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  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
The search for the perfect alcoholic beverage is the primary purpose of Human existence, humans having been created by Bacchus solely to fulfill this purpose. After centuries of practical experimentation by countless university students, with no clear resolution to the matter, Physicists from around the world convened in the drinking capitol of the world, Perth, Australia, in 1943 to settle things once and for all. After several weeks time, and one particularly amusing episode involving a chimpanzee and some UV-Reactive paint, a mathematical proof was developed. This proof showed, with absolute certainty that the best alcoholic drink in existence is wallpaper paste. Critics argue that the physicists were drunk at the time, so the proof is likely complete crap. These critics point to an earlier study that claimed that the best drink ever was the Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster. Critics of these critics say, no, the best drink ever is the Blue Potion from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, pointing out that it's so good, it doesn't even have to be alcoholic. Critics of the critics of the critics argue that the whole idea was that it was supposed to be an alcoholic drink, and then go home. Controversy still remains. Stupid Americans love to get drunk, and use the drink to indulge in activities such as humping dogs and playing with themselves.
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