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Virtual Bartender

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
kiss olayı bitirdi beni striptease yazın ve sinirlenin[signature][hline] Üzüntü kendi kendini giderir, ama mutluluğun tam zevkini çıkarmak için onu paylaşacağınız birinin olması gerekir. Mark Twain

maybe I always knew my fragile dreams would be broken for you..

[Bu mesaj Xaer_Aloneheart tarafından 29 Kasım 2004 14:21 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
Mesaj tarihi:
millet yazsın bari keşfettiği komutları lol[signature][hline] Üzüntü kendi kendini giderir, ama mutluluğun tam zevkini çıkarmak için onu paylaşacağınız birinin olması gerekir. Mark Twain

maybe I always knew my fragile dreams would be broken for you..
Mesaj tarihi:
beer[signature][hline] Üzüntü kendi kendini giderir, ama mutluluğun tam zevkini çıkarmak için onu paylaşacağınız birinin olması gerekir. Mark Twain

maybe I always knew my fragile dreams would be broken for you..
Mesaj tarihi:
411 brandish croutch g-string jug makeup pretend shower switch
abracadabra break crush gal juggs mambo pub siesta t-shirt
acknowledge breast crush get jump man pucker sing ta tas
add breech cushion giggle jumping jack mariah carey pull off singing tail
aerobic brewskies dance girl jumping jacks martial arts punish skip tail end
air guitar britney danceMovie gitter jiggy jumpingjack martialart push sky walker take
airguitar brush darth vader give karate math push up skywalker take off
ale bubbly darthvader grab karess melons pushup slacks talk
algebra bud deceive groin kate moss message quarrel slap tap
ali budweiser defend ground kate moss metal quiver rattle sleep tap
altercate bulge derriere guffaw keister metal head r2d2 slight tatas
angry bum destroy guitar kick metallica rack slumber tattoo
apply buns dirt gun kill metamorphose ramp smack tehee
argue busta dirty pillows guns kiss method man rap smack think
arm butt display guy knee metropolis rapper smooch thong
arse butt display gym knockers mince rapping snap throw
ass c3po disport gymnastics korn model reach snicker tickle
astