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Guil Wars' ta yaşanmış gerçek öyküler!


Öne çıkan mesajlar

Guil Wars oynarken başıma böyle bir olay geldi dedim sizinle paylaşayım. Sizin de böyle anılarınız varsa hepsini bu topic altında toplayalım.

Okuyacaginiz diyalog bu sabah guild wars'ta su anda adini hatirlamadigim bir mekanın international
district inde geçmektedir. Tahminimce çinli oldugunu sandigim bu oyuncu bana geldi ve bir seyler satmak
istedi bende geri çevirdim. Daha sonra ingilizcesinin zayif oldugunu anladigim bu insan bana bir
iki soru yöneltti bende elimden geldigince yardım etmeye çalistim.Bir kaç dakika sonra kendi guildim ile
bir mission a koşturacaktık ki servera yeni bir patch gelmişti ve oyunu yeniden başlatmak icap ediyordu.
Derken oyuna yeniden başladık, görevide bitirdik. Tam bu sırada çinli arkadaş tekrar bana mesaj
attı ve serverdan gelen uyarı mesajının ne olduğunu sordu bende ona oyunu yeniden başlatmasını söyledim.
Daha sonra şu olaylar gelişti:

Kkkk Jhhha: ^^ ok ty
lantis : np
Kkkk Jhhha: but in china will long?
lantis : what is your connection?
Kkkk Jhhha: what?
lantis : are u using cable, adsl, dial up which one?
Kkkk Jhhha: cable adsl dial is what?
lantis : how do you connect to internet?
Kkkk Jhhha: lol computer
lantis: off(isyan)
Kkkk Jhhha: off why?
lantis: look
Kkkk Jhhha: look what?
Kkkk Jhhha: in where?
lantis: what are u using connect to internet?
Kkkk Jhhha: no good
Kkkk Jhhha: not good
lantis: listen u are not good in english
Kkkk Jhhha: yes
lantis: and u are not able to understand me
Kkkk Jhhha: you say english so deep haha
lantis: what?
lantis: deep?
Kkkk Jhhha: can understand
Kkkk Jhhha: can't understand
lantis: so are u fucking with me?
lantis: talk with a chinese
Kkkk Jhhha: about english not good
Kkkk Jhhha: but cant find chinese
lantis: you are not able to understand me.
Kkkk Jhhha: though english not good
lantis: i am sorry i cant help you.
Kkkk Jhhha: but i have so many english friend(tabi tabi)
Kkkk Jhhha: np
Kkkk Jhhha: i will to find
lantis: i dont think so
Kkkk Jhhha: will be make myself understand you
lantis: look i can understand you
lantis: but you cant understand me thats the real problem
Kkkk Jhhha: lol^^ you clever
Kkkk Jhhha: yes
Kkkk Jhhha: 55555555555(artik ne demekse?)
Kkkk Jhhha: hi can i ask you another question?
lantis: ask!(Allah'im)
Kkkk Jhhha: you play this game for boss
Kkkk Jhhha: so i maek money everyday
lantis: what does it mean for boss?
Kkkk Jhhha: this is my work
lantis: here is my advice to you
lantis: do not play this game unti you learn english well
Kkkk Jhhha: but not cant take money
lantis: sure you cant because you can not talk with other people
Kkkk Jhhha: lol talk can do what?
lantis: lol huh?
Kkkk Jhhha: i take money in game
Kkkk Jhhha: not need talk
lantis: what money?
lantis: what are going to do with money
Kkkk Jhhha: no
Kkkk Jhhha: you come find me now
Kkkk Jhhha: i will tell you
lantis: come to aurora glade(artik gülmeye baslamistim dedim göreyim bari sunu tekrar)
lantis: international district 1
Kkkk Jhhha: yes
Kkkk Jhhha: you come find me
Kkkk Jhhha: in
lantis: where are you?
Kkkk Jhhha: in the same place
Kkkk Jhhha: we first meet place(nerden hatirlayayim simdi ben? lafa gel)
lantis: i cant remember it now
lantis: tell me where you are
Kkkk Jhhha: Ventari's Refuge
Kkkk Jhhha: International District
lantis: choose international district 1
Kkkk Jhhha: yes
lantis: where are you?
Kkkk Jhhha: you in where?
Kkkk Jhhha: no see you
lantis: you are a moron
lantis: i am in ventari's refuge
lantis: in district 1
lantis: international district 1
Kkkk Jhhha: you in international district1?
lantis: yes
lantis: click it damnit
Kkkk Jhhha: why not see you
lantis: because you are stupid(artik kendimi tutamadim anlayacagi sekilde kendisine sövme çabasindayim)
Kkkk Jhhha: you stupid
Kkkk Jhhha: i think you make mistake
lantis: no you are a stupid chine man who's not able to talk english
lantis: 1
Kkkk Jhhha: me too
Kkkk Jhhha: i am a girl
Kkkk Jhhha: not man
Kkkk Jhhha: u must rememder this
lantis: no you are stupid asshole who can not able to sell anything to noone
lantis: and i am just fucking with you
lantis: i am curious that how old are you?
Kkkk Jhhha: 19
lantis: i ih your intelligence doesnt match with your age sorry
lantis: you are a realm moron
lantis: nice to meet you moron
Kkkk Jhhha: ...........
Kkkk Jhhha: you are so bad
Kkkk Jhhha: i dont like you
lantis: no i dont like you
Kkkk Jhhha: me too
lantis: because you are ssooooo but sooo much stupid
Kkkk Jhhha: i feel not happy talk with you
lantis: it was nice to talk to you moron
Kkkk Jhhha: no
Kkkk Jhhha: you so bad
lantis: no i am a very helpful
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"need help some guildies, bye" deyip bitirseydin başlamadan.. :-p

wow'da da var çeşit çeşit gerizekalılar echhi ama guild wars sunucuları korelilere filan da açık ondan ortam daha karışık.. :)[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
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estağfurullah.. :-p[signature][hline]Elder Scrolls forumunda ES4'ü niye multiplayer özellikli istemediğini izah eden MutantPenguin demiş ki:
People suck, if I want to game I'll do it with/against circuit boards and lines of C++ that know how to RP, not people that don't know how to string a sentence together.
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