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Cizgiroman - tavsiye ( Tavsiye ettiğimiz şeyleri buraya yazalım diyorum.)

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  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:
X-Factor Investigations aka. X-Factor v.3

No one is ever what they appear to be. That there are always layers, always more things to discover. And the unexpected is always there to thwart expectations.

Marvel'in diğer serilerine pek benzemiyor. Yeni bir klasik bence. Karanlık , overpowered karaklerler yok. M-Day'le birlikte başlıyor. Marvel'den yetişkinler için güzel bir seri. Herkese tavsiye ederim. Yeni en sevdiğim Marvel karakteri Layla Miller da burada. (öndeki sarı şaçlı kız.)

İlk sayısı ( rapidshare )

İnterview with writer :


Perhaps one of the most anticipated Marvel announcements of this summer's convention season was the return of both X-Factor as an ongoing series as well as the announcement that former X-Factor writer Peter David would be writing it (with Ryan Sook on art).

The November-debuting series owes more to David's Madrox miniseries which concluded earlier this year, and, the positive retailer and fan reaction to, allowed for the launch of the new series. That said, the lineup of the team will run along the lines of Madrox: Jamie Madrox, Rahne Sinclair, Siryn, Monet, Strong Guy, and Rictor.

It's a unique lineup for what promises to be a unique book. We caught up with the writer for a quick chat about the new title.

Newsarama: First off, when did it become clear that sales and reception on Madrox were good enough to warrant a continuation of the concepts?

Peter David: For me? About thirty seconds after Andy Schmidt told me that we were a "go" for X-Factor. That's really what it comes down to. If Marvel weren't satisfied with the numbers, there would be no X-Factor series.

NRAMA: Why X-Factor rather than an ongoing Madrox series?

PD: Personally, as far as I was concerned, the Madrox limited series was X-Factor. We just weren't calling it that at the time.

NRAMA: So once it was clear that X-Factor was going to be a reality, did you have to pull over to the side of the metaphorical road and work up thoughts on where you'd go if things continued, or had you already figured out where Jamie and company would be headed if Madrox was well received?

PD: Initially I did not. But once House of M, and its aftermath, "Decimation," arrived on the scene, I knew some rethinking was going to have to be done. So in concert with Andy, and after extensive consultation with Brian [Bendis], I tweaked the direction and several aspects of the group's priorities and mission.

NRAMA: X-Factor's connection to House of M and owing part of its existence to 'Decimation' was mentioned at various panels over the summer season can you clarify that a little?

PD: I wouldn't say it "owes part of its existence" to House of M. It's more that House of M introduced some angles to the group's raison d'etre that I personally think improves upon it. Candidly, though, I'm not sure how much I can safely say at this point. If I going into specific detail as to the elements of X-Factor that tie in with 'Decimation' then I risk giving away specifics that Marvel doesn't want revealed yet. There are too many people going to too much work for me to feel comfortable going into detail.

NRAMA: Fair enough - speaking of the team then, why does a multiplying man need help in the first place? Is this case where he literally can't trust himself?

PD: Why did Doc Savage need the fabulous five? Why does Superman need the Justice League? Why did Holmes need Watson - indeed to such a degree that he declares he would be "lost without my Boswell." Why do fools fall in love? Who put the ram in the ramma lamma ding dong? And who *unh* who wrote the book of love? These and many other questions are simply imponderables best left to philosophers, intellectuals and scoundrels.

NRAMA: Ho-kay. So they're all working for XXX Investigations now, or do they officially call themselves X-Factor?

PD: The latter.

NRAMA: The characters you picked to work with - some are familiar; some are relatively new to you and the team. Can you take each and - figuratively - pick them up and look them over and explain briefly what they add, and why you, creatively wanted them to be a part of the team?

PD: Basically, I went for characters who I thought would provide interesting contrasts for one another. The core of drama is conflict, so you want to have characters whose differences will provide that conflict. For instance, you've got Rahne who has this scrappy animal mentality, and still carries a bucketload of self doubt with her. She serves as a great foil to Monet, who is polished, high-faluting, and thinks that she's better than anyone - although that, in turn, covers her own insecurities.

