Thoth Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Arkadaslar Onemli bir Sorunum var . Web e Account Alimi Yaptim. Sphere ini ayarlarinida yaptim ama Sphere ile web account alimini baglamam lasim. scp si gerekiyor Bana yardim edebilecek varmi acaba ?
Parapa Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Script ile bir alakası yokki.Bazı account sistemlerinde Web server ile spherenin aynı makinada olması gerekiyor belki o yüzden olmuştur hangi sistemi kullanıyorsan readme dosyasini oku...[signature][hline]
Thoth Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Konuyu açan Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Soyle bi Scp Buldum ama ... $shardname = "Shardadi"; $shardweb = ""; if ($submit){ $account = strtolower($account); $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereaccu.scp"; sphereaccu.scp yi gosterin $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; $accounts = array("[eof]"); // EOF korumasi $token = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); $password= $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)]; // check esisting accounts while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //sphereacct.scp 'i gosterin $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } $b=0; $result="ok"; while ($b<=count($accounts)){ $account2="[ . $account . ]"; if ($accounts[$b]==$account2){ echo "Sorry, that account already exists on this shard or the name is illegal."; print_form(); $b=count($accounts)+1; $result="no"; }else{ $b++; } } if ($result=="ok"){ $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //location to sphereacct.scp $fd = fopen ($filename, "a+"); fwrite ($fd,"n[ . $account . ]n"); fwrite ($fd,"PASSWORD=" . $password . "n"); fwrite ($fd,"EMAIL=" . $email . "n"); fwrite ($fd,"n"); ?> Account created! Account: echo $account ?> Password: echo $password ?> Comments: Do no lose your account information, there is no way to retrieve it! Keep your account fresh. Stale accounts that have not been used recently are deleted on a regular basis. There will usually be an announcement on the web site before a wipe is done. Your account will be activated on next worldsave or account update. Worldsaves are every hour. You can also ask a member of the staff to update accounts in IRC Thank you for joining our shard and please enjoy your stay. } }else{ print_form(); } function print_form(){ ?> Account Name: Email All fields required or you will not get your password! Please note that multiple accounts are not allowed. If we find you have multiple accounts, we will delete all but one, at our discretion. Any abuse of this system will no be tolerated. If you are making a new account because of a lost password, please email someone and we will get your password for you. For security reasons though, you must use the same email account that you signed up with in order for us to validate that you are who you say you are, so it is in your best interest to provide a valid email address. } ?> ////BURADAN SONRASI AYRI BİŞİ MAİL SYSTEM YANI ONAYLAMA OLAYI/// require "smtp.php"; $shardname = "Myshard"; $shardweb = ""; if ($submit){ // Get all accounts out of accounts.scp and put them into $accounts $account = strtolower($account); $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereaccu.scp"; //location to sphereaccu.scp $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; // counter for reading file lines $accounts = array("[eof]"); // array of known accounts $token = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); $password= $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)]; // check esisting accounts while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } // Check accounts awaiting to be activated $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //location to sphereacct.scp $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; // reset counter for next file while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($acco
Parapa Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 HTML> $shardname = "Shardadi"; $shardweb = ""; if ($submit){ $account = strtolower($account); $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereaccu.scp"; sphereaccu.scp yi gosterin $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; $accounts = array("[eof]"; // EOF korumasi $token = array bu satıra bakarsan aynı makinada olması gerekiyor web ile spherenin..[signature][hline]
Faust Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Bu sistemi bir ara incelemiştim. Ayarlarını yaparsan calistirabilirsin. Fakat bir kaç bug var, bilgine. Bu bir PHP scripti. UO serverının olduğu bilgisayara web server kuracaksın ve tabiiki php. (apache & php). Birde SMTP server. (mail gönderimi için) Scripti ayarla. Shard adını yaz. Account dosyalarının yerini göster. Bir (slash) için iki tane kullan. Kolay helsin.[signature][hline]FAUST & MSN: [email protected] Sorunlu genç!
Kinova Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Bu Scp ye benzer scp ye benimde ihtiyacim var ama Web ve shard ayni makinada degil bunu nasil ayarlayabilirim veya bildiginiz baska scp varmi arkadaslar
Faust Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Dediğim gibi kinova. Web server ve PHP kuracaksın.[signature][hline]FAUST & MSN: [email protected] Sorunlu genç!
hulahoppadanayar Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 faust bu bug plevel ile mi ilgili ?? denemedim ama banada bug varmış gibi geldi[signature][hline]Delinquent demiş ki demiş ki: Bronks'un anisina bir dakikalik resync. Bronx demiş ki: hös ölmedim ben daha
ultrAslan Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 [spo1=arkadaşın verdiği php acc sistem smilesız.] $shardname = "Shardadi"; $shardweb = ""; if ($submit){ $account = strtolower($account); $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereaccu.scp"; sphereaccu.scp yi gosterin $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; $accounts = array("[eof]"); // EOF korumasi $token = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); $password= $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)]; // check esisting accounts while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //sphereacct.scp 'i gosterin $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } $b=0; $result="ok"; while ($b<=count($accounts)){ $account2="[ . $account . ]"; if ($accounts[$b]==$account2){ echo "Sorry, that account already exists on this shard or the name is illegal."; print_form(); $b=count($accounts)+1; $result="no"; }else{ $b++; } } if ($result=="ok"){ $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //location to sphereacct.scp $fd = fopen ($filename, "a+"); fwrite ($fd,"n[ . $account . ]n"); fwrite ($fd,"PASSWORD=" . $password . "n"); fwrite ($fd,"EMAIL=" . $email . "n"); fwrite ($fd,"n"); ?> Account created! Account: echo $account ?> Password: echo $password ?> Comments: Do no lose your account information, there is no way to retrieve it! Keep your account fresh. Stale accounts that have not been used recently are deleted on a regular basis. There will usually be an announcement on the web site before a wipe is done. Your account will be activated on next worldsave or account update. Worldsaves are every hour. You can also ask a member of the staff to update accounts in IRC Thank you for joining our shard and please enjoy your stay. } }else{ print_form(); } function print_form(){ ?> Account Name: Email All fields required or you will not get your password! Please note that multiple accounts are not allowed. If we find you have multiple accounts, we will delete all but one, at our discretion. Any abuse of this system will no be tolerated. If you are making a new account because of a lost password, please email someone and we will get your password for you. For security reasons though, you must use the same email account that you signed up with in order for us to validate that you are who you say you are, so it is in your best interest to provide a valid email address. } ?> ////BURADAN SONRASI AYRI BİŞİ MAİL SYSTEM YANI ONAYLAMA OLAYI/// require "smtp.php"; $shardname = "Myshard"; $shardweb = ""; if ($submit){ // Get all accounts out of accounts.scp and put them into $accounts $account = strtolower($account); $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereaccu.scp"; //location to sphereaccu.scp $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; // counter for reading file lines $accounts = array("[eof]"); // array of known accounts $token = array("a","b","c","d","e","f","h","i","j","k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x","y","z","0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"); $password= $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)] . $token[rand(0, 35)]; // check esisting accounts while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]); array_push ($accounts, $fd[$i]); } $i++; } // Check accounts awaiting to be activated $filename = "c:sphereaccountssphereacct.scp"; //location to sphereacct.scp $fd = file ($filename); $i=0; // reset counter for next file while ($i<=count($fd)){ if (stristr($fd[$i], "[")){ $fd[$i]=trim($fd[$i]); $fd[$i]=strtolower($fd[$i]);
Kinova Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 said: fastreload, 01 Şubat 2005 16:44 tarihinde demiş ki: faust bu bug plevel ile mi ilgili ?? denemedim ama banada bug varmış gibi geldi Scp calistimi arkadasim yani oluyor degillmi bu scp ile bide buglari ben bulamadim yardim ederseniz cok sevinirim
Kinova Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Şubat 1, 2005 [WEBPAGE w_accjoin] WEBPAGESRC=join.htm ON=1 src.login accjoiner 13975458894 serv.account add webpage fnish.htm return 1 [WEBPAGE w_login] WEBPAGESRC=spherelogin.htm ON=1 src.login if ! webpage sphere404.htm elseif >= 5 webpage sphereconfig.htm else webpage sphereaccount.htm endif return 1 [WEBPAGE w_account] WEBPAGESRC=sphereaccount.htm PLEVEL=1 [WEBPAGE w_config] WEBPAGESRC=sphereconfig.htm PLEVEL=5 [WEBPAGE w_configgame] WEBPAGESRC=sphereconfiggame.htm PLEVEL=5 ON=1 if ! webpage spherelogfail.htm return 1 endif if < 5 webpage sphereaccount.htm return 1 endif serv.MAXCHARSPERACCOUNT= //T1MAXCHARSPERACCOUNT serv.CLIENTLINGER= //T2CLIENTLINGER serv.MINCHARDELETETIME= //T3MINCHARDELETETIME serv.DECAYTIMER= //T4DECAYTIMER serv.CORPSEPLAYERDECAY= //T5CORPSEPLAYERDECAY serv.CORPSENPCDECAY= //T6CORPSENPCDECAY serv.ARRIVEDEPARTMSG= //C1ARRIVEDEPARTMSG serv.GAMEMINUTELENGTH= //T7GAMEMINUTELENGTH serv.NOWEATHER= //C2NOWEATHER serv.FLIPDROPPEDITEMS= //C3FLIPDROPPEDITEMS serv.PLAYERNEUTRAL= //T9PLAYERNEUTRAL serv.HITPOINTPERCENTONREZ= //T10HITPOINTPERCENTONREZ serv.BANKMAXITEMS= //T11BANKMAXITEMS serv.BANKMAXWEIGHT= //T12BANKMAXWEIGHT serv.REAGENTSREQUIRED= //C4REAGENTSREQUIRED serv.REAGENTLOSSFAIL= //C5REAGENTLOSSFAIL serv.EQUIPPEDCAST= //C6EQUIPPEDCAST serv.WOPPLAYER= //C7WOPPLAYER serv.WOPSTAFF= //C8WOPSTAFF serv.LIGHTNIGHT= //T13LIGHTNIGHT serv.DUNGEONLIGHT= //T14DUNGEONLIGHT serv.MONSTERFIGHT= //C9MONSTERFIGHT serv.MONSTERFEAR= //C10MONSTERFEAR serv.MURDERMINCOUNT= //T15MURDERMINCOUNT serv.MURDERDECAYTIME= //T16MURDERDECAYTIME serv.CRIMINALTIMER= //T17CRIMINALTIMER serv.SNOOPCRIMINAL= //T18SNOOPCRIMINAL serv.GUARDSINSTANTKILL= //C11GUARDSINSTANTKILL serv.GUARDLINGER= //T19GUARDLINGER serv.LOOTINGISACRIME= //C12LOOTINGISACRIME serv.CHARTAGS= //C13CHARTAGS serv.NPCTRAINMAX= //T20NPCTRAINMAX serv.NPCTRAINPERCENT= //T21NPCTRAINPERCENT serv.VENDORMAXSELL= //T22VENDORMAXSELL serv.MAXCOMPLEXITY= //T23MAXCOMPLEXITY serv.MAGICUNLOCKDOOR= //T24MAGICUNLOCKDOOR webpage sphereconfig.htm serv.saveini return 1 [WEBPAGE w_configserv] WEBPAGESRC=sphereconfigserv.htm PLEVEL=5 ON=1 if ! webpage spherelogfail.htm return 1 endif if < 5 webpage sphereaccount.htm return 1 endif serv.SERVNAME= // T1SERVNAME serv.ADMINEMAIL= // T2ADMINEMAIL serv.URL= // T3URL serv.REGISTERSERVER= // C1REGISTERSERVER serv.REGPASS= // T4REGPASS serv.SERVIP= // T5SERVIP serv.SERVPORT= // T6SERVPORT serv.NTSERVICE= // C2NTSERVICE serv.MULFILES= // T7MULFILES serv.SCPFILES= // T8SCPFILES serv.WORLDSAVE= // T9WORLDSAVE serv.ACCTFILES= // T10ACCTFILES serv.LOG= // T11LOG serv.VERBOSE= // C3VERBOSE serv.TIMEZONE= // T12TIMEZONE serv.ACCAPP= // T13ACCAPP serv.SECURE= // C4SECURE serv.HEARALL= // C5HEARALL serv.SAVEPERIOD= // T14SAVEPERIOD serv.GUESTSMAX= // T15GUESTSMAX serv.CLIENTMAX= // T16CLIENTMAX serv.LANG= // T17LANG webpage sphereconfig.htm serv.saveini return 1 //[WEBPAGE w_join] //WEBPAGESRC=spherejoin.htm // //ON=1 // serv.account add // Create a new account. // Has the ip already tried in the last hour ? // check if the client has alrady tried to get a password. [WEBPAGE w_401] // auth required WEBPAGESRC=spherelogin.htm [WEBPAGE w_403] // forbidden WEBPAGESRC=spherelogin.htm [WEBPAGE w_404] // not found WEBPAGESRC=sphere404.htm [EOF] boyle birşey buldum arkadaslar bunu kullanabilirmiyim. spherenin kendiliginden verdigi bi scp
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