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UT2003 Tweak


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CS de fps yükseltmek için konsol komutları var
Peki Unreal da oyun menüsünden değil de komut yazarak veya oyun dışı bir ayar yaparak veya herhangi başka bir şekilde oyun menüsünde bulunmayan neyi yaparak performansı arttırabilirim ?

sistem : p4 1.8ghz, 512ram, 64 ram geforce2mx 200[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of hentai movies, but that only looks good for gays. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those gays were very hairy guys ... they had to learn a technique that even gays can do that are as effective as the mutant's strength. So that's where phone bills came from."
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tabi ki ince ayar çekebilirsin ut2003 de de. ancak buraya yazılacak kadar kısa değil eheh. bu guide oldukça güzel anlatmış herşeyi. direk şunu şunu yap demek yerine neyin ne olduğunu anlatıyor sen de gerekli gördüğün ayarları yapıyorsun.

peki hiç "o sistemde o ekran kartı alman gereken fps yi yarıya düşürüyor bir an önce yenile" gibi bir yorumla karşılaşmış mıydın daha önce :).
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çok karşılaştım :) "param yok, en ucuzu buydu" diye cevapladım her seferinde.[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of hentai movies, but that only looks good for gays. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those gays were very hairy guys ... they had to learn a technique that even gays can do that are as effective as the mutant's strength. So that's where phone bills came from."
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bi tane daha böyle guide vardı
sanırım tweak town daydı
ama bu ona basar, çok iyi valla teşekkürler[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of hentai movies, but that only looks good for gays. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those gays were very hairy guys ... they had to learn a technique that even gays can do that are as effective as the mutant's strength. So that's where phone bills came from."
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valla sadece Minigun nickli bir çok bilmiş var, ona haddini bildiricem o yüzden oynayacağım.[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of hentai movies, but that only looks good for gays. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those gays were very hairy guys ... they had to learn a technique that even gays can do that are as effective as the mutant's strength. So that's where phone bills came from."
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adamın 2,000,000 khz gücünde makinesi var, benim 0.6 ghz makinama karşı mücadele edeilmek için ince ayar aranıyor. Allah kimine 5, kimine 1 verirmiş işte böyle.. :)

ne uğraşacağım valla komutlarla, dos'u görmüşüz işte yeter o kadar komut.. oyun mu oynuyoruz program mı yazıyoruz.. :-p[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of action movies, but that only looks good for small guys. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those guys were very puny guys ... they had to learn a technique that small people can do that are as effective as the big guy's strength. So that's where the martial arts came from."
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  • 2 hafta sonra ...
e ben 15 fps ile oynuyorum, hangi ayarların açık olduğunu da yazalım da millet ne kadar açgözlü olduğunu iyice görsün istersen.. :-p[hline]"I love the Hong Kong style of action movies, but that only looks good for small guys. The reason why the whole style was developed over there was because those guys were very puny guys ... they had to learn a technique that small people can do that are as effective as the big guy's strength. So that's where the martial arts came from."
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