The two of them become interested in Rictor...except Rictor is interested in Siryn. Rictor is dark, brooding, and feeling he's lost control of his life. Siryn, as a recovering alcoholic, is all about control, and works to impart this to Rictor, plus we're tinkering with Siryn's power slightly in a way that I think is really cool. Except the question becomes, does Siryn teach Rictor self-control...or will he erode hers? As for Jamie, unexpected developments with his ability threaten to make his power more unpredictable than ever, while Guido has to display vast inner strength that he might not possess, even though you just assume to look at him that he's the strongest guy around.

NRAMA: Was there anyone you wanted to get your hands on, but couldn?t?

PD: Osama bin Laden.

NRAMA: Probably would've changed the book a little… moving along then , in a universe with numerous mutant teams, what makes this one 'X-Factor' rather than say, 'the X-Men investigating mysteries' ?


NRAMA: Uh, no...sir?

PD: I mean, seriously. Go back and read my run on the previous X-Factor. Was there any question that they were different from the plethora of mutant groups back then?

In this case, they will be different again...but in a different way.

NRAMA: That said, with this following Madrox, will it will be a touch more noir-ish than the miniseries? How would you describe the tone of the series?

PD: It will have that same noir tone, but less--how best to put it--less self-consciously noir.

NRAMA: So where do things start in the first arc? What lights the fuse?

PD: An attempted suicide.

NRAMA: From there then what kinds of stories will we be seeing in the coming months? What threats/investigations is X-Factor suited for better than any other?

PD: It's going to be an interesting contrast. First of all, they'll be dealing with a lot of "ground level" threats. The intrusion of mutant-related problems into normal, every day life. For me, that keeps the series more "grounded" rather than just trying to deal with the latest mega-threat. But that doesn't mean the mega-threat does not exist. That will be coming courtesy of their polar opposite, Singularity Investigations. Whereas X-Factor is down and dirty and scrappy, SI is the security agency to the rich and powerful. Their paths will cross as of issue #2, each trying to protect their respective clients and SI totally prepared to steamroll over X-Factor. But we will learn that not only is there more to SI than meets the eye, there's also more to X-Factor. Put before us is a fascinating notion: That X-Factor is destined to undo the results of the Decimation. Or maybe not. And SI may have to work against X-Factor...or in concert with them.

There's a fundamental theme to X-Factor that arises from the Madrox series: Namely that no one is ever what they appear to be. That there are always layers, always more things to discover. And the unexpected is always there to thwart expectations. Just when Jamie thinks he's got a bead on his new status, it changes. Just when readers think they have a bead on our team or the team's opponents, they will discover that, no, here's this aspect that they didn't know about or hadn't considered.

The issue that everyone remembers from my previous X-Factor run was #87. Why? Because it was 22 pages of upending people's perceptions - I can't tell you how many people read that and said to me, "NOW I totally 'get' Quicksilver!" - My goal with the new series is to do that to some degree with every single issue. That at least once, maybe twice each
issues, readers will hit a point in the story where they say, "Whoa. Okay. I have to reconsider what I've seen up until this point." Every issue will feature some aspect of the unexpected, the unanticipated, the element that throws things for a loop: In short, the X-Factor.[/spo]

Not : Bu konuda yorum yapmayın. Her mesajda sadece bir tavsiye , bir resim , wikipedia (ya da benzeri birşey) linki , kişisel düşünce ve ilk sayının linki olsun. Eğer link ölürse tavsiyeciye özel mesaj atılsın. Ve eğer çizgi romanların yaşamasını istiyorsanız gidin ve gerçeğini satın alın - sevdiğiniz serileri destekleyin. İlk bölümün linki verme olayı sadece tanıtım amaçlı. Ayrıca Türkçesi olan çizgiromanların linkini vermeyelim , sonra dert açılmasın patinin başına ya da konu silinmesin.

[ Mesaj 18 Mayıs 2007, Cuma - 13:27 tarihinde, GERGE tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
Mesaj tarihi:

The king of dreams learns one must change or die and then makes his decision.

