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oha accayip birsey

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Mesaj tarihi:
Have you ever wondered if your mind is normal or different? Well, do this little mind exercise and find out at the end! Free will or synoptic wiring? You be the judge. Check out the following exercise, guaranteed to raise an eyebrow. There's no trick or surprise. Just follow these instructions, and answer the questions one at a time and as quickly as you can. Again, as quickly as you can but don't advance until you've done each of them.. really. Now, scroll down (but not too fast, you might miss something)..

What is:






Now repeat saying the number 6 to yourself as fast as you can for 15 seconds. then scroll down.


Keep going.

You're thinking of a carrot, right?

If not, you're among the 2% of the population whose minds are different enough to think something else. 98% of people will answer with carrot when given this exercise. Freaky, huh? Keep this message going. Forward it to the people you know and see if they can see if they are all normal or not. Although it's nice to know a few odd balls..[hline]
Mesaj tarihi:
lol önce muz dedim sonra sebze diye zorlayınca marul çıktı ağzımdan ehuehu[hline]In the grace... of the love
we rise in pain...
and death is not far away
soon we'll sleep
and never wake up again...
Mesaj tarihi:
şahsen havuç dedim ve şok oldum:P[hline]Raphael: Şuna bak! Bi salamander asla 10 metre boyunda olmazki!!
Donatello: Söleyene bak, konuşan bi kaplumbağa!!
Mesaj tarihi:
salatalik dedim. sebze olup olmadigi konusunda suphelerim olmasina ragmen.

buna benzer baska seylerde vardı. mesela birine aklina ilk gelen kelimeyi sorsaniz "k" ile baslamasi olasiligi OLDUKCA yuksek.
Mesaj tarihi:
ben kabak dedim :D
aslında UO'daki o yeşil sebzeler geldi aklıma ama adını getiremedim, sonra bizim manavın tezgahına gitti aklım, kabak deyiverdim.[hline]The light will prevail hence wisdom is gold
Mesaj tarihi:
ahha belalim olan karnibahari sectim, sebze olarak.
saçma bir sey.[hline]Nukem_Verite, 07 September 2003 21:38 tarihinde demiş ki: (bana)
hayatında basket izlememiş adamlarla tartıştığım şeye bak ya[/b]
Mesaj tarihi:
daverc, 19 September 2003 21:35 tarihinde demiş ki:
direk pirasa dedim en sevmedigim sebze lol

budur :)[hline]You have questions, my friend, but are you prepared for the answers?
Mesaj tarihi:
-coLdwind-, 19 September 2003 21:23 tarihinde demiş ki:
domates dedim (ne alaka?)

Aynen. Aklına kırmızı bi sebze gelenler (domates vb.) force sensitive oluyorlarmış:)[hline]There is a void in my chest where I once had a heart, and from this emptiness springs all the sufferings in the Multiverse . . .
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