Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 aşmış adamlardan biri daha..Mortal enemy of the feral X-Man known as Wolverine, Sabretooth is a psychotic murder machine with an accelerated healing factor, razor-sharp talons, hyper-keen senses...and an all-consuming hunger for blood! Real Name: Victor Creed Occupation: Assassin Group Affiliation: Weapon X Base of Operations: Mobile First Appearance: Iron Fist #14 (1977) Height: 6'6 Weight: 275 lbs. Eye Color: Amber Hair Color: Blond Powers: Sabretooth can regenerate damaged or destroyed cells at an accelerated rate, and his healing factor renders him virtually immune to poisons and most drugs. Sabretooth's superhumanly acute senses are comparable to those of certain animals; he can track a person or object by smell in a manner similar to that of a dog or wolf. Also, his claws and teeth are strong enough to rend substances as durable as bone. Weapons: Sabretooth's skeleton has been bonded with the indestructible metal Adamantium. History: Sabretooth is the ultimate killing machine -- driven by a psychotic need to hunt, fight and destroy. Little is known of Victor Creed's past before his time as a special operative for the CIA. In that capacity, he worked closely with Wolverine, and both were products of the enigmatic Weapon X program. To ensure obedience, Weapon X scientists implanted false memories in their subjects, clouding Sabretooth's perceptions of his past. Despite surface similarities, Wolverine and Sabretooth are polar opposites. Like Sabretooth, Wolverine is a lethal weapon -- but the latter's surly exterior hides the heart of a poet. Sabretooth has embraced the beast within; his unquenchable bloodlust only serves to exacerbate his feral fighting skills. Sabretooth has hated Wolverine from the day he waltzed into Weapon X with similar powers and fooled everyone into thinking he was top dog, earning Creed a reputation as a cheap imitation. Uneasy allies at best, the two had a falling out in the field due to Creed's reckless disregard for human life. Panicking under fire, Sabretooth snapped and murdered a double agent he considered baggage to facilitate his unit's escape. Wolverine and Sabretooth have been mortal enemies ever since. Sabretooth's battles with Wolverine have been among his most ferocious. Adamantium claws, iron wills and two trained soldiers with accelerated healing factors -- that either mutant makes it out alive is a testament to sheer toughness and a basic, animal instinct for survival. A loner at heart, Sabretooth has been known to run with a pack on occasion. Creed has been a member of the Brotherhood of Mutants, a genetic terrorist organization; the Marauders, a team of superhuman assassins; X-Factor; a government-sponsored mutant strike force; and Weapon X, reconstituted under the leadership of a mysterious new director. Women and children, the guilty and the innocent, mutants and humans, the weak and the strong -- Creed is an equal-opportunity assassin with an all-consuming hunger for blood, provided the price is right or the situation suits his killer instincts. A relentless predator, Sabretooth stalks his prey with superhumanly acute senses. Once he has the scent, Creed closes in for the kill with the ferocity of a wild animal.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic ArtsHastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 X-Men Evolution: Name: Victor Creed Age: Unknown Powers: Enhanced Senses/Healing Factor/Razor-Sharp Claws Affiliation: Acolytes First Episode: Strategy X Must See Episodes: Spykecam, Grim Reminder, The Cauldron I and II Originally from: Unknown Known Family: None Voiced by: Michael Donovon He's an assassin. He's a mercenary. He's Victor Creed, 300 pounds of raging hate in search of an outlet. A sadistic and bitter man, Sabretooth relishes the fact that he knows more about Wolverine's past than Logan himself. Despite his animalistic nature and unpredictable rage, Victor Creed is a very crafty opponent, easily Wolverine's equal. Sabertooth was once part of a black ops agency codenamed Weapon X. It trained those involved, which included Wolverine, Maverick, Silver Fox and others, to becoming living weapons. They would be programmed to hunt down and kill mutants, then remember nothing. Wolverine and Sabertooth were, because of their healing powers, selected for the adamantium bonding process. Wolverine went first, but since his was successful he trashed the facility and made a break for it, ruining the project. Sabertooth was, many years later, seen collaborating with Colonel Wraith, the architect of Weapon X, to bring back Wolverine. It is yet unknown why he was working for him, though it is suspected it wasn't voluntary. Some of the information above was provided by Tyriel. [hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic ArtsHastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
smerten Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 bunun kadar herhalde bıde lady death stırke ı sevmıyorum her yerden atla yok wolv u oldurecem... baya bya sevmıyom ıkısınıde... yalnız ultımate de tıpı baya bya karızmatık olmyus (bkz. #8)[hline]a.k.a. Duxus --------- Ben de bir çöpümüz var diye heryerin çöp kokmasına karşıyım... Nasıl alıntı yapalım?/Nasıl imza atalım? --------- Allah kahretsin! Kış geliyor ve benim damarlarımda bahar dolaşıyor! --------- My life? Working in Progress!
