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CCP heklenmiş.

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
CCP yi heklemişler, tüm databaselerini silmişler, yedekler falan hepten yalan olmuş hiçbişi kalmamış. Oyuncular şu anda binanın önünde toplanmış içeriye girmeye çalışıyolarmış, ccp paralarıda alıp meksikaya kaçtı diye haberlerde yok değil.


Ne oyuna giriliyo ne siteye giriliyo ne ccpgames e giriliyo.Varmı duyduğunuz bişey?
Mesaj tarihi:
Şakaymış ama oda. 4 hafta nereye rollback yapıcaklar ganklerler ccp yi :)

Herşey bi yana bi açıklama yapsalar siteye bi duyuru falan koysalar iyiydi, böyle çok saçma ne haber ne bişey var.
Mesaj tarihi:
Şöyle bişey gördüm bi chat odasında ne kadar dogruysa.

apparently the reason is someone keylogged a dev's account and shifted the loot table... apparently people were getting officer mods from regular belt spawns

Bu arada siteyi reslediler ama forum hala yok.
Mesaj tarihi:
CCP Chief Operating Officer Jón Hörðdal has issued the following statement regarding the unexpected interruption of service for EVE Online and its website on Friday, October 19.

At 10:25 GMT today we discovered an anomaly in the EVE Online Database indicating a potential exploit. Our policy in such cases is to mobilize a taskforce of internal and external experts to evaluate the situation. At 12:57 that group concluded that our best course of action was to go completely dark while an exhaustive scan of our entire infrastructure was executed.

What we discovered was an indication that one of our databases was being accessed through a security breach. While some may feel that such a drastic reaction was not warranted, it is always our approach to err on the side of caution in order to protect the players.

We of course understand the effect and disruption this has had for our players and apologize for not having been able to explain to the community what was going on. In these cases it can often be counterproductive to containment to give out information while we are in the process of evaluating the scope of the problem.

Our taskforce quickly found the security breach and prevented that from being used. We subsequently found three cases of database actions being performed through the security breach but none of those affected other users than the one doing the actions. We can also confirm that no personal details such as users’ credentials or credit card numbers were exposed through this incident.

The servers were brought back online at 22:00 GMT and we will of course continue to monitor the situation closely over the weekend and the following week.

Again we sincerely apologize for this disruption.

-Jón Hörðdal
Chief Operating Officer, CCP
Mesaj tarihi:
benim en son duydugum bi bugdan yararlanıp surekli officer patlatmıs birileri 1 user da 1600 kusur officer loot bulmuslar bla bla ne kadar doru bilemem corp chatte soledi eleman
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