Flameoffear Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 23, 2007 Şirketi çalışmalara başlamış diye bir duyum aldım. Umarım doğrudur.
DePeCHe Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 BRING BACK CARNIVALE ! [spo] [/spo]
xieon Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 abi ya geri gelsin Justin'in hastasiydim hele o dövmesi yok mu süperdi o ağaç dövmesi. İleride dövme yaptırırsam ondan yaptırırım herhalde gövdeme :D biraz daha değişini tabi :D
ombakkombak Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 Gelmesin geri. Gelse bile cnbc e vermesin e 2 versin. su an cnbc e de yayınlanan dizilerin hiçbirini carnivale ye değişmem.
arcane Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 24, 2007 said: Şirketi çalışmalara başlamış diye bir duyum aldım. Umarım doğrudur. değil
silverhoof Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 1, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 1, 2009 yeni başladım :D efsane bi dizi yaa yazık olmuş erken bitmiş
fenris Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 1, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Mayıs 1, 2009 "ÇR dı, kitaptı bi şekilde devam edecez" gibisinden bişeyler dediler ama olmadı. eh erken bitmiş gibi değil de gizemli sonu olmuş gibi düşün :P
kgns Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2009 o değil de, bacağı sakat olan amcam nasıl araba kullanıyor bunu düşünen oldu mu hiç? otomatik vites yok, adam ayagını kıvıramıyor. nasıl?
yav Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 6, 2009 bu dizinin methini çok duydum da yarım kalmış diye izlemeye girişmedim hiç. kötü mü etmişim? the 4400'e de aynı muameleyi yaptım, onun ilk sezonunu izlemiştim gerçi bitmeyeceğini bilmeden. ayıp oluyo böyle yarım bırakıyolar cık cık cık
Lopeth Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2009 normalde 5 6 sezon planlanan diziyi 2 sezona sığdırmaya çalışınca 2. sezon gg oldu, rezil ettiler
Flameoffear Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2009 Mesaj tarihi: Eylül 7, 2009 Yarım kalsada izlenir. Candır, canandır.
Darko2 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 7, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 7, 2010 1.sezon 10.bölümdeyim,ne biçim bi dizi bu be :P daha bişi olmadı sanki,uzun düşündüklerinden midir acaba konuyu bu kadar uzatıyolar sonra 2.sezonda bitirince konu yarımmı kalıyomu?pff izliyecez artık mecbur sdfghhnd
Vingthor Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 7, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 7, 2010 bir röportaj okumuştum yapımcının. adam şey diyor birçok şeyin ne olduğunu bilmiyorduk sırf gizemli olsun merak edin diye koyduk diziyi bitirmeselerdi nasıl devam edeceğimiz hakkında hiçbir fikrimiz yoktu diyor herif. şu zamana kadar yapılmış en yüksek bütçeli dizilerden biri kendisi o yüzden battı. reklamlar karşılayamadı ve şey ikinci sezon başında biliyolarmış son sezon olduğunu ne kadar seyrettirirsek iyidir mantığıyla davranmışlar
Darko2 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 19, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 19, 2010 Bitirdim sonunda,kötü bitti bence,en az 2 sezon daha olsaydı süper bi dizi olurdu,muallakta kaldı sonu çünkü..Ben Hawkins rules :P
Farinal Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 18, 2010 Bende şuan bitirdim. A message from Dan Knauf May 21,2005 --- In [email protected], "Denial" wrote: > First and foremost, let me apologize to what may be a long, and most > likely uneloquent post. Alex, I understand. But, as I've stated before, Carnivale was never just about story. It was in the telling. Tone, pace, visuals, beauty and horror living side-by-side. A big part of what we tried to do was evoke a state of mind, to evoke symbology the resonates at a very primitive level. If you think that a synopsis will give you "closure" (THE most false, vomitous piece of newspeak ever to erupt like a boil on the English language, by the way), then you are either sadly mistaken, or I have totally failed as a storyteller. I know we live in an era of instant gratification, but I know how my story needs to be told. And that's the way it will be told. It may be a year from now. It may be five. But I'm confident it will happen as long as the fan-base grows, the audience grows, and the telling becomes viable as a profitable endeavor. That's why what you do right now is so important. It's vital to keep building, or the story will die. Lots of you have seized the day and are doing some incredible things--CarnyCons, SaveCarnivale, t-shirts and other things to keep our profile high. Hundreds of you are weighing in on polls, writing to media