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Mesaj tarihi:
[spo1=bu ne]Please excuse me Fede, I usually don't
talk religion.

But I got an email this morning from a guy who
sees a contradiction between being a good Christian
and living as a visionary. He means well.

He asked me, "Is vision your God?"

I want to share his email with you, because it is
very interesting. If *you* really want to step into
your greatness and live as a heroic being, a visionary,
then read it carefully...

[Beginning of Email]

"Is vision you're God?

"It's what you place at the center
of your life? Vision is one aspect
of life. You've compartmentalized it
and turned it into you're Deity.

"What you've done is create another sin.

"That's not God's Purpose. Therefore your
actions are sinful.

"What about God's Vision for the future-
His Purpose? Have you over looked that,
for the ways of your own vision in a humanist

"Do you really think you can add to the vision
and Purpose of the Future apart from the future
God purposefully intended?

"You don't have to recreate a new vision of the
future; it's already been created long before
we were here.

"Your not cutting edge, you only think you are.

[End of Email]

Now Fede, what does his email have
to do with you?

Well, let me ask you... what religious beliefs
do you have that keep you from taking a stand
in the world?

What religious beliefs do you have that keep
you from stepping into your greatness?

Maybe you don't have religious beliefs, but
you still carry the fear and guilt that stops
so many good religious people from stepping
into their greatness?

Jesus, Mother Theresa, Gandhi, Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr., etc., all lived as heroic
beings and visionaries.

You can too. In fact, in my personal viewpoint,
it is a disgrace to them that we pretend
we can't live as they lived... with Vision!

Walking our own paths in life, following our
hearts, making a profound difference, inspiring
others to greatness.

Do you want to pass your fear and guilt on to
your children?

If we are to rise to our greatness and live
heroic lives, as visionaries...

And if our children are to live in a peaceful
world where followers of different Gods aren't
slaughtering millions of innocent people in
the name of their God...

Can we continue to pretend that we are not
powerful? Can we continue to play small? Can
we continue to pretend that we do not have
the natural visionary power of people like
Gandhi, Jesus, Mother Theresa... and Bill Gates?


If you have not yet joined the Vision Force
Academy, or at least taken the 21-day trial for
only $1, I must ask you this...


Really, if you've not yet joined, ask yourself,
why not? And look deeper than the easy excuses
that can come to mind.

You've joined this list, because something about
finding your vision or being a visionary in your
life inspired you.

Well Fede, the time is NOW.

Every day that goes by without being true to a
vision that calls you to greatness is lost

The time is now Fede.

Together, we CAN create a world where children
of all colors and religions can live in peace,
with abundance and prosperity...


We can raise the future generations to live
as heroic beings who stay true to their own
heroic vision of making a difference, and
are not stopped by guilt, doubt or fear.

For thousands of years, we have lived in awe
of the few great leaders, prophets and

We have done our best to follow in their footsteps...

Yet felt guilt or doubt or fear or shame whenever
we didn't live as well as they did... and then
pretended as if we are powerless, incompetent...


If there is a sin in this world, it is for
human beings to play small.

To hide from your greatness, helps no one.

May I quote Marianne Williamson from her book, A
Return to Love?

Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate,
but that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant,
gorgeous, handsome, talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us.
It is not just in some; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we consciously give
other people permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.

Freedom Fighter, Nelson Mandela, read the same
quote in his inagural speech after being imprisoned
Mesaj tarihi:
Darth Vader bu mail'i atan. O değil de adam bir yerde haklı ama bazı yerlerde de haksız bence. En azından böyle bir akademi kurmak yanlış bence. Scientology'nin bir koludur diye düşünüyorum. Sonuçta "Visionary Scientists" olayı var. Bu adam da İsa, Rahibe Teresa'nın yanına Bill Gates'i eklemiş. Bence Scientology...

Bu arada FEDE'yi nerden biliyolar? Mailini nasıl bulmuşlar biraz açıklar mısın?

Not: Mail'da kendisine gelmiş bi maili gösteriyo. Bu mailda adama sen nasıl dine inanıyorsun. İşte yok ileri bakmak, bilimi desteklemek yanlıştır. Günahkarsın falan demişler. Adam da diyor ki sana, bunlar normal şeyler. İsa, Teresa, Bill Gates de ileri görüşlü, bilime yatkın, yeniliğe açık olmasaydı şu anda böyle yaşayamazdık. Sen tarafımızdan seçildin, bilgiye ve yeniliğe açıkların akademisine 1 dolara 21 günlük deneme sürecine katıl diyolar. Bir de link var.

Bu misyonerlik ama hristiyanlık falan değil. Bir bilim tarikati. Büyük ihtimalle de Scientology tarikatinin bir kolu...[signature][hline]"Bir şeyler ters gitti..."
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[Bu mesaj nileppezdel tarafından 17 Ekim 2005 16:36 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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