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How to Slay Gehennas

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
süper ötesi ya :D[signature][hline]I've come to the conclusion, yes I know
That between black and white there is no room for two
The scale it might be wide, but there's no need to be blind
Between black and white there is no room for two
Mesaj tarihi:
haha yancıları doverken arada" dildo" yazdı koptm huehueuha bide boss a daldıklarında arada WTF WTF huehua[signature][hline]"I can give anything you want,but don't want something that i don't want to give"
"Deneyim zor bir ögretmendir çünkü sınavı önce,dersi sonra verir"

MSN|Blogs of my life|Myrande
B@B th3 G3NK

MALkavianX, 28 Ağustos 2005 13:24 tarihinde Karaköy vapur iskelesinde demiş ki:
Abi yok bide disardan zenci ithal etmisler...(!!!!)
Mesaj tarihi:
harika ötesi. oynarken bu kadar eğlendirmezdi beni valla :D[signature][hline]Yerde Cenx
World Of Warcraft Cenx

Ophelia Quel. Elven Sorcerer (Fifth Age)
Elastros Silverblade Moon Elf Arcane Archer (FR)
Lia Silverblade (Daughter of Elastros) Harper Agent (FR)
Kith-Karus Human Monk (FR)
Sithas-Silvanos CG/CE Darkelf (Ultima Online)
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