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Bugün gelen bir maili yapıştırıyorum buraya. Türkçe'ye çevirmeye vaktim yok tam olarak. Ama işin özü, benim param var ama hesabıma geçiremiyorum. Sen geçirmemi sağla %20 sini sana vereyim... Adresini, telefonunu ver bana diyor..

Kaptırmayın kendinizi böyle şeylere, aman dikkat...


It is my pleasure to contact you for assistance and
business co-operation. I know the content of this
letter might be surprising to you but I assure you
that every word of it is true. Even though we hardly
know each other I believe you can help me.
I am Dr. Rilwanu lukman,President Adviser on Petroleum
and Energy and Alternate Chairman of N.N.P.C
Board&also OPEC President Designate.My office monitors
the sales and lifting of crude oil and petroleum
product by foreign dealers. With the cooperation of my
assistant and head of the audit committee attached to
the task force, I have successfully saved about
US$37.5 million.
This money is as a result of allocation of excess
crude oil to the foreign dealers, which has been sold
but this money is not entered in the financial
statement of my task force. This money was lying
unclaimed in the account of the task force, known only
to me and the chief security officer in our ministry
who help me in
the fund out through his security network and me
involved in the excess
However, the legislators of the new democratic
Government of my country have set up a panel to look
into the past activities of some government companies
and parastatals. I do not want the panel to discover
the money I saved.
I cannot lodge this money into my private bank
account. In my country, public servants are not
permitted to operate any account in excess of $500,000
US Dollars. Now the idea is to have a foreign partner
whom the sum will be transferred to. I have concluded
arrangement and transfered this money to a finance
company for safekeeping to avoid the government from
seizing this fund .
All you have to do is to give me your private
phone and fax lines and . I will
send you the details of the transfer and necessary
document as soon as you provide them.
If you can assist me transfer this money into your
nominated bank account,I will give you 20% of the
amount. You will keep the remaining sum for my wife
her arrival to your country. We intend to invest 50%
of the sum in business. With your knowledge and past
experience your advice will be highly needed for the
investment. We would want to know the lucrative
business areas in your country we can invest on with
the 50% of the sum.
Don't worry about any problem in this business. I
assure it is safe and no risk is involved. No other
party is aware of the sum from the excess allocation
except my partner and me. However, this transaction
should be secret and confidential.
I awaits your reply on your participation or not, so
that I can search for another willing person. Your
quick response matters.

Best regards

Dr. Lukman Rilwanu
------------------------[hline]Profocio Hosting
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abi caktirmayin ama ben okurken kendimi bir filmde hissetim ya.
Bole hafif kel bir adam, Biraz terli bir sekilde bir bankaya giriyor ve hesabiyla oynuyor.Sak sahne kesiliyor b herif disarda terlerini siliyor SAK sahne kesiliyor evinde bize email yaiyor bir yandan da karizmatik sesiyle okuyor.

way anasini muthis te bir ingilizce kullanmis bu herif.,Sirf bu yuzden bu hacker in Ingiliz veya Ameriklai (veya buralarda egitim gormus) olmasi muhtemel.
Bir pakistanli veya hindistanlidan bole bir ingilizce cikmaz haberiniz olsun,

lakin ben bunu sakliyim ya
Muthis birseymi harbi ha
Buna inanan varmidir acaba[hline] turk frp yazarlarinin birle$tigi dunya)link ini duzlettim)
Hic bitmeyen Efsaneler
kimsesizlerin siirleri
Miranin omnis
Grim Fandango Turkish Fan Club
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Birader tamam adam I awaits demis ama bilirmsin ki eski ingilizlerde ole konusuyor..Hele hele eyer kibar olmak istiyorlarsa genelde bole seyler soyluyebilirler
I awaits your command diyebilir
Veya baska birsey,
Ki var yani bunu yapanlar

Ayrica arkadas hacker degil demis,
Peki Hacker olmasa adam senin Mailini adresini Fax ini napsin senin ip ni bulmak vey bilgini hacklemek disinda?[hline] turk frp yazarlarinin birle$tigi dunya(link ini duzlettim)
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kimsesizlerin siirleri
Miranin omnis
Grim Fandango Turkish Fan Club
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valla acaba aramizda birini kafalayip bole seylere katilsakmi ya.
Harbici bir sekilde ucunda para olani cikarsa (Hani olurya) paraya para demez jony demeye bile baslariz[hline]Infernal_Reborn, 07 October 2003 17:28 tarihinde demiş ki :
bi garip hissediyorum walla kendimi
ne hayvani cazibem warmış yauw

