Gangren Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Paladin Seal of the Crusader: Fixed a bug where damage per swing was increasing instead of decreasing when Seal of the Crusader was active. This resulted in a dramatic increase in damage per second (DPS) that was unintended. The tooltip for the spell displays the intent of the spell: "Fills the Paladin with the spirit of a crusader, granting additional attack power. The Paladin also attacks faster, but deals less damage with each attack." The overall increase in DPS from Seal of the Crusader should only result from the increase in attack power and not from the increase in attack speed. We understand this is a significant decrease in the power of this spell, but was a necessary bug fix to ensure both overall game balance and the viability of different Paladin Seals. Localization Various text strings and audio have been corrected for the French and German versions of the game. Macintosh Fixed a bug that incorrectly enabled the vertex animation shader option on some GPU's that do not support it. This bug was causing player character models in-game and in the character selection screen to appear invisible or distorted. The fix should benefit users with NVIDIA GeForce 2MX or 4MX GPU's and ATI Radeon 7000/7500 GPU's. It should no longer be necessary to manually turn off the vertex animation feature on these systems - it should now be off and disabled automatically. Bug Fixes *Group loot has been fixed to work as originally intended. It will now work exactly like round robin does, with the exception that when an item of threshold level or above drops, it will use the auto-rolling system. (Prior to this fix, when in group loot mode, the round robin system was only being used for items (all players could loot coins), which was rather confusing). *Fixed a group loot permission bug that was telling players they did not have permission to loot. *Fixed a bug that was causing the game to freeze when scrolling through auctions in the Auction House. *Murlocs play the drown animation when they die underwater now. *Onyxia correctly hovers instead of standing in midair. *You can target vocal emotes again. *Pets and summoned creatures attacking enemies will now tap the enemies for their owners. *Fixed a bug with Troll Shamans and the Berserk ability. Troll *Shamans can only go Berserk when they are in the wounded state. *Rogues now correctly gain Lockpicking skill from items picked in the trade window. *Quests that require you to follow/escort an NPC will only complete when you arrive at the designated area. *Horde and Alliance members cannot duel with each other regardless of realm type. *Herbs and mineral nodes will remain active if they are not fully emptied. *Fixed a bug that was giving higher damage-per-second (DPS) to Steelarrow Crossbow and Blackcrow than was intended. *Sell prices on Hypnotic Blade, Illusionary Rod, Mantle of Doan, and Robe of Doan have been lowered. *Players who have completed the quest to summon Kirtonos may now obtain the Blood of Innocents from Doctor Theolen Krastinov. *Hunter and Warlock pets will now correctly “tap” the targets they attack, thus giving the pet owner kill credit for a target even if another player later attacks the same target. *The tooltip for the Warrior’s Intercept ability has been updated to reflect the proper rage cost. Using Intercept costs 10 rage, not 15 rage. The tooltip now accurately reflects that.[signature][hline]Fear Me..
Dalamar Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Paladin nerflenmiş... Hhahahah[signature][hline]Çirkin kadın yoktur, az votka vardır. [/b]Wow:International Guild:Blood Pact Hellnar - Orc Shaman
Razien Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 shamanın en büyü düşmanı gitti :D[signature][hline]Sadece yaşamak için öldür
Elufulec Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 grup loot ile ilgili düzeltilen sorun güzel..[signature][hline]<Anatolian Sunrise> ICQ: 132225 MSN: [email protected]
Granis Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Ohhh be rahatladım...O kadar paladinlere nerf diye ağlıyolardiki forumlarda,bende korktum allah bilir tamamen ezmişlerdir diye... Seal of crusader i nerflemişlerse ne olucak sanki herkez zaten seal of command kullaniyo çünkü çok daha iyi(oynayan bilir).Gerisini shieldla birlikte one hand kullananlar düşünsün.Harbiden sevindim ya :) Yaşasın Retribution Paladinler!!![signature][hline]At Last We Shall Have Revenge...
Taskiranus Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 28, 2005 Yanlız benim anlayamadığım nokta insanlar hep paladinin dmg ı düşük falan diyordu.30 lvl paladin 150-150 vurdu bi crit denk geldi 360 yani yuh diyorum adam 30 lvl duz vuruşu 150 3 vuruş yaptı hp mp kalmadı insanlar gerçektende biraz abartıyorlar bence dmg ı hiçte ezik değil adam karpuz gibi yardı valla....[signature][hline]Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go; Be what you want to be; Because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.
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