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Karakterleri Tanıyalım: War Machine

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Mesaj tarihi:
Iron Man'i sevmemi sağlıyan karakterdir War Machine.
Hem James, "baba" bir elemandır, hem zırhı süperdir. War Machine gibi bir ad daha da sevdirdi beni.

WAR MACHINE /James Rhodes

Güçleri: Iron Man'inkine benzer bir zırha sahiptir. Zırhı ona kuvvet, dayanıklılık ve mini ayak jetleri de uçma yeteneği sağlar. Ayrıca zırhı çeşitli silah sistemleri de bulundurmaktadır.

Biyografi: Birleşik Devletler Donanması'nda görevli olan James Rhodes'un Iron Man ile ilk karşılaşması Güneydoğu Asya'da oldu. O zamanlarda Anthony Stark savaş zırhını henüz yeni icat etmiş ve Wong Chu'yu yenmişti. Bir Amerikan üssüne ulaşana kadar Iron Man'in ormandan geçerken yanında bulundu. Anthony Stark ona askerdeki görevini tamamladıktan sonra pilotu olmasını teklif etti. Bu teklifi kabul eden James birkaç yıl sonra bu yeni işine başladı.

Stark'ın en yakın arkadaşı oldu ve Stark ona Iron Man olduğunu açıkladı. Stark'ın alkol bağımlılığıyla olan ikinci mücadelesinde onun yerine Iron Man olma görevini devraldı. Stark iyileştikten sonra James ve iki arkadaşlarıyla birlikte California'daki Silikon Vadisi'ne taşınıp yeni elektronik tasarımlar üzerinde çalışmaya başladılar. Bu sırada James hala Iron Man olma görevini üstlenmekteydi.

Bir süre sonra Stark zırhlı kimliğini James'ten geri alıp tekrar Iron Man oldu. Stark kendi hayatını kurtarmak için sahte bir ölüm düzenleyip herkesin öldüğünü sanmasını istediğindeyse şirketinin başına en güvendiği kişi olan James'in geçmesini sağladı. Fakat James ve Stark'ın arası açıldığında James onun yanından ayrıldı. Bu ayrılışı sırasında Stark yeni yapılmış bir zırhı yanında götürmesine izin vermişti. James bu zırhı giyip War Machine adıyla o sıralar fazla üye sayısı yüzünden daha iyi hizmet verebilmek için iki gruba ayrılmış olan Avengers'ın Batı Kanadı'na katıldı. Batı Kanadı dağılana kadar burada bir Avengers üyesi olarak kaldı.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Mesaj tarihi:
Nickname: War Machine
Designer: Anthony Stark, HOMER
Worn By: Anthony Stark (w/o uni-beam), James Rhodes
Appeared: Iron Man #281

Design Notes :

Shell Composition: Micro-Scale suit tiles fabricated by genetically engineered metal affinity bacteria which assemble themselves in specific orderly arrays, then expire, leaving behind various metallic depoaits which form all the metal shapes and micro-electronic circuits.
Power Source and Energy Information: Beta Particle Generator. Solar power converters. Laser Absorption Grid.
Control Systems Interface: Cybernetic Interface combined with visual menu overlays with visual tracking system.
*Repulsors: Laser-guided particle beam emission units mounted in the palm of each hand.
*Unibeam (Rhodes model): Multi-band light and force beam emitter. Can be adjusted for a variety of effects such as search light, heat beams, tractor beam, lasers, image inducers, ultraviolet light, and electromagnetic pulse.
*Pulse Bolt Generators: Plasma discharges that build in intensity as they travel through the atmosphere, picking up static and ambient energy.
*Force Shield: A focused photon emitter on the back of his left wrist that shapes into a shield.
*Electromagnetic Pulse.
*Gattling Gun: Shoulder mounted. This is a state of the art gatling machine gun. It can be loaded with all kinds of bullets including stun and armor piercing.
*Laser Blade.
*Micro-Rocket Launcher.
*Particle Beam Discharger.
*Life Support Equipment: The eye and mouth hole slits could be sealed. The suit had a supply of air to last about an hour.
*Boot Jets (Mark 4): Uses high-speed triple-source turbines located in the boots.
*Force Field: By expanding the field that keeps the armor rigid, the armor can encase itself in a protective force field that is effective against most forms of attack. He can also used this field to polarize the armor to either attract or repulse other items of magnetic polarity. The armor can temporarily surround itself with a force field that greatly increases its protection from attacks. While the force field is engaged, the armor is unable to use any other systems.
*Voice Distorter.
*Absorption Field Grid: Embedded in the surface of the armor is an absorption grid. It is able to absorb energy from attacks or surrounding power sources to recharge the armor or redirect into the weapons systems.
*Protected Senses: The armor contains ear protectors to baffle incoming noise greater than 70 decibels. Similarly, blinding lights trigger polarized lenses in the helmet's eye slots.
*Tractor and Repulsor Beam: Using magnetism, the armor can generate a tractor and repulsor field.
*Language Translator: The computer in his armor is able to translate to and from English and many of Earth's more popular languages.
*Anti-Theft Device: The armor is protected from anybody analyzing or duplicating the circuits in the armor. Once tripped, the security circuits melt the interior of the armor to slag. A few minutes later, the armor explodes to destroy itself.
Sensors: Universal-Band Two-Way Radio.

Notes: Created initially by Stark to deal with the Masters of Silence threat. Later suit built specifically for James Rhodes. It was designed for all-out warfare. It was also known as the "Variable Threat Response Battle Suit."[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
Mesaj tarihi:
Bu da US War Machine'in özellikleri:

Nickname: None
Designer: Scotch with reverse engineered Stark Tech.
Worn By: James Rhodes, Parnell Jacobs, Sheva Josephs, Dugan, Nathan Manning, Saburo Sakai, Jorge Salsero Alvarez
Appeared: U.S. War Machine Limited Series, issues 3-12

Design Notes:

Shell Composition: The body suits are formed of a weaved mesh of depleted uranium. The chest guard, helmet, shoulder and crotch guards all consist of layered reactive plates. Reactive armor is a system of layered depleted uranium plates and explosive material between each plate. The explosive materials explode upon impact with a projectile to divert the path of the projectile and prevent further damage to the armor.

Power Source and Energy Information: The suits run on battery cells that were originally placed on the breast of the armor but was later changed to a different location.

Control Systems Interface: The suits rocket propulsion and weapons are manually controlled by a system of buttons located in the palm.

Weaponry: All of the suits can be refitted with different types of weapons for different types of missions.
*Gattling Gun: This shoulder mounted gattling gun is presumed to be a M201.
*Gauntlet Guns: Twin barreled wrist mounted machine guns. The gauntlet guns are presumed to use 9mm Lugar/Parabellum rounds.
*Micro-Rocket Launchers: Miniature shoulder mounted rocket launchers.
*Long Barrel Machine Guns: A shoulder mounted long barrel machine gun presumed to use .22 LR rounds.

*Global Positioning System
*Night Scopes
*Coolant System
*On-board Computer
*Air Purification System
*On-board Camera: Used to record activities.

*Universal Band Two-way Radio.
*Bio-Sensors: Sensors inside the armor that record the pilots pulse-rate and respiration.

Note: These armors are "out of continuity" and do not apply at all to the Marvel Universe.[hline]Nefret Ederim: Petek Dinçöz, Harry Potter, Electronic Arts
Hastasıyım: Şebnem Ferah, Wolverine, Blizzard
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