adept at using her telepathic powers. Through it all, Jean harbored strong feelings for fellow student Cyclops. For years, both were too shy to express their emotions. They eventually declared their true feelings for one another, and continued their romantic relationship even after Jean left the team. When the government unleashed a second iteration of Sentinels, the androids abducted Jean and the X-Men, and imprisoned them in an orbiting space station. The team escaped to Earth in a space shuttle but were forced to fly through a lethal solar-radiation storm. Because the pilot's cabin lacked sufficient shielding, Jean insisted on flying the shuttle, reasoning that her powers would protect her. The solar radiation, however, proved too great for her to hold back. Already succumbing to the agonizing effects of radiation poisoning, Jean was touched by the cosmic being known as the Phoenix Force. The entity created a body for itself that was identical to Jean's, duplicated her memories and personality, and absorbed a portion of her consciousness. It then guided the shuttle to a crash-landing in Jamaica Bay off New York City. The Phoenix Force placed the real Jean in suspended animation within a cocoon-like pod resting on the bottom of the bay. Eventually corrupted by its own limitless power, the Phoenix Force became a threat to all creation. Jean's persona ultimately regained dominance, and her psyche caused the entity to sacrifice itself to save the universe, committing suicide before Cyclops' horrified eyes. Months later, the Avengers discovered the pod and turned it over to the Fantastic Four. Finally breaking through the cocoon's psi-damping, the real Jean released herself. Fully healed, she reunited with the X-Men -- and Scott, whom she later married. Just as Jean hid her love for Scott as a teen, she must forever conceal her strong feelings for another X-Man: Wolverine. Tempering telepathy and telekinesis with warmth and compassion, Jean secretly hungers for an equally passionate partner. And while she remains faithful to her husband, part of her seeks something more than Scott's detached devotion. Wolverine is Cyclops' opposite in every way, matching Scott's stoicism and grace under fire with an animal passion and killer instinct that mask the heart of a poet. When Cyclops is worlds away, lost in his own agenda, Wolverine stands by Jean in the here and now. Logan shares Jean's feelings, but knows that Scott is the one for her. To the other X-Men, the unsaid attraction between Logan and Jean reads as a deep, binding friendship. More than a costumed adventurer, Jean is mentor to a new generation of mutants. As headmistress at Xavier's School, she teaches a motley crew of troubled teenagers to survive in a world that hates and fears their kind, and hone their strange abilities in preparation for the day when mutants are Earth's dominant species.[hline][b]Nefret Ederim
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 X-Men Evolution: Name: Jean Grey Age: 19 Powers: Telekinesis/Telepathy Affiliation: X-Men First Episode: Strategy X Must See Episodes: Strategy X, X-Impulse, Mutant Crush, Power Surge, Mindbender, Blind Alley Originally from: Connecticut Known Family: Jonathan Grey (Father), Mrs. Grey (Mother), Ms. Grey (Sister) Hobbies and pastimes: Fashion, cooking and malling Favorite music: Sheryl Crow, Alanis Morrisette, and anyone else who ever played the Lilith Fair Favorite foods: Sushi, French cuisine and anything trendy Voiced by: Venus Terzo Jean is a vibrant redhead -- very beautiful and very popular. She's the only one from the Xavier Institute who is not regarded as a little weird. Jean grew up in Connecticut, in an utterly normal upper-middle-class family. She has a non-mutant sister, and her parents are still alive and happily married. Jean is a telekinetic (TK), enabling her to move objects merely by thinking about it. At first, weight will be a real issue with her -- and she starts out only able to move what she can actually lift with her arms. She also has latent telepathic (TP) abilities. Professor X, the world's greatest telepath, will train her to use and refine these powers. However, telepathic abilities are hardly a blessing! When her TP powers first manifest, Jean will first overhear exactly the last things she'd want to -- especially about herself! After recently graduating from Bayville High, Jean has taken an instructors postion at the Institute. She's also currently romantically involved with Scott (Cyclops). [hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic ArtsHastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Jean Grey/Marvel Girl/Phoenix Güçleri: Bir telepat olarak Jean Grey başkalarının zihinlerine girebilir, psişik saldırılar yapabilir. Telekinetik yetenekleri sayesinde aşırı büyük ve ağır olmadığı takdirde objeleri havaya kaldırabilir ve hareket ettirebilir. Biyografi: Jean henüz on yaşındayken bir arabanın arkadaşına çarpmasına şahit olur. Jean'in o anda ki güçlü duyguları onun mutant yeteneğini ilk kez harekete geçirerek telepatik gücünün ortaya çıkmasına neden olur. Telepatik güçleriyle ölmekte olan kızın hissettiklerini hisseder. Yeni ortaya çıkan zihinsel yeneteğini kontrol edemeyen Jean kendini herkesten uzaklaştırır. Büyüdükçe yakınındakilerin düşüncelerini kafasının içinde yüksek sesler olarak duymakta ve bu ona büyük