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Resto druid yardım


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biraz once ayni seyi yazmaya niyetlendim, vazgectim. ucunu de fulledim, ucunden de acayip zevk aldim oynarken. Oyun tamamen degisiyor bir anda. tabi bunu da kotulugu sunlari paylastirayim, efektif kullanayim dediginiz zaman bir seyler hep eksik kaliyor. bir de bir cok calss`ta tree sonu druid kadar vazgecilmez degil. bir balance`in agaclari gereksiz goruluyor ki bence degil.
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1. Full resto (0/0/61)
With this build all the points can be found in the resto tree, most players think here lies the power of healing druids. As the healing over time will get a major boost and it is easier to heal the raid up. This build doesn’t need many explanations because it’s the general healing which is used by most of our druid.

In this build you will have the Tree of Life of course (which can be useful in some fight but in other fight totally un-useful as you have to walk around a lot and you will get in tree a 20% reduction of your speed). The Tree of Life also will give you a bonus of 25% of your spirit to healing, and the mana costs of your healing over time abilities are reduced by 20%.
You will also have Swiftmend, this skill will instant heal with the same amount of 12 seconds of your rejuvenation and regrowth. You will also receive Nature’s Swiftness, when activated next nature’s spell won’t have any cast time.

A link to this build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=MZZxEfxeqrest
Some players will choose not to pick Natural Shape shifter and Improved tranquility but they go for Starlight Wrath and Controle of Nature

2. Balance/Resto build 1 (27/0/34)
In this build you are an hybrid, as you will get some skills from balance and from resto, in this build your healing over time abilities are reduced (eq. Hrom’s rejuvenation ticks for about 850 and mine tick for 750). So with this build you need to be seen as a single target healer and not as raid healer, due to the simple fact your healing over time abilities aren’t ticking for that high amount of HP.

The main skills you get from the resto tree are Nature’s Swiftness and Swiftmend (see build 1 for the explanation). From the balance tree you get a few skills that aren’t very usefull in raids, the most important skill you get are: Lunar Guidance (Increases your spell damage and healing by 25% of your interlect), Nature’s Grace (All spell criticals will bless you with Grace, and reduces the casting time of your next spell by 0.5sec), Moonglow (reduces the mana costs by 9%).
You will also get a skill that aren’t helping your healing skills but may help the MT as you can but Insect Swarm on the boss, which causes 2% less hit chance.

A link to this build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=MxcrzicsZZxEcLcqM0o
Some player will choose not to pick Startlight Wrath and Nature’s Reach but for improved Nature’s Grasp and go for Brambles (which will give 75% more damage to your thorns, which can be handy for the MT)

3. Balance/Resto Build 2 (34/0/27)
This build is also known as the dreamstate build, here your main focus lies again on healing a single target, due to the fact your healing over time abilities will even heal for a lesser amount then the 2nd build. But with this build you will get the mana regen abilities from balance and from resto (I tested this build out and with my current gear it gave me full raid buffed mana regen per 5 during combat of 270 mp5, this exclude the mana you will get from shamans and shadow priests. Keep in mind that I normally use Healing Touch (HT) rank 6 for healing and it costs 275 mana).

With this healing build the main focus lies in the balance tree, as you will get this time also Lunar Guidance, Nature’s Grace and Moonglow. But you will also get Dreamstate, which will regenerate 10% mana of your intellect during casting.
If you go for this build you will lose Swiftmend from the resto tree, whatever option you choice in balance tree you won’t get Swiftmend back.

A link to this build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=0xcrzicshhZZxxcbxqM
See remark for this build in the 2nd build

4. PVP resto druid (8/11/42)
This build can be used for PVP only as you will get some point in feral, which will lead to feral charge (what can be used to interrupt casters). As this specc clearly isn’t allowed for raid healing I won’t say anything more about it (if you want to know more about it I know one player who has this build, just give me a whisper and I will give you the name)

A link to this build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=0xcrzicshhZZxxcbxqM

As you can see there are different options a resto druid can pick for raid healing, the problem is that Stormborn, Hrom and me didn’t came to a conclusion of which build is better for raid healing. Basically the druid who has build 1 can be used for raid healing as his HoT’s do more healing and the 2nd and 3rd build druid has more mana but need to be used for only target healing.

I personally tested all build by now and for me I still do around the same amount as healing with all build (depends on the fight ofc). For long fight my choice goes to the 3rd build as you will get the most mana back. At the moment I got the 2nd build as I missed my swiftmend skill
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