outlets, and sharing your tapes and DVDs. I've been taking heart in these and other activities. I knew you guys wouldn't let Carnivale down. However, I've noticed a lot of negative crap on other boards directed toward Beth, Julie and Diane on other boards. I hope they don't get too discouraged, because they are vital to our cause. There will always be a few RL CoDs out there with dubious agendas who seem hell-bent on creating controversy and dividing up the fans into nasty little camps. Generally, these are small people who, steeped in a foul stew of chronic cowardice and underachievement, seem to believe that tearing down is synonymous with building up. So to Beth, Julie and Diane, I'll tell you what my dad told me once: You can always tell a trailblazer by the number of arrows in his back. This phase will pass as those folks find new whipping-boys. In the meantime, stay the course and keep up the good work. In the meantime, let's all post a nice shout about these wonderful CoLs. I think they could use some encouragement from you guys to offset some of those nasty drivel they've been subjected to lately. D. Ama 5 yıl oldu... Öbür eleman daha sert koymuş çocuğu helal team A message from Clancy Brown May 25,2005 Dear Ones, I have started and re-started this note several times. I've gone from incensed to glib to cynical to fatuous to sentimental and everything in between. This is my last attempt. I don't want to give false hope. I have no way of knowing the future. I can only tell you what I know to be true and try to contribute my perspective. So here goes. 1) CARNIVALE was cancelled because there were not enough of you. Period. By "you" I mean people who loved the show and embraced its complexity and subtlety. You should take that as compliment, not reproach. The vast majority of TV viewers, even HBO subscribers, do not have the capacity to think and watch at the same time; and most critics have been so dulled by the LCD (lowest common denominator) narrative style, that it is an heroic intellectual task for them to recognize, let alone acknowledge, anything "outside the box". I understand how our show could frustrate most and infuriate some. It was too challenging by half. The second season "style" of the show was adjusted to try and address some of these issues but you can't make a thoroughbred into a pacer. We tried, but it was still too dense for the average bear. 2) Not all the executives at HBO liked the show (that is entirely normal and acceptable) but NONE OF THEM wanted to cancel it. I know this because their initial expectation was extremely high. It was a HUGE gamble and they took it. They wanted CARNIVALE to succeed because they knew if it did, they would have reinvented television again. I know this as well because they DID keep the faith with you (the committed fans) by ordering up the second season. Please understand that CARNIVALE, while excellent on many levels and truly groundbreaking in several ways, did NOT come close to achieving the lofty goals of its first season. Were those expectations too high? In retrospect, certainly. Were we who were making the show ever in doubt? Never. Did the PTB of HBO have doubts? Not initially. But as time went by and CARNIVALE consistently underperformed by every measure except a few (Emmys and Internet traffic), they must have realized the show was in trouble. As we entered production for the second season, spirits were VERY high. As the production wore on and the re-broadcast ratings came in, enthusiasm faltered. Then when the first season DVD sales figures were tallied (about a month before the premiere of season 2), the bottom fell out. It wasn't so much that the show wasn't performing financially – which it wasn't. It was more the realization that their passion for creativity and boldness had gotten the best of them. They knew the show was excellent in almost every way that they could determine. But the writing was on the wall – not enough customers were watching or buying DVDs. It was time to come back to earth. And they agonized over the ultimate decision because to "cancel" was, to some degree, an admission of defeat. And these folks hate to lose. Also remember, they were betting in a very big way that the audiences would show up. They bet on the passion and intelligence of the internet community (all of YOU) when ordering a second season. And still the thin thread of hope was clung to through the first few weeks of season two. But the audience never did show up. Or, more correctly, MORE audience never showed up, and we clunked along servicing about 2 million addicts. You cannot honestly even blame the marketing. I mean