Nelly Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Spawn scripti arıyorum .spawn yazarak id ve saniyelerini yazıyorduk o scripti nereden bulabılırım.
kenzap Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Hiç denemedin sanırım istediğin şey bu... [spo1=Spawner]//SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_MAXX_FROMGM - tag for random X distance from GM to new spawn. //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_MAXY_FROMGM - tag for random Y distance from GM to new spawn. //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_MAXDIST - tag for maximum distance of a new spawn. //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_SPAWN_WHO - tag for the creature which will be spawned. //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_FAIL - tag for check if argument was incorrect. //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_MAXTIME - tag for maximum time //SRC.TAG.SPAWNER_MINTIME - tag for minimum time [PLEVEL 4] spawner spawner1 [FUNCTION spawner1] DIALOG d_spawner_help_basic [DIALOG d_spawner_help_basic] 0,0 nomove page 0 resizepic 0 0 3600 400 600 resizepic 20 450 5120 120 60 gumppic 30 455 5508 gumppic 175 445 5536 button 300 455 1147 1148 1 0 100 text 107 15 152 1 text 20 40 1152 2 text 20 60 1152 3 text 20 80 1152 4 text 20 105 1152 5 text 20 125 1152 6 text 20 150 1152 7 text 20 170 1152 8 text 20 190 1152 9 text 20 210 1152 10 text 20 230 1152 11 text 30 480 152 12 text 20 250 1152 13 text 20 270 1152 14 text 20 290 1152 15 text 20 310 1152 16 text 20 330 1152 17 text 20 350 1152 18 text 20 370 1152 19 text 20 390 1152 20 [DIALOG d_spawner_help_basic TEXT] Spawner Basic Information. This "spawner" is made to help GMs to populate their world faster. In fact, it works at least 15 times faster then axis. Here are the steps: - Set all the variables so they best fit your taste. - In game type ".spawn SID/SANAME" without ". Variables can be set by clicking at the small dot next to each one. First two variables - DistanceX, and DistanceY stand for random distance in which spawn will appear (distance from your character). Max Distance - the biggest amount of steps, that Silver Ghost NPC can walk away from the spawn. Max time and Min time are the periods in which your spawn will re-spawn. SID stands for "Spawner ID", SANAME - "Spawner Alternative Name". In game you can type either ".spawn orc", or ".spawn 70 ", and effect will be the same. "Spawner" can be easily modified with a basic scripting knowledge. If you use it or modify it, please, leave the credit. [DIALOG d_spawner_help_basic BUTTON] ONBUTON=100 DIALOG d_spawner_help [DIALOG d_spawner_help] 0,0 nodispose nomove page 0 resizepic 390 0 3600 250 200 resizepic 0 0 3600 400 600 gumppic 530 38 2443 gumppic 530 60 2443 gumppic 530 80 2443 gumppic 530 100 2443 gumppic 530 120 2443 text 120 15 152 1 text 20 35 152 2 text 170 35 152 3 text 320 35 152 3 text 410 15 152 4 text 410 40 1152 5 text 410 60 1152 6 text 410 80 1152 7 text 410 100 1152 8 text 410 120 1152 9 textentry 558 39 20 20 152 100 10 textentry 558 61 20 20 152 200 11 textentry 558 81 20 20 152 300 12 textentry 558 102 20 20 152 400 13 textentry 558 122 20 20 152 450 14 text 410 160 152 15 button 600 42 2362 2360 1 0 100 button 600 63 2362 2360 1 0 200 button 600 83 2362 2360 1 0 300 button 600 103 2362 2360 1 0 400 button 600 124 2362 2360 1 0 450 button 600 165 2362 2360 1 0 500 page 1 text 25 60 1152 16 text 25 80 1152 17 text 25 100 1152 18 text 25 120 1152 19 text 25 140 1152 20 text 25 160 1152 21 text 25 180 1152 22 text 25 200 1152 23 text 25 220 1152 24 text 25 240 1152 25 text 25 260 1152 26 text 25 280 1152 27 text 25 300 1152 28 text 25 320 1152 29 text 25 340 1152 30 text 25 360 1152 31 text 25 380 1152 32 text 25 400 1152 33 text 25 420 1152 34 text 25 440 1152 35 text 25 460 1152 36 text 25 480 1152 37 text 25 500 1152 38 text 25 520 1152 39 button 250 535 4502 4502 0 2 9999 page 2 text 25 60 1152 40 text 25 80 1152 41 text 25 100 1152 42 text 25 120 1152 43 text 25 140 1152 44 text 25 160 1152 45 text 25 180 1152 46 text 25 200 1152 47 text 25 220 1152 48 text 25 240 1152 49 text 25 260 1152 50 text 25 280 1152 51 text 25 300 1152 52 text 25 320 1152 53 text 25 340 1152 54 text 25 360 1152 55 text 25 380 1152 56 text 25 400 1152 57 text 25 420 1152 58 text 25 440 1152 59 text 25 460 1152 60 text 25 480 1152 61 text 25 500 1152 62 text 25 520 1152 63 button 250 535 4502 4502 0 3 9998 button 100 535 4506 4506 0 1 9997 page 3 text 25 60 1152 64 text 25 80 1152 65 text 25 100 1152 66 text 25 120 1152 67 text 25 140 1152 68 text 25 160 1152 69 text 25 180 1152 70 text 25 200 1152 71 text 25 220 1152 72 text 25 240 1152 73 text 25 260 1152 74 text 25 280 1152 75 text 25 300 1152 76 text 25 320 1152 77 text 25 340 1152 78 text 25 360 1152 79 text 25 380 1152 80 text 25 400 1152 81 text 25 420 1152 82 text 25 440 1152 83 text 25 460 1152 84 text 25 480 1152 85 text 25 500 1152 86 text 25 520 1152 87 button 250 535 4502 4502 0 4 9996 button 100 535 4506 4506 0 2 9995 page
Nelly Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Bu değil .spawn yazıyorsun onune ufak bir menü geliyor ve yapacagın npc nin id sini yazıyorsun . işte dakikalarını yazıyorsun.Ufak bir scp ydi
GordioSs Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Haziran 14, 2005 O istedigin scp bu scp olması lazım. Sadece .spawn yerine .spawner yaz işte.Bide neden böle scp lerle ugrasıyorsunuz axis gibi guzelim alet varken.[signature][hline]"[...siyah gökyüzüne,siyah bulutlara baktı,yüzüne çarpan yağmur damlalarına aldırmadan.Elini kaldırdı, avcunu açtı...Bir yağmur damlası yakaladı,iki eliyle tutarak kıza verdi.Kız gülümsedi...Damlayı alıp cebine koydu...]"
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