Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Monika's unlocking path: Here's what I did, from start to the end. Human female artisan, starting in bestine. Master Medic Master Creature handler Pistoleer up to 2444 Dropped Creature handler,pistoleer Master Marksman Commando 0440 Doctor 4430 Got my first three holos from dark troopers in the naboo faction dungeon, 2 red 1 blue First holo told me to master ranger. Dropped all medic+doctor, got master scout, master ranger. Second holo told me master doctor. Dropped all scout, got master doctor. Third holo told me master weaponsmith. Did that. Fourth holo was silent. After the fourth holo I mastered artisan and brawler. Other stuff: Finished the rebel themepark, did some other rebel-related quests. Did the jedi-quests on dantoine ( or dathomir, not sure, from the jedi in the cave with the dark jedi outside ?) Not much else in quests though. Got the two monthly badges on the rebel side, no others. Placed a house and declared residence, yesterday. Was rebel colonel, the highest rank, for a long time. The slot opening message came at the first mob i killed today on dathomir, a female picket longhorn. ---------------------------------------------------------- Orion's path to unlocking (3rd confirmed Jedi): Started as Artisan Master BIO Master CH Master Pistol Master Scout Master Ranger First Holocron - Rifleman Second Holocron - Master Combat Medic (includes master medic, i did doctor while i was at it) Did every NPC quest I could find Did all available epic quests Had all the badges that worked Explored every singe planet over and over Had a house on naboo for the first month Married Joined a guild Warrant Officer 2 with the rebs Tipped well Was grouped almost always when playing Started working on Commando, trained on flame 3 when I logged in this morning. The last thing I did was a random act of kindness, I gave a syth holocron to a new player, 2 mins later it opened. -------------------------------------------------------- Zina's path to unlocking: im not sure what i did. i have always believed i've been close. this morning i woke up, and finished the corellian part of the the rebel themepark. i had some wounds so i went to theed to get healed. i did this because the next step was to head to lok. i stopped in theed and realized i had given up my medic ability to craft health woundpacks. i dropped ranged support I and got organic chem I. within 3 mintues, music played, and i got the message. all i could say 5000 times was OMG. i stayed on the server for a few more mintues, logged off and logged back on to create a new character. professions mastered: artisan scout entertainer brawler medic marksman pistoleer creature handler weaponsmith architect droid engineer merchant i have been an imp, then a rebel, then an imp and ended up as a rebel. my highest rank was only the 2nd imp rank and the 1st rebel rank. i have 8 badges: compassion deadeye deadeye II imp deadeye II rebel finishing the warren 5 badge collector badge intellect alturism i have completed jabba and imp themepark i've done missions on every planet, and i can pretty much solo anything if im smart. i've sold close to 5,000 firearms probably. Merakli olanlara ...
Darksun Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 hahaha tipped well... 3. adamın masterladığı proflara bakarmısınız yanlız, herif 24 saat online herhalde.
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Forceismypath's post on the unlocking: started on naboo theed as a scout. i masterd scout, ch , BE, markesmen, tailergot commando to flame 4 and heavy weapon 4, wayfaring 4 in ranger skill, i doped a lot of skills and picked up other by the way. lets see what els. i a lot of the medic skills but never masterd it. unarmed 4, got a lot of the artsian tree . did some quest here and there when i was bored nothing big though. I always tiped well. healed people who were incaped. after the holo i only got brawler from it then it went quiet. i also masterd enetertainer and musciian after the holo. did imp theme park did act one badge soloed many kryats captain in the imp army kill a lot of nightsisters and singing clan did some missions for the nightsisters. not a lot though. i started noticing some weird stuff after that. i posted it on here. About how when i was on lok i got jumped by two nyms and this lady with a white name helped me out not sure what the name was. by the way this is after i masterd brawler. finly today i got on around 5:30 thought i stop by the house. i saw that i have not declared my residance so i did that. went to the city went up to the ch trainer and learned empathy 1,2,3 cause i untrained them. went into the cantina tiped both dancers there 1k each. as i was leaving to go to the star port i got the message. only 11 min before server went down. when they were back up i got my jedi . went in the cantina to show him off to everyone and answer there question. i delelted him and made another. Hope this helps you guys. best of luck to you and may the force be with you. ---------------------------------------------------------- From Mraughh: Master doc, combat medic, medic, holos in order droid engineer, fencer, swordsman, silent colonel in the imperial army, did the imp theme park. did the sith missions. had a residence already declared. i've done missions on every planet also. i finished swordsman sometime last week, i dont remember when. I started and was going to master brawler, i got enough apprentice points, ran to the trainer, as soon as i completed the training for master brawler, it opened he force slot. i didnt have to kill anything after that. happened right afterwards. i figured i'd follow the list of what monika did and see if that opened it. I made colonel yesterday and finished the theme park yesterday also. ******************* sorry folks i left one profession out, i also mastered TKA before i even started the holo hunting and re-mastered doctor. so i was doc x 2. also it says wanderer, even though i've declared residency. -------------------------------------------------------- DarkDekieon's unlocking post: I got my Jedi slot, and, I was never told about it by mail, or server notice or anything. I just logged off because the server was shutting down, while on the character select screen, I thought what the hell...I'll see if I can create a character on my server (Flurry). And there is was, It said I had the slot. I know you people want the info of what i have did... so here is goes Started as an artisan, immediately, learned scout, and marksman too Mastered Architect....Choose to learn weaponsmith, got 2 skillboxes, and dropped the class and picked up Architect instead, got about half of that done, and dropped it. and all the rest of my artisan skills. Concentrated on making a Creature Handler, and Bio Engineer, so i picked up medic for the org skill tree. got about half way through BE, and dropped it because it was so bugged at the time. I eventually Mastered Creature Handler, and never dropped it. While working on Creature handler and after dropping BE, i worked on a bit of bounty hunter, dropped it, because i couldn't get my tracking droid to work. and switched to commando instead. The holo's were released. Searched for holo's with my critters and my flamethrower for about 16h/day for 4 days, when i found my first holo, and then found 2 more, with in the span of 2 hours. Used my first holo, and what did it say....Master Weaponsmith (the first elite class i had originally dropped). I mastered it. Used my 2nd holo and it said to master doctor.....I mastered Medic and then Doctor. Tried my 3rd holo, nothing. now new profession, and no quite message. I have a post floating around here about this, figured it is a bug. so while waiting for a response, i figured I would master the starter professions, that i haven't did yet. Spend 2 days mastering Entertainer....finished that about 3am this morning. Trained in brawler, and started on that when the server message came on, and then I logged of and you know the rest. To summerize I mastered total.... Starter Professions: Artisan, Medic, Scout, Marksmans, Entertainer Elitie professions: Weaponsmith, Creature Handler, Doctor additional info...... Badges: Intellect, Mo
Gunn Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Burada yazanların doğru olduğunu kabul edersek ortaya şu gerçekler çıkıyor (hepsini okumaya üşenenler için özet) Jedi olmak için: -factionınızda en yüksek levelda olmanız GEREKMİYOR (çok kişi bunun şart olduğunu söylüyor) -badgelerin hepsini toplamanız GEREKMİYOR. Ancak badge sahibi olmak işe yarayabilir, özellikle Act badgleri. -NPC questleri ve theme parkları yapmanız GEREKMİYOR. -İnsanlara yardım etmek ya da hizmet veren playerları iyi tiplemek işe yarayaBİLİR. Anladığım kadarıyla gösterdiğiniz cömertliğe göre sizi izleyen bir yetkiliyi etileyebiliyorsunuz (ya da bu dacnerların daha çok tip alması için büyük bir komplo :) -Force slotun açılması daima size belirtilmiyor. Ara sıra new char create etme butonunu denemek faydalı olabilir. -Çok fazla ve birbirinden farklı meslekleri denemek gerekiyor. -Gezegenleri ve şehrileri gezmek işe yarıyor gibi gözüküyor. (şart olduğunu sanmıyorum ama tek şehre hapis olmak pek iyi bi etki sağlamıyor gibi) -Holocron kullanımı belirsiz. Tek mi iki mi üç mü hiç mi belli değil. İkinci jedi ya unutmuş ya da kullanmamış. Bence holocron kullanımı şart değil. (daha sonra açıklayacağım) -Herhangi bir gezegende declared residenceniz olması GEREKİYOR. SONUÇ: SOE sadece ve sadece ÇOK UZUN GAME TIME sahibi olan oyunculardan jedi seçiyor. Holocron da zaten uzun game time sağlamak amaçlı bir şey. Benim anladığım sonuç istatistiklerde uzun game time'ı olan oyuncular (uzundan kasıt yoğun, yani 5 günde 20 saat yerine 2 günde 17 saat) bir şekilde izleme altına alınıyorlar. Bu kişilerin olumlu davranışları puan getiriyor (tipping, başkalarına yardım etme hatta belki çoğu kişinin dediği devlerin karakter açıp ufak bir yardım istemesi - bu genelde bilgi oluyor yani hiçbir dev karakter açıp bana bi 10k verin demez). Uzun lafın kısası holocronlu ya da değil, uzun ve yoğun süreler oyunda kalmıyorsanız pek şans yok gibi. Jedi adayları her professionı deneyen, her gezegende öyle yada böyle bulunmuş adaylar arasından seçiliyor. Zaten mantıklı da, adamlar toplam bir avuç jedi yapacaklar, bu adamın oyunda bulunmasını istiyorlar yoksa zaten BH missionı olarak terminallerde çıktığında playerın online olmaması gibi bi olay olacak.
-Mehanix- Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 acaba bu kisiler bi pa nin uyelerimiydi yoksa oyle takilan tiplermiydi ?[hline]Jinnz Norton - Eclipse [ Expert Bh - Master Pistoleer] Rovlen - Kettemoor [Novice Tk - Novice Medic]
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 sanirim hepsi pa uyesi 2 yada 3u pa uyesi olduklarini soylemis ama digerleri hic birsey soylememis yani olabilrde olmayabilirde. bu arada jedi olanlarin nerdeyse hepsi bi themepark bitirmis
Coldwind Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 pa üyesi olup olmamaları bence etkilemez mantıken.. ancak themepark a birşey diyemem.[hline]Çirkin kadın yoktur, az vodka vardır.
Glatheros Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 hani hardgamerlıkla alaksı olmıcaktı jedi olayının en çok skilli bitiren jedi olmuş resmen[hline]karga theurgist of the theurgists Hatun ooc Cleric Rojon minstrel for all Kargy Necromancer is my bish
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 sahsen ben işimi garantiye almak istiyorum ... suana kadar yaptiklarim : imperial themepark act1 act2 warren compassion declared residence yapacaklarim : warrenin bitis questi mark of intellect mark of altruism Jabba's Place (Themepark) Bunlari yaptiktan sonra gece gunduz holocron arayip 4 tane bulduktan sonra (holo avlarken bircok rebel oldurcegimden buyuk ihtimalle colonel olurum) huzur icinde skillerimi kasicam ... sonrasi kismet bakalim
Escobar Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 O skilleri bitirmek senin tabirinle hard gamer normal olarak power gamer oluyo.Boru diil yani 6-7 tane skilli bole surelerde masterlamak.Holo çıkalı yaklaşık 1 ay oldu gerisini sen düşün.[hline]Pearce Escobar /// Master Kebabcı /// Eclipse
Gilean Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 beyler imp themepark nerde?[hline]Bir Tık Atın Şu Mübarek Ramazanda Birinin Daha Karnı Doysun
Stream Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 naboo moenia'nin kuzeyinde 2400 -3900
Gilean Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 ha orası mı ok..[hline]Bir Tık Atın Şu Mübarek Ramazanda Birinin Daha Karnı Doysun
unity100 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 abi nasi themepark gerekmiyor her adam en azindan bir themepark bitirmis rebel ya da imp[hline]referanslar : customization) aaa bunu unutmusum pek severim:
Gunn Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 Mesaj tarihi: Kasım 13, 2003 themepark falan kriter değil oralara hiç girmeyin. Tekrar ediyorum tek ve tek kriter GAME TIME. Günde 17 saat oynayın, haftanın her günü oynayın. Başlangıç skilleri dışında birkaç skilli masterlayıp sonra başkalarına bulaşın, bence şansınız var. Neticede bence holocronlarda kriter değil. Holocron seni sadece doğru yola itiyor yani uzun süre oynayıp farklı skiller masterlamaya. Unutmamamız gereken birşey var, çoğumuz "ne alakası var yaw jediliğin master chefle diyoruz ancak jedi olan kişi "biz" değiliz. Daha doğrusu "ben" dediğiniz şey oyundaki karakteriniz. Jedilik ise yine sizin kontrol ettiğiniz başka bir karakter olarak veriliyor. Yani şöyle düşünün "uzun süre oynuyorsanız, oyunun her yönünü iyi biliyorsanız jedi olabilirsiniz" diyorlar.
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