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ML2 convoker

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Mesaj tarihi:
Stealherları birsüre ağlatacak bir ability
Mutlaka düzeltilecek ama ne zaman
bilhassa o link a bi bakın

2 Prescience Node - Summon a crystal globe that can reveal nearby stealthers (without popping it)

(stealth revealer no recast timer atm and no gfx besides the ground target that I could see)
- Rav

Some testing in emain, node takes more like 15 seconds to cast. Reveals stealthers to realmmates and me from about 1500 meters, sometimes. Seems a bit buggy at the moment.
Node expires about 10 or 15 minutes, it seems -- I spammed the pad with nodes and most of them were gone by the time I died for next port. You can have multiple nodes down at once.
The nodes have 1hp and are attackable by the enemy...
Here is an example of when you cannot cast on the revealed stealther


However, you _can_ set a pet on them.
- Alcara Argenta[hline]Kalima..........Minstrel of The Hun
Jenissary......Scout of The Hun
Gon.............Armsman of The Hun
Mesaj tarihi:
Evet ilk müdahale yapıldı bu ability'ye

Prescience Node Changes

Prescience Node was designed to add additional risk to stealthed enemies in the node's area of effect, without making the stealther immediately open to attacks. The following changes have been made to Prescience Node in order to more accurately reflect the original intent of the ability.

- Enemies revealed by Prescience Node should no longer be attackable through ranged attacks nor should it be possible to send a pet to attack them. Area effect spells should still work as they would on any stealthed target.

- Prescience Node has been updated with a more appropriate object that is easier to see and target.

- Prescience Node radius has been adjusted down to 1000.


Item Notes

- All versions of the Artifact ability "Stealth Lore" have been slightly reduced in value.[hline]Kalima..........Minstrel of The Hun
Jenissary......Scout of The Hun
Gon.............Armsman of The Hun
Mesaj tarihi:
Zegna, 07 November 2003 21:28 tarihinde demiş ki:
tarih saat fılan gosteren menuyu ben bulamadım hıc bı zaman
bılen bırı solesın lutfen :D[hline]so 1337

-Guardians of Light-
`zegna lvl 50 Mercfilator
buffmatic 4x Cleric
albion / excalibur

enş,işte olmadı şimdi be, gel bi içelim artk :)[hline]Obscurd HAYVANHERiF 50th season ASq Paladin - Deleted [R.I.P.]
Obscurd ANIMAL 4X ASq Minstrel
Mesaj tarihi:
bence rahatlamak için erken
caster hala sizi görebiliyor
yani asıl stealther gücü olan süpriz atack imkanınız yok
PA açmak için adamın önüne geçmeniz lazım
onu da yapamazsınız bu şekilde

ve hala ground target pba gibi büyülerle stealtherları vurabiliyorlar

bunun da ötesinde line of sight yok bu büyüde
yani adam kakıp aum yada mum daki odaya koyarsa bunu etraftaki tüm stealtherları görebilir

çok yanlış bir yetenek hala
en aşağı 2 düzeltme daha gelir (umarım)[hline]Kalima..........Minstrel of The Hun
Jenissary......Scout of The Hun
Gon.............Armsman of The Hun

[Bu mesaj kalima tarafından 13 November 2003 15:46 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
bir update daha

- Stealth Lore is now a duration effect. The ability is no longer permanently on.[hline]Kalima..........Minstrel of The Hun
Jenissary......Scout of The Hun
Gon.............Armsman of The Hun
Mesaj tarihi:
yok abi yanlış anladın

stealth lore bazı itemlarda olan
ve kullanan kişiye see hidden gibi bir yetenek veren bi olay

benim bildiğim staff of gods isimli artifact de var mesela bu yetenek[hline]Kalima..........Minstrel of The Hun
Jenissary......Scout of The Hun
Gon.............Armsman of The Hun
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