Okuduğum en sağlam , beni en etkileyen ve her olayına hayran kaldığım çizgiroman budur herhalde. İçinde bol bol kara mizah , bol bol gönderme ve bol bol karanlık atmosferde saklanmış ölüme dair kıtalar. Düşlerin tanrısının , başından geçen epik olduğu kadar bunaltıcı ve çarpıcı bir gerçekliğe sahip bir çizgiroman. İlk sayısından konuya ve atmosfere tam giremeyenlere eMule vb.den aratıp 2. sayısını da bulmalarını öneririm. Hele hele Morpheus'un (sandman) cehennemdeki miğferi için bir iblisle yaptığı söz düellosu ve sonrasındaki lucifer'e verdiği cevap muhteşem ;
-Sizler söyleyin bana , eğer cehennemde cenneti düşleyenler olmasaydı , cehennem bu kadar güç toplayabilir miydi ?

İlk Sayısı (format pdf , sağklik yapılabilinir)

[ Mesaj 18 Mayıs 2007, Cuma - 20:02 tarihinde, Dev tarafından güncellenmiştir ]

[ Mesaj 18 Mayıs 2007, Cuma - 20:02 tarihinde, Dev tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:

NOT : Bu topiğe tavsiye olmayan mesajlar atmayın!


Preacher tells the story of Jesse Custer, a down-and-out preacher in the small Texas town of Annville. Custer was accidentally possessed by the supernatural creature named 'Genesis' in an incident which killed his entire congregation and flattened his church.

Genesis, the product of the unauthorized, unnatural coupling of an angel and a demon, is an infant with no sense of individual will. However, as it is composed of both pure goodness and pure evil, it might have enough power to rival that of God himself. In other words, Jesse Custer, bonded to Genesis, may have become the most powerful being in the whole of living existence.

Custer, driven by a strong sense of right and wrong, goes on a journey across the United States attempting to (literally) find God, who abandoned Heaven the moment Genesis was born. He also begins to discover the truth about his new powers, which allow him to command the obedience of those who hear his words. He is joined by his old girlfriend Tulip O'Hare, as well as a hard-drinking Irish vampire named Cassidy.

During the course of their journeys, the three encounter enemies and obstacles both sacred and profane, including: the Saint of Killers, an invincible, quick-drawing, perfect-aiming, come-lately Angel of Death answering only to the authority of God Himself; a serial-killer called the 'Reaver-Cleaver'; The Grail, a secret organization controlling the governments of the world and protecting the bloodline of Jesus; Herr Starr, ostensible Allfather of the Grail, a megalomaniac with a penchant for prostitutes, who wishes to use Custer for his own ends; several fallen angels; and Jesse's own redneck 'family' particularly his nasty Cajun grandmother, her mighty bodyguard Jody, and the 'animal-loving' T.C.

En hızlı okuyup bitirdiğim çizgiroman (2 günümü almıştı.) Anti-Sandman diye bilinir. Aşırı Amerikan. Tavsiye olunur.

İlk sayı. ( rapidshare )

[ Mesaj 18 Mayıs 2007, Cuma - 21:00 tarihinde, GERGE tarafından güncellenmiştir ]
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:

Neden dahil olmasın ki ; hatta:

Anne Freaks

İlginç bir manga , okuduğum ilk manga olduğu için de bende yeri ayrıdır. Batı çizgiromanına alışık bünyelere çok şiddetli gelebilir ama ; ve 18 yaşından küçüklere okutmayalım.

Rapidshare (Cilt 1 - Toplam 4 tane)

[ Mesaj 21 Mayıs 2007, Pazartesi - 21:57 tarihinde, GERGE tarafından güncellenmiştir ]

  • 2 hafta sonra ...
  • Genel Yönetici
Mesaj tarihi:

The series deals with various characters from fairy tales and folklore who have been forced out of their Homelands by a mysterious enemy known as the Adversary. They travel to our world and form a clandestine community in New York City known as Fabletown. Characters from fables with non-human appearance must live at the "Farm" in upstate New York.

Çok güzel bir şey.Fazlasıyla ödüllü. Vertigo'dan çıkdı ve Sandman kadar popüler oldu. Tarzının da yakın olduğunu söyleyebiliriz. Eğer vaktiniz varsa kaçırmamalısınız.

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