bir acı yaşatmaktadır. Jean'in ailesi Profesör Charles Xavier'dan yardım isterler. Xavier kıza yardım eder. Jean zihinsel güçleri üzerinde belli bir hakimiyet kurduktan sonra Xavier, Jean'in ailesine kızlarını yeni açtığı Yetenekli Gençler Okulu'na almayı teklif eder. Jean, Marvel Girl adını alarak X-Men'in beşinci üyesi olur. Cyclops ile birbirlerine karşı ilgi duymaya başlarlar. Mutant avlayan dev robotlar olan Sentineller, Jean ve diğer X-Men'leri yakaladıkları zaman onları yörüngedeki bir uzay istasyonuna hapsederler. Buradan kaçarlarken bindikleri uzay mekiği dünyanın atmosferine girmeden önce ölümcül bir güneş radyasyonu fırtınasına yakalanır. Ekibin diğer üyeleri mekiğin arkasındaki daha korunaklı yere sığınırken Jean, Cyclops'un itirazlarına rağmen mekiği uçurmakta ısrar eder. Jean mekiği uçururken yüksek radyasyon giderek vücudunu yoketmeye başlar. Ölmek üzereyken kozmik bir varlık olan Phoenix tarafından hayatı kurtarılır. Varlık Jean'in vücudunun benzerini kendisine kopyalar ve Jean'in anılarını da buna aktarır. Mekik denize düştükten sonra Jean'in asıl vücudu denizin dibinde bir koza içinde kalır. X-Men'lerin Jean sandıkları Phoenix çok üstün kozmik gücüyle zamanla herkes için tehlikeli olmaya başlar. Fakat Phoenix'in kişiliğinde Jean'den bir parça vardır ve bu Phoenix'in kendini yokederek kainatın yokedilişten kurtulmasını sağlar. Daha sonraları Avengers denizin dibindeki bu kozayı bularak Fantastic Four'dan Reed Richards'a teslim ederler. Sonunda kozanın psişik korumasını kırmayı başaran Jean serbest kalır. Tamamen iyileşmiş olarak X-Men'e geri döner ve bir süre sonra da Scott ile evlenir. Jean, X-Men'in vazgeçilmez elemanlarından biridir. Cyclops ve Storm'un yokluğunda pekçok kez ekibin liderliğini yaptığı olmuştur. Sahip olduğu zihinsel yetenekler ekibin çok işine yaramaktadır. Sıcak kanlı ve sempatik davranışlarıyla da en sevilen grup üyelerinden biridir.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Real Name: Jean Grey-Summers Other aliases: (current) None, (former) Marvel Girl, Ms. Psyche, Redd Occupation: (current) Adventurer, (former) Student, fashion model Place of birth: Annandale-on-Hudson, New York Marital status: Married Group affiliation: (current) X-Men, (former) X-Factor I Height: 5'6 Weight: 110 lbs. Eyes: Green Hair: Red History: Jean Grey is the younger daughter of John Grey, a history professor at Bard College in New York State, and his wife Elaine. When Jean was ten years old her best friend Annie Richardson was killed by an automobile. Jean's outpouring of emotion as she held her dying friend activated her latent telepathic powers, causing her to experience Annie's own emotions as she died. Traumatized by this experience and unable to control her newly awakened powers, the young Jean became severely withdrawn and depressed. When she was eleven, Jean's parents took her to meet Professor Charles Xavier, who realized she was a mutant and treated her for several years. Xavier erected psychic shields in Jean's mind to prevent her from using her telepathic powers until she had become sufficiently mature to control them, and he taught her how to use her emerging telekinetic abilities. Finally, when Jean was in her middle teens, she joined the X-Men, a group of other young mutants whom Xavier was training in the use of their powers. She assumed the code name Marvel Girl. Jean soon fell in love with her fellow student, Scott Summers, alias Cyclops, but for years they were each too shy to express their feelings for each other. Xavier finally removed the psychic shields from Jean's mind when he was faced with the threat of the alien Z'nox. Since then, she has proved highly adept at using her telepathic powers. Jean left the X-Men shortly after Xavier recruited a second team of students, but continued her romantic relationship with Scott. Shortly afterwards Jean and other X-Men were abducted by Steven Lang's Sentinels to Lang's orbiting space. After defeating Lang the X-Men had to escape back to Earth in a space shuttle through a lethal solar radiation storm. The pilot's cabin lacked sufficient shielding against radiation, but Jean insisted on piloting the craft herself. While she was dying from radiation poisoning, the cosmic entity known as the Phoenix Force appeared to Jean. The Phoenix Force created a body for itself that was identical to Jean's, duplicated her memories and personality, and absorbed a portion of her consciousness. It then guided the X-Men's shuttle to a crash landing in Jamaica Bay off New York City. The Phoenix Force also cast the real Jean into suspended animation within a strange pod that rested on the bottom of Jamaica Bay while slowly healing her. Special skills and abilities: Highly adept in wielding psionic powers Mutant features/abilities: Telepathy (enabling her to read minds, project her thoughts into others' minds, and stun the minds of others with mental bolts), telekinesis (enabling her to levitate herself, other living beings, and objects)[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
gambitds Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 jean grey kesinlikle en kuvvetli ve gusel hatunlardan biridir ve takdire sayandir bu arada phoenix meselesini tam bilen biri bana anlatabilir mi[hline]You will be fine, Chére. You got people watchin' over you."
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