turk frp yazarlarinin birle$tigi dunya(link ini duzlettim)
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kimsesizlerin siirleri
Miranin omnis
Grim Fandango Turkish Fan Club
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ya yapma arkadasım adam iyi niyetle konusmus burda yani sanada kimseye yapmıcagı bi kıyak yapmıs. sende adamın gunahını alıosun yani ayıptır . Of ya bosvr aptal aptal yazıomiste salla ya abi buna inanan zaten gitsin kendsini fatihsultan mehmet koprusunun tellerine assın[hline]We Must Be The Ones Who Believe Illiuvatar
But In Fact There'sn't An Illiuvatar, So Resume Your Believes, Don't Be Astonished At Your Thoughts
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  • 2 hafta sonra ...
aha taze taze .. bi' tane daha .. özet olarak ;öncelikle bu mail çok gizli ve acilmiş ,bak sen .. sonracıma bu birinin hanımı .. kocası zimbabwe de öldürülmüş ; rahmetli kahve işindeymiş .. nescafe falan .. bu bayan benim mail i nerden mi bulmuş.... South African international Information Exchange centerdan ... !! çok ünlüyüm ç0okk , ünüm oralara kadar ulaşmış .. gerisi aynı para var benim de hesabım hani yatıralım falan filan .. ne kadar para mı ? 25 milyon dolar ... ZENGİN OLDUM zZEeengiiNnn .. !!


Dear Sir,

I am Mrs.Janeth Ngomeni, wife of Late John Ngomeni who was murdered by
Zimbabwean war Veterans and irritate black people. Before the death of
husband on the 29th of July 2002, he was a prosperous tobacco and
farmer in Zimbabwe and one of the major sponsor/financier of the
party- movement for Democrative change in Zimbabwe. He was also the
President of the farmers Co-operative Trade Union in Zimbabwe. I am
from Johannesburg South Africa. I got your contact e-mail address from
South African international Information Exchange center and decided to
you. I write to solicit for your special assistance to a family
chattered by
a tyrannical government led by the dictator President ROBERT MUGABE.
And his
(ZANU-PF) ruling party.

I am probably of the conviction that you are aware of the present
in my country Zimbabwe sequel to the land and farm land problem in
The government secretly sponsored the war veterans and some irate party
members to disposes the land being occupied by white and some rich
who are opposed to his consistent stay in power and his radical and
unnecessary reforms argeted at his political opponents. This action has
to the killing of some members of the opposition party including my
(John Ngomeni), who did not support this ill-fated action. But before
death of my husband and the consistent threat to his life, he
some dangers and so he smuggled out the sum of US$25.M (TWENTY FIVE
UNITED STATES DOLLARS), to South Africa since it the nearest
country and deposited it in a security Company with the intention of
it for the purchase new farm machinery and chemicals for agricultural
purposes in South Africa. As well as a purchase of some hectares of
land in

On the 29th July 2002, the war veterans and some supporters of
ruling party trooped into our compound and axed him (My husband) to
Since then, they have been terrorizing my son, Mathew Ngomeni but I
succeeded to work for his escape to a near by country, South Africa as
political asylum seeker (refugee).But his position in South Africa does
permit him to open a non-resident account or normalize this fund for
meaningful business transaction in South Africa since he does not have
South Africa Identity Card. That is why I want this fund to be
to your
nominated bank account so that you will assist him to invest it in your
country. Hence, if you agree to
assist us, we have two options for you, we have agreed to go into
partnership with you and your family or in the alternative, we offer
you 25%
of the money for your assistance, 5% will be for possible expenses
in the process of this transaction, while 70% will be for our family
investment in your country through your assistance. I want you to
that this fund is purely a family fund/money and not drug money, nor
it be classified as government fund or money laundering affairs and
authorities could substantiate it by our attorney. It is family fund
termed confidential because I do not want my son to be traced to it is

If you are interested in assisting us, kindly contact my son or my self
this e mail address and the
telephone number +27 83 313 3570 Right now, I am presently in South
with Mr. Mathew my son and the whole of my family sequel to the tensed
political situation and the fear for our lives in Zimbabwe.

I need your urgent and confidential response.

Thanks and God bless.

Best regards,
Mrs. Janeth Ngomeni (for the Family)[hline]Novice Civil Engineer
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Buneya abi buneyaa salakmı var sanıyorlar
Böle önemli bişi olsa adres bulurdu bi şekilde evine mektup yollardı yada neblim telefondan arardı[hline]Eda'nın anısına (1984-Hala yanıyo)
EdaaaaAaaa Çoook iiyi bir ablaaydııı Ühü oof be edaaaaa..
Keşkee evdeee yakacak birşeyler olsaaydıııı ühü ah be edaaaa..
Espiriyi anlamadım
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buna benzer bir haberi gazetede okumuştum...chatte güney afrikalı birisi (fark ettinizmi , hem maillerde hemde haberde dolandırıcılar afrikadan çıkıyor) bizim türklerden birini bu banka hesabından aktarma yapma bahanesiyle türkiyeden alıp afrikaya götürmüş , adam gelincede onu rehin alıp yanında getirdiği ne var ne yok hepsini almış...artı serbest bırakmak içinde bankadaki parasının tamamını ona vermesini istemiş.ama haberin sonunu hatırlamıyorum , galiba polis ihbar üzerine baskın yapıp kurtarmıştı adamı.aynı numara yani...[hline]PUMA the Flying Kefal!!!(given by BabacumMostors)

Mutlaka sonuna kadar okuyun ve kopun bana dua edeceksiniz...

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