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Karakterleri Tanıyalım: Iron Man

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Mesaj tarihi:

Avengers'ı sevmem. Iron Man'i hiç sevmem.. Ama ne yapalım zırhı süper. Hastayım zırha.

Inventor. Businessman. Ladies' man. Super hero. Gravely injured by an act of industrial sabotage, billionaire genius Tony Stark saved his own life by designing a life-sustaining shell -- the hi-tech armor that is the invincible Iron Man. Today, the world thinks Iron Man is an employee -- Stark's personal bodyguard. In this dual role, he faces corporate intrigue and super-powered menaces. Iron Man is a modern-day knight in shining armor, fighting injustice wherever it rears its ugly head!

Real Name: Anthony Stark
Occupation: Billionaire industrialist
Group Affiliation: Avengers
Base of Operations: Avengers Mansion, New York City
First Appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 (1963)

Height: 6'1
Weight: 225 lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black

Weapons: Iron Man's armor enables him to lift about 70 tons under standard operating conditions. The suit incorporates various offensive weapons, including repulsor blasters and a uni-beam, and grants its wearer a degree of invulnerability and the power of flight.


The son of a wealthy industrialist, Tony Stark was an inventive and mechanical prodigy. He inherited his father’s business at age 21, transforming the company into one of the world’s leading weapons manufacturers. Struck in the chest by a piece of shrapnel while in Asia field-testing a suit of battle armor that would enhance a soldier's combat capabilities, the grievously wounded Stark was taken prisoner by the warlord Wong-Chu and ordered to create a weapon of mass destruction. Only then would he receive the operation needed to save his life.

Along with fellow prisoner Ho Yinsen, a Nobel prize-winning physicist, Stark began work on a modified exoskeleton equipped with heavy weaponry. Secretly even from Stark, Yinsen designed the armor's breastplate to sustain the industrialist's wounded heart. Stark donned the suit in an attempt to escape captivity, but Professor Yinsen was killed in the resulting melee. He gave his life so that Iron Man could live, buying Stark time to charge the armor.

Overcoming the warlord’s forces, Stark returned to America and redesigned the suit. Inventing the cover story that Iron Man was his bodyguard, he embarked on a double life as a billionaire industrialist and costumed adventurer. At first little more than a glorified security guard, Iron Man's early opponents included industrial spies and foreign agents, all intent on stealing Stark’s defense and military secrets. Over time, Stark ceased simply protecting his own interests. He expanded the scope of his activities to include threats to national and international security. Iron Man even helped found the Avengers, and Stark became the team's corporate sponsor.

Despite his vast wealth, Stark’s life is not perfect. Early in his career, he was forced to wear some form of his armor’s breastplate at all times to prevent the inoperable shrapnel from further damaging his heart. Stark is also a recovering alcoholic, and his personal life is often a shambles. In many ways, Iron Man is both Stark's release and a shell he wears to keep the real world out.

Iron Man’s enemies have taken a variety of forms, from would-be world conquerors and corporate rivals to super-criminals and foreign agents who have emulated or stolen his technology. As Iron Man’s opponents and needs have changed, so has the hero’s armor. One suit in particular was so advanced it gained sentience and attempted to replace Stark as Iron Man. Armed only with his wits, Stark severely damaged the artificially intelligent Sentient Armor. Seeking to die like a man, to know the meaning of sacrifice, the suit self-terminated -- leaving its creator with a new, mechanical heart fashioned from its power source.

Stark has grown to feel more responsible for the use of his technology throughout the world. He has realized that by and large, his legacy is one of destruction and warfare, as nations employ his early inventions to oppress and kill. Stark Enterprises broke off its relationship with the government, focusing instead on technology that would enhance human life.

Taught as a youth to give back to those who help him live such a comfortable life, Stark has established numerous charities and foundations. With his growing sense of responsibility, he has achieved a new level of maturity. Seeing his secret identity more as a liability than an asset, Stark chose to reveal to the world that he is Iron Man. The weight of a double life off his shoulders, Stark finds himself in unfamiliar territory as one of the planet’s few public heroes.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard

Mesaj tarihi:

Güçleri: Iron Man'in zırhı standart koşullarda onun 70 ton ağırlığı kaldırabilmesini sağlar. Giyen kişiye yüksek derecede dayanıklılık veren zırhta silah sistemleri ve uçabilme yeteneği sağlayan ufak ayak jetleri vardır.

Biyografi: Tony Stark çok başarılı bir sanayiciydi. Silah ve yüksek teknolojik aletler geliştiren Stark Industries adlı şirketin kurucusu ve başkanıydı. Fakat iş ilişkilerini geliştirme arzusu göğsüne bir şarapnel parçasının saplanması ile son buldu. Yaralıyken Asyalı bir savaş lordu olan Wong Chu tarafından esir alındı. Chu onun için çok güçlü bir silah tasarımı yaparsa Tony'e hayatını kurtaracak ameliyatı gerçekleştireceğini söyledi. Küçük bir laboratuarda çalışan Stark kendisi gibi bir esir olan Ho Yinsen'in yardımı ile elektrik gücü ile çalışan, silah sistemleri barındıran demir bir zırh yaptı.

Iron Man'e dönüşen Stark onu hapsedenleri yendi. Özgürlüğünü kazanınca Iron Man olarak casusları ortaya çıkarmak, suçluları adalete teslim etmek, ulusal güvenliğe zarar veren kişileri yakalamak gibi görevlere başladı. Avengers'ın kurucu üyelerinden biri oldu. Tüm bu süre boyunca Stark her zaman göğüs zırhını giymek zorundaydı, çünkü bu zırh göğsündeki şarapnelin kalbini durdurmasını engelliyordu.

Iron Man olduğunun bilinmesini istemeyen Stark medyaya Iron Man'in koruması olduğunu açıklayarak şüpheli bakışlardan kurtuldu. Iron Man olarak Stark Industries'i tehdit eden suçlulara karşı savaştı. Iron Man olarak kendi çıkarlarından daha iyi amaçlar için de mücadele edebileceğinin farkına varan Stark bencil yaklaşımından kurtulup bir kahramana dönüştü. Mandarin, Iron Monger ve Whiplash gibi kötülere karşı mücadele etti. Fakat Stark'ın en büyük düşmanı alkoldü. Stark Industries'i kaybetme tehlikesi yaşayan ve kişisel problemleri ile mücadele eden Stark huzuru alkolde aramaya başladı. Alkolik olma tehlikesinden kurtulmayı başarsa da içki onun için en büyük tehlike olarak kalmaya devam etti.

Stark'ın zırhı yıllar boyunca pek çok değişimden geçti. Zırh ilk başlardaki kaba, hantal görünümünden daha hafif, daha teknik detaylı bir hale geldi. Zırha pek çok yeni sistem eklendi. Hatta Stark bir süre Iron Man'i bir robot olarak kullandı. Fakat bu robot ile savaşmak zorunda kaldı ve bu savaş yeni mekanik bir kalp kazandırdı.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
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