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1.11 mage review (ilk bilgiler / official)

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Mesaj tarihi:

Can you tell us which class will receive the next talent update and maybe also add a little bit about what your plans are?

cheer ell, right now we're in the process of working on the talent review for the mage. Some of the aspects we're looking to improve include easing a mage's downtime between fights a bit and making a Fire/Frost build a more viable combination than it is right now. (Currently most magi feel that having anywhere between 11 to 21 points in the Arcane is a "must").

To accomplish this, it's likely that we'll take a few of the "must have" abilities from Arcane, and make them available to all magi. (Some likely candidates are the talents Evocation and Improved Arcane Explosion.) From there, we'll also look at ways for players to be able to create interesting combos between the Fire and Frost trees. Hopefully, these changes will further polish the general play experience of magi while also opening some new, interesting talent builds.
Mesaj tarihi:
Mageleri sucubbus baştan cıkartamamalı.Frosta darbe alinca casti geri sardırmama talenti gelmeli.Hunter salıyor peti bi tarafdan kendisi gerdiriyor illa fire olup kalp kırmak can sıkıyor bir yerden sonra.
Mesaj tarihi:
abi instant arcane explosion ve evocation mageler için "genel" özellik olucak dio bu adam. off bilmiyorum ya bana biraz frost magelere buff gibi geldi bu. yani tam düşünemedim üstüne ama, bunnar daha çok pve magelerin işine yarıcak gibi.

ha arcaneye olan bağımlılığın frost ile ne alakası var diyenlere şimdi 10 saat açıklama yapamıcam ama özetle: pvp mageler 31a 20 fire seçiolar (en azından benim gibi "salaklar" çünkü diğerleri her zaman kendileirni haklı görüorlar, valla canımdan bezdirdiler) ve bizi yücelten o arcane power'ın ulaşılmazlığı, yani 31 arcane talent gerektirmesi nedeniyle çoğu mage'in o kadar talenti arcaneye harcamaktan korkması nedeniyle az seçilmiş olmaz özelliği biraz ortadan kalkacak gibime gelio. ya bilmiom işte. arcaneye bağımlılığın azaltılması hoşuma gitmedi pek, sanki bi özelliğim elimden alıncak gibi hissettim, sebebi de yukarda sölediğim gibi arcaneye 31 talent harcama cesaretinin artık o kadar da mühim bişi olmayacağı korkusu.
Mesaj tarihi:
muzcu, bi talent tree ile oynarlarsa o sekilde, digerlerini de ellerler. Mesela priestte de süper talentlar var disc ve holy de ama birinden birini secmek zorunda kaliyorsun hep, cünkü alamayalim beraber diye üst tierlara atmislar
Mesaj tarihi:
ae ve evocun normal büyü haline gelmeleri gerekiyordu zaten. asıl soru onların yerine gelecek şeyler nolacak

priestte de shield normal haline eklendi ve yeni talentla etkisi arttırıldı mesela

bakalım adam gibi bişiler yaparlarsa oyuna geri dönerim belki hehe.

açıkçası umudum arcane i adam gibi tree yapmaları. yani adam gibi derken frostu fire i destekleyen değil de temel olarak arcanei kullandıgımız bir tree. bunu da missile i gelistirerek yapabilirler heralde. range/mana cost oynaması olabilir hatta her missiledaki proc sansını arttıran bir talent bile olabilir
Mesaj tarihi:
aslında evo ve instant aoe yerine ne geleceği asıl mesela çünkü sonuçta ap gene 30 arcane talent isticek. o nedenle de oba 6 talent kazancım oldu, hemen blast wave alayım gibi bişi diyemicez. aslında öle olsa güzel olurdu. evet bu olay elementallere yarıcak. hoş evo ile instant aoe çok muhim şeyler değil artık, çoğu magede var, zaten o yüzden blizz onnarı talent olmaktan çıkarcak.
Mesaj tarihi:
evo ve instant ae yerıne bana kalırsa arcane e fıreda ımpact frostta frostbıte benzeri bisi gelicek 1 skill olarak
2 side icimden bi aura koyacaklarmish gibi geliyor
hic degilse suculuk disinda millete aura falan yapip karizmayi arttiririz nebilim:)
Mesaj tarihi:
Due to significant talent changes, Mages will have all talent muffins refunded and can be respent. Training costs for all talent spell replacements have been significantly reduced.

- New talent: Arcane Fury (Passive, 5/5). Obtainable in first tier of the Arcane tree, Arcane Fury increases damage done by Arcane spells by 3% per talent muffin for a maximum of 15%.

- Arcane Subtletly will now apply to all schools of magic. This change should make talent muffin expenditure here more desirable.

