Rerore Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2015 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2015 kendi içinde salınım yapan 7ton luk bir cihaz var bold yerlerde ne anlatıyor inşaat terimleri de girince yetemedim bir de illa zemine mi yapmak lazım yoksa 2. madde öyle olmassa şöyle yapın mı diyor esasında arakata bu makina konabilir mi, nasıl önlem almak lazım Vibrophores are designed for fatigue tests which require frequencies of up to 300 Hz. Suitable foundations or bearings, bedding, etc. are required to prevent vibrations being transmitted from the Vibrophore to the building. Such vibrations could lead to damage to other machines in the building, and also to people and the building itself. In addition, the vibrations could negatively effect measurements being made by other machines. Ideally the Vibrophore should be installed on a reinforced floor. A reinforced floor can be: • A solid concrete slab which is in direct contact with the earth (cellar floors or ground floors if a cellar is not available). The concrete slab should preferably be isolated from other floors by corresponding joints, i.e. should have a foundation to prevent be propagation of surface vibrations. • Solid concrete slab which is imbedded in a concrete trough via shock absorbing elements or a gravel bed. Foundations should have a ratio of 20:1 to 40:1 for the foundation material + testing machine mass to the moved mass of the testing machine. Should the materials testing machine be installed on a floor other than as above mentioned, the building's structural statics must be checked to see if it can cope with the high mass of the machine. Generally additional measures must be taken to provide vibration insuIation (a vibration analysis may have to be made for this purpose).
ginaly Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2015 Mesaj tarihi: Temmuz 27, 2015 Fikirtepe 1'e 20 ile 1'e 40 arasında kazandırıyormuş.
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