how does one mass-market esoterica? That said I cannot stress enough how extraordinary HBO's effort and faith were. It wouldn't happen anywhere else. I wish they could have continued being so stubborn and foolhardy, but really all we can lament is that they came to their senses too soon. 3) Caroline Strauss, more than any other exec, wanted this show to work. She "got it" from the start. She believed in it before anyone else. She refused to give up on it for almost five years. She worked as hard as anyone to get it and keep it on the air. Miranda Heller as well. It bugs me when I read hateful things said about Ms. Strauss et al. We should thank them and encourage them to continue to be bold, to push the narrative envelope, to challenge the intellect of their subscribers. Don't beat them up so badly that they climb into the TV box and are afraid to ever come out again. So LAY OFF! Instead of vilifying her, admire her! Let her know we want MORE shows like CARNIVALE! We want more executives who will challenge convention. We want more executives who are willing to OVER-estimate the capacity of their audience. Now out of solidarity, I have also cancelled my HBO subscription and made it very clear to DirecTV why; but "hating" HBO will not achieve anything. I will re-subscribe sometime in the near future. The best time to do it would be when CARNIVALE is re-broadcast on one HBO channel or another. Wouldn't it be a pickle if they not only regained during re-broadcast any subscriptions they lost after they made the cancellation announcement, but actually ADDED 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 million NEW subscriptions. THAT would send a message! 4) CARNIVALE - the HBO series - is probably dead…but CARNIVALE – the world, concept, saga, fandom – is not. Where we go from here is really up to you. It is an exceptional opportunity for all of us. It is a chance to build a franchise from the bottom up. As it stands now, there are not enough of us to justify anything beyond what we've already gotten. So if you want books, graphic novels, conventions, movies, even more episodes there is only one thing that will matter from now on – GROW! Double –Triple – Quadruple – Quintuple! Build an audience population that will be attractive! Build demand! This is the only way, friends. Take control and spread the word. Spread the show. Spread the addiction! And no one would be happier to realize their mistake than HBO and Time/Warner. If they perceive GROWING demand, they will be more than happy to satisfy it. I can't tell you where or when that critical mass is achieved, BUT I do know this. If we fall apart now by bickering and back-biting each other then we surely will fail. I love this show. I love the fans of the show. If this fandom degenerates into a group of suspicious, petty, egotists taunting and slandering each other; then I'm outta here! And I will say good riddance and how dare you smear CARNIVALE with your pusillanimous pus. Think I'm kidding? I'm not. Dan and Beth and I will endeavor to realize CarnyCon Live in LA where it is most likely to attract the most and best attention from anyone that might be interested in revisiting the franchise commercially. It is also the place where we expect to get the broadest participation from those of us that actually built the show. And it is the place where HBO would most probably allow it to happen and maybe even participate (they do own it after all). This doesn't obviate any other grass-roots efforts (like the DC CarnyFest) but it should be universally supported because it will make the biggest noise to the folks whose attention we are trying to get. If you are still too smart to be duped by anyone else's sincere effort then, by all means, leave us alone. Do your own thing. It's a free country. I'll stick with Beth, whom I've known for years and have grown to admire and depend on; and Dan, who thought up the whole crazy ball-o'-wax to begin with. We'll all three be there, ready to receive praise or criticism, affection or aversion. We'll put something together and let you know. If you like it, buy it. If not, don't. Couldn't be simpler. I hope we can keep the best parts of what has started here over the past few years alive and GROWING. That, in and of itself, is worth doing. Highest regards, Clancy
Luriel Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2010 Bende yeni izledim. İzlediğim en başarılı yapımlardan biri sanırım. Keşke devam etseymiş.
BiTcH_oFBaT Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2010 Mesaj tarihi: Mart 23, 2010 izlediğim en güzel diziydi sanırsam
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