- Wand Specialization has received slight modifications. With a maximum of 5 talent muffins, Wand Specialization will increase damage dealt by wands by 3% per combo muffin for a maximum of 15% additional damage. This was done in interest of allowing for a new talent in Wand Mastery that should make wand usage more attractive.

- New talent: Wand Mastery. With a prerequisite of 5 talent muffins spent in Wand Specialization, this passive ability will allow + damage effects and gear to appropriately scale wand damage. This scaling holds consistent with a particular wand's element and the "casting" speed by which calculation for + damage will be made will be based upon the wand's speed.

- Improved Arcane Explosion has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead Arcane Explosion will be instant-cast by default.

- Evocation has been removed from the talent trees altogether and instead has been added as a trainable spell obtainable at level 30. Additionally, the cooldown has been reduced to 5 minutes in order to make the spell more useful.

- Arcane Missiles will now emit only three missiles as opposed to five. The total mana cost of the spell has been reduced significantly in order to make the spell more mana efficient.

- Improved Arcane Missiles has been redesigned. Available after 10 muffins have been spent in the Arcane tree, this talent will accept up to three talent muffins with each muffin increasing the casting duration of Arcane Missiles by adding one additional burst of missiles for a maximum of six total.

- New talent: Missile Mastery (Passive, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three muffins in Improved Arcane Missiles and will render the Arcane Missiles spell uninterruptible.

- Improved Counterspell has been removed from the talent tree. As a result counterspell will inherently receive the previous buff from this talent of silencing the target for four seconds. This was done to put counterspell on par with over silencing abilities such as Silence and Spell Lock.

- Improved Dampen Magic has been removed from the talent tree.

- Improved Mana Shield has been removed from the talent tree.

- Presence of Mind will now be obtainable with 15 muffins spent in the Arcane Tree but has received a slight modification. In addition to making your next spell with casting time under ten seconds cast instantly, the mana cost of that spell will be increased by 20%.

- Arcane Meditation has received slight modifications. The talent will now allow mana regeneration while casting of 5% per muffin spent for a maximum of 5 muffins or 25%.

- New talent: Improved Evocation (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with prerequisite of 5 muffins spent in Arcane Meditation, this talent will increase the time during which Evocation casts by 2 seconds. This will allow for an extra "tick" of evocated mana regeneration and should make the spell even more useful.

- Arcane Mind has received slight modifications. The talent will now accept a maximum of 5 talent muffins and will increase maximum mana by 3% per talent muffin for a maximum of 15%.

- New talent: Arcane Resilience (Passive, 2/2). Obtainable with 20 muffin spent in Arcane talents, this talent increases the effectiveness of Dampen and Amplify magic by 30% per talent muffin for a maximum of 60%.

- Arcane Instability has been moved such that it is obtainable with 20 muffins spent in the Arcane Tree. The skill itself will remain unchanged.

- New talent: Improved Polymorph (Passive, 3/3). Obtainable with 25 muffins spent in Arcane talents, reduces the target's ability to resist Polymorph by 4% per talent muffin for a maximum of 12%. This reduction in resistance to the spell will also appropriately affect the target's ability to break Polymorph once affected.

- New talent: Master Shepherd (Passive, 1/1). Obtainable with 25 muffins spent in Arcane talents and with prerequisite of 3 muffins spent in Improved Polymorph, this talent allows up to two targets to be affected by Polymorph at one time.

- Arcane Power has been redesigned. This talent will be obtainable with prerequisite of three muffins in Arcane Instability and 25 muffins spent in Arcane talents. The increase in damage and mana cost has been reduced from 35% to 20% but the duration has been increased to 20 seconds. Additionally, during the 20 seconds, the caster's percent chance to hit with spells is increased by 10%.

- New talent: Invisibility (Instant cast, 345 mana, 3 minute cooldown, 1/1). This talent will be obtainable with 30 muffins spent in Arcane talents. Upon use the caster is rendered invisible and is free to move about as though in stealth. Any damage dealt to the caster or any non-movement action taken by the caster will break invisibilty. During invisibility, movement speed is reduced to 75% of normal.

- Mana Rubies, Citrines, Jades and Agates will no longer be soulbound thus allowing them to be traded to friendly targets.

- Mage Armor has received slight modifications. Once cast, the spell will increase mana regeneration by 10% while also reducing all spell damage taken by 10%. This was done to make the spell more useful.

- Ice Armor's bonus to armor has been slightly increased. All other effects of this spell have remained unchanged.

EDIT: Fixed a few typos. I apologize if more still exist as I have typed this by hand based upon my friend's input. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge.

EDIT: Also, I pretty much have the new Arcane tree drawn out in front of me so if you have any questions about what it looks like specifically, feel free to ask.

EDIT: Compliments of my original source I have come across a few pieces of the remaining two trees. These are not guaranteed accurate as-is but should be implemented near what I present to you in the following segment:

Fire talents

- New talent: Cold Burn (Instant cast, 295 mana, 1/1). Requires three muffins in improved Frost Nova. Ignites a frozen target with singing flames that deals 490 to 546 fire damage and incapacitates the target for three seconds.

- Ignite has been moved to now require 10 muffins in Fire talents instead of only 5. This was done to make room for it as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Incinerate has been moved to now require only 5 muffins in Fire talents instead of 10. This was done to make room for Ignite as a prerequisite for Searing Freeze. The talent itself has remained unchanged.

- Combustion has been redesigned. Having a prerequisite of 5 muffins spent in Improved Scorch and 20 muffins spent in Fire talents, this spell combusts the fire vulnerability of its victim and causes 725 damage over 12 seconds. The spell's chance to hit its target is bolstered by the stacked fire vulnerability with each unit of vulnerability contributing 10% to its chance to hit.

- Improved Flamestrike has been removed the fire talent tree.

- New talent: Heatwave (Passive, 4/4). Gives successful fire spell hits a chance to do additional area of effect damage from the location of the spell's target. This damage has a radius of 10 yards.

- Blastwave has received slight modifications. Its location in the Fire tree has remained unchanged but it will now require 4 muffins in Heatwave as a prerequisite.

- Burning Soul has received slight modifications. The third muffin in this talent will now increase the caster's chance to resist interruption during casting of a fire spell by 75% instead of 65%

- Pyroblast has been removed as a 10 muffin talent and reinstated as the new 30 muffin fire talent. As such the spell has received slight modifications. The casting time of this spell has been reduced to 4 seconds and the damage has been increased as to make it useful for a 30 muffin talent. Overall the spell will receive and increase in damage of 23% and the damage over time associated with it will be increased in time length as well increased in overall damage.

Frost talents

- Improved Frost Nova has traded places with Piercing Ice within the tree and has been redesigned. The talent will now be a prerequisite for the fire tree's Cold Burn talent which requires three muffins in it. Each muffin in Improved Frost Nova will now increase the duration in which the target is frozen by 1 second per muffin for a maximum of 3 seconds. The base duration of the spell has been lowered by one second. The Frost talent Shatter will still remain with prerequisite of Improved Frost Nova but now will require 3 muffins in the talent instead of the original 2.

- New talent: Searing Freeze (Instant cast, 354 mana, 1/1). Requires 5 muffins in Ignite. Rapidly freezes a target afflicted by Ignite after dealing the remainder of Ignite's damage in addition to 352 to 405 frost damage. The target is the incarcerated in a block of ice for 4 seconds.

- New talent: Arctic Blast (Passive, 3/3). With prerequisite of three muffins in Improved Cone of Cold, this talent will add a chance for the caster's Cone of Cold spell to deliver a knock-back effect of 5 yards. The first 2 muffins spent in this talent yield 20% extra chance to deliver this effect while the third muffin increases this chance to 50%. Frozen targets that are affected by this knock-back will remain frozen upon landing and will be unable to move until the duration of the freeze effect is either completed or it breaks prematurely.

- Ice Barrier has received slight modifications but will remain as the Frost 30 muffin talent. The total damage absorbed by the barrier has been increased by 20%. Additionally, while the barrier holds, or until up until the barrier final breaks, 20% of all spell damage taken is reverted to the caster of Ice Barrier's mana pool.

fake olup olmadıgından tam emin deilim ama mage pvp class oldu invis fln
Mesaj tarihi:
Arkadaşlar, ingilizcem az olduğu için tam anlıyamadım ;(

Sanırım yeni bir sürü talent gelecek ve değişiklikler olucak. Sizden ricam "ufff bu harika olmuş" veya "şunu yapmaları iyi olmuş" dediğiniz bir olay var mı?
Mesaj tarihi:
çok kafam karıştı bişey anlamadım tam olarak ama fire/frost buildi desteklenio bariz. Ve 31 arcane gidince güzel şeyler oluyor :) sadece arcane power değil :)
fakat 31 fire da bir halt yok ?
Mesaj tarihi:
31 fire gidince sayın pyroblasti kazanıyorsun 4snye dusurulmus ortalama dmgi arttırılmıs sekılde.Fake ise güzel ürktüm invis neymiş warlock priest magicleri attıkdan sonra ne yazar.Mage hızlı kesemezse ölür arcane power nerflenirse magelere saygi kalmaz
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