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Güçleri: Sabretooth'un zarar görmüş veya yok olmuş hücreleri çok büyük bir hızla yenilenir, ayrıca hızlı iyileşme yeteneği sayesinde zehire ve pek çok uyuşturucuya karşı bağışıklıdır. Normal bir insandan çok daha kuvvetli ve çeviktir. Gelişmiş koku alma duyuları vardır. Ayrıca dişleri ve pençeleri kemik kadar sert şeyleri parçalayabilecek kadar keskindir. Sonradan iskeleti adamantium ile kaplanarak asla kırılmaz hale getirildi. Bir bakıma Wolverine'in daha iri, daha kuvvetli, daha hızlı ve daha vahşi versiyonu gibidir. Biyografi: Sabretooth aslında ilk olarak Iron Fist çizgiromanlarında ortaya çıktı. Iron Fist'in bir düşmanı olarak yaratılan Sabretooth daha sonra Örümcek-Adam'ın bir sayısında görüldü. Kara Kedi ve Örümcek-Adam ile savaşan Sabretooth, Örümcek'e yenildi. Bundan sonra X-Men çizgi romanlarında gözükmeye başlayan Sabretooth'un karakteri yavaş yavaş gelişmeye ve şu anda bilindiği haline gelmeye başladı. Zamanla Sabretooth, X-Men'in en tehlikeli düşmanlarından biri haline geldi. Sabretooth, güçleri ve kan akıtmaya karşı duyduğu inanılmaz isteği ile gerçek bir ölüm makinesidir. Çocukluğu babasının ona yaptığı türlü işkencelerle geçti. Bunlar Victor'daki saldırganlığın inanılmaz bir şekilde artmasına neden oldu. Avlamak, savaşmak ve öldürmek için psikopatça bir istek duyuyor. Öldürdüğü kişinin bir insan veya mutant olması onun için hiç farketmez. Bir hükümet birliği için çalışmaya başlayan Victor Creed burada Logan adlı esrarengiz bir adamla ortak oldu. İkisi de Weapon X adlı çok gizli bir hükümet projesinin Sabretooh ve Wolverine kod adlı denekleri oldular. Aralarındaki anlaşmazlıkları Berlin'deki bir operasyon sırasında iyice su yüzüne çıkınca Creed ile Logan o günden sonra birbirlerinin en ölümcül düşmanları oldular. Creed'in şekil değiştirebilen bir mutant olan Mystique ile olan ilişkisinden Graydon Creed adlı bir oğlu oldu. Fakat Graydon büyüyünce kuracağı İnsanlık Dostları adlı örgütle mutant düşmanı propogandanın baş ismi olacak, hatta ABD başkanlığı için aday bile olacaktı. Sonunda Graydon bir suikast sonucu öldürüldü. Sabretooth daha sonraki yıllarda Mr. Sinister'ın oluşturduğu Marauders adlı ekiple Morloklar'ın katliamına karıştı. Bu katliam sırasında artık bir X-Men üyesi olan Wolverine ile tekrar karşılaştı. Yıllar boyunca süren pek çok uğraştan ve savaştan sonra X-Men nihayet Sabretooth'u yakalamayı başardı. Profesör Charles Xavier telepatik güçlerini kullanarak Sabretooth'un psikopatça yok etme arzusunu ortadan kaldırarak ona yardım etmek istiyordu. Sabretooth'un Xavier Malikanesi'nde olduğunu öğrenen Wolverine en büyük düşmanına saldırdı ve adamantium pençeleriyle Sabretooth'un beynine zarar verdi. Bu yaralanma yüzünden yaşadığı travma sonucunda Sabretooth oldukça pasif ve barışçıl davranmaya başladı. Fakat bir süre sonra gerçek kişiliği tekrar ortaya çıktı. Prof. X tüm çabalarına rağmen onun içindeki kötülüğü yenmekte başarısız oldu. Sonunda Sabretooth bağlarından kurtulmayı başarıp Psylocke ile savaştı ve onu ciddi bir şekilde yaralayarak malikaneden kaçtı. Daha önce emrinde çalıştığı Amerikan hükümeti onu tekrar çağırdı. Sabretooth, Mystique ile birlikte hükümetin kurduğu bir mutant birliği olan X-Factor'a katıldı. Fakat aşırı saldırganlığı yüzünden Sabretooth'a güvenilmediği için elektronik bir aygıtı boynuna takmaya zorlandı. Bu aygıt eğer saldırmaması gereken birine saldırırsa veya aygıtı çıkarmaya çalışırsa harekete geçecek ve Sabretooth'un sinir sistemine şok uygulayacaktı. Fakat Sabretooth aygıttan kurtulmayı başardı, X-Factor'a saldırdı ve ekibin bazı üyelerini vahşice yaralayıp kaçtı. Daha sonra Sabretooth hükümetin desteklediği yeni bir Weapon X projesine katıldı.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Bone Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 23, 2003 Real name: (possibly) Victor Creed (rest of name unrevealed) Former aliases: The Slasher, El Tigre Identity: Secret Occupation: Professional assassin Place of birth: Unrevealed Group affiliation: X-Factor, (former) Weapon X, Project Team, Marauders, former partner of the Constrictor Height: 6'6" Weight: 275 lbs. Eyes: No visible pupils or irises, said to be amber Hair: Blonde History: The full origin of Sabretooth is unknown. However, his real name is believed to be Victor Creed, and he is a superhumanly powerful mutant. Sabretooth is said to be the ultimate warrior and survivor, and for years he has been driven by psychotic needs to hunt, fight, and kill other human beings. Apparently Victor Creed was psychologically abused by his father, who confined him to the dark basement of their home. At one point Victor Creed became the student of the man called the Foreigner, who became the head of the world's leading organization of assassins. At some point over thirty-five years ago Creed had an affair with another superhuman mutant, Mystique, and they had a son, Graydon Creed, who headed the anti-mutant organization called the Friends of Humanity and ran for the presidency of the United States before his recent assassination. In the early 1960s Creed was a special operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, who apparently gave him the code name "Sabretooth." In the CIA Creed frequently worked in partnership with two other superhuman mutant agents, Logan, code-named Wolverine, and David North, code-named Maverick. Other special agents with whom they were associated in "Team X" included John Wraith, Mastodon, and Silver Fox. All had been subjects of the still mysterious "Weapon X" project, a program seemingly run by the United States government to create a team of "super-soldiers." Apparently the Weapon X project scientists introduced an "age suppression" factor into the DNA of Sabretooth and the other Team X members that retarded their aging, as well as having another operative, Aldo Ferro, give them false memory implants for reasons that remain unclear. Hence, Sabretooth cannot trust all of his own memories. Creed had a falling out with Logan and North during a mission in Berlin in the early 1960s. Since then, Sabretooth and Wolverine have been mortal enemies. In Sabretooth's first recorded exploit as a costumed criminal, he held the celebrated lawyer Jeryn Hogarth captive. Hogarth's client Daniel Rand, in his costumed identity of Iron Fist, fought and defeated Sabretooth, thus helping to rescue Hogarth. Later, Sabretooth formed a partnership with another costumed criminal, the Constrictor. However, driven by his psychotic needs, Sabretooth disguised himself and stalked victims in New York City, murdering them with a knife, thus giving rise to newspaper reports of a mysterious "Slasher." Private investigator Misty Knight happened upon one of Sabretooth's attacks and fought him. This led to subsequent battles between Sabretooth and the Constrictor on one side and Knight's friends Iron Fist and Luke Cage, alias Power Man, on the other. Later, Sabretooth sought to join the Foreigner's organization. Sabretooth tracked down the costumed adventurer the Black Cat, who had clashed with some of the Foreigner's men, but Spider-Man saved the Black Cat and defeated Sabretooth. Subsequently, Sabretooth joined the Marauders, a cadre of superhuman assassins who worked for the mysterious Mister Sinister. Mister Sinister assigned the Marauders to massacre the underground community of mutants called the Morlocks. In the course of helping to carry out this massacre, Sabretooth once again encountered and fought Wolverine. This led to a series of subsequent battles between the two longtime enemies. The X-Men finally captured Sabretooth, and their leader, Professor Charles Xavier, undertook trying to help Sabretooth overcome his psychotic impulses, just as the X-Men had aided Wolverine in controlling his own tendency towards berserker rage. Infuriated at discovering Sabretooth at Xavier's mansion, Wolverine battled Sabretooth and seemingly injured Sabretooth's brain with a thrust of one of his claws. Afterwards, Sabretooth seemed unusually passive and peaceful, and Boomer, one of the members of X-Force, developed a fondness for him. However, Sabretooth recovered his true personality while pretending to remain docile, and finally turned against Boomer and the X-Men, mortally wounding Psylocke. Later, the United States government made Sabretooth a member of the second version of X-Factor, the government's team of superhuman mutant operatives. Certain people in the government secretly intended Sabretooth to serve as a "sleeper" agent to kill the other members of X-Factor if the government deemed them to be out of control. However, Sabretooth was forced to wear an electronic restraining collar designed by X-Factor's resident inventor Forge that contained a nerve inhibitor w
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