Adiemus Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 1. Desert Eagles Akimbo weapon! An automatic hand-gun that can break a man's arm. That's why it doesn't fire so frequently but the bullets can easily pierce thick armor. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 15.83 Bullet start power = 39.9 Shots/Sec. = 3 Reloading = 1.5 sec. Ammuniton = 7 2. HK MP5 The most popular submachine-gun in the world. Fast and furious. In short ranges it can defeat heavy weapons. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 15.83 Bullet start power = 22.8 Bullets/Sec. = 10 Reloading = 1.75 sec. Ammuniton = 30 3. AK-74 Modified version of Automat-Kalasznikov from 1947. Weapon of terrorists and most of world's army forces. The best rifle in the past 50 years. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 20 Bullet start power = 29.28 Bullets/Sec. = 6 Reloading = 2.5 sec. Ammuniton = 40 4. Steyr AUG This weapon looks like a toy but it sure isn't. With great speed it spits out bullets killing everything in a fast attack. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 21.66 Bullet start power = 20.8 Bullets/Sec. = 9 Reloading = 1.91 sec. Ammuniton = 30 5. Spas-12 This Shotgun makes a massacre with its 12-Gauge bullets. The best weapon for close-contact. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 11.66 Bullet start power = 18.19 Shots/Sec. = 2 Reloading 7 = 2.91 sec. Ammuniton = 7 6. Ruger-77 A hunting rifle. Very fast and accurate. Good for hunting deers and people. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 27.5 Bullet start power = 83.15 Bullets/Sec. = 2 Reloading = 1.25 sec. Ammuniton = 4 7. M79 The famous grenade-launcher from the Vietnam War. Viet-Cong quickly ran to the bushes when they heard its characteristic sound. The 40mm grenade can blast anyone into pieces even after a shot behind a hill. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 9.58 Bullet start power = 18400 1 bullet in 3 sec. Reloading = 3 sec. Ammuniton = 1 8. Barret M82A1 This sniper weapon has incredible power. It was designed to pierce tank armor. The Army didn't even plan to use it against people. But who cares? Sniper mode available if you crouch or go prone. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 45.83 Bullet start power = 272.25 1 bullet in 4 sec. Reloading = 5 sec. Ammuniton = 10 9. M249 (FN Minimi) The best machinegun with great firepower. Can be very helpful for backing-up your team. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 22.5 Bullet start power = 27 Bullets/Sec. = 7 Reloading = 4.16 sec. Ammuniton = 50 10. XM214 Minigun The famous "O'll Painless" from the movie Predator. This chaingun is mounted on army helicopters. It uses a tremendous amount of ammo and can kill the same amount of enemies. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 24.16 Bullet start power = 15.95 Bullets/Sec. = 15 Reloading = 6 sec. Ammuniton = 100 Startup = 0.83 sec. Standard arsenal: USSOCOM Standard US special forces weapon. You get it always after respawn as a secondary weapon. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 15 Bullet start power = 34.19 Bullets/Sec. = 5 Reloading = 1.08 sec. Ammuniton = 12 Combat Knife Standard infantry combat knife. One direct hit with this little thing eliminates the enemy at once. Best for covert operations. Can be also used as a throw knife with the throw weapon button. Chainsaw A chainsaw used for cutting piles of wood. If somebody finds a different use for this please let everybody know. M72 LAW Anti-tank weapon, fires an explosive missile. Can be used only from the crouch position. Fists After throwing out your weapon you can play Rocky. Fragmentation Grenades Doesn't kill immediately but a good tactical throw can harm or kill a couple of enemy's at once. On start and when you pickup the green box grenade supplies. Special weapons: Rambo Bow The famous Bow of John Rambo available in Rambomatch mode. Great for stealth operations. Silent, fast as lightning and lethal. You can change to exploding arrows with the change weapon key. Statistics: Bullet start speed = 17.5 Bullet start power = 252 Bullets/Sec. = 6 Reloading = 0.41 sec. Ammuniton = 1 Flamethrower Is used to set other players on fire. Available after picking up the Flame God bonus.[signature][hline]bir kaz dünyaya bedel [Bu mesaj Adiemus tarafından 31 Ocak 2005 09:15 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
thanatos Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 cok guzel bilgiler, sticky yapilsin bence bu. eline saglik.[signature][hline]taze bitti.
mxzr Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 turkceye ceviriim ole sticky yapislin[signature][hline]IYILIK ET, KOTULUK BUL lvl:70 server:xigenon 3 weapon: +10/100 dual shard Armor: Full Chitin Shell Rouge Np:9xxxxx Clan: Madem Turksun Goster Urksun
barantunc Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 çok ii beyler bi de türkçeye çevirme olayını yapsanız yeme de yanında yat[signature][hline]SOLDATSEVER TÜRKLER İÇİN AÇTIĞIM SİTEME HEPİNİZİ BEKLERİM Soldat Funs Forumu [email protected] ;) soldat official site
Chemical Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 bunun türkçesini yazmıştımda kaybettim:D hatta tamamen bi türkçe faq yazmıştım LAN NASI KAYBOLDU BEAÖHÜEÜ[signature][hline]MAY EXPLODE IF DAMAGED OR DISPOSED OF IN FIRE. DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT. KEEP UNDER -30°C Karakedi bi ara demişki: sagda solda gateler acılıyor, içinden lol diyerek insanlar çıkıyor.
barantunc Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 31, 2005 eheueuhehue[signature][hline]SOLDATSEVER TÜRKLER İÇİN AÇTIĞIM SİTEME HEPİNİZİ BEKLERİM Soldat Funs Forumu [email protected] ;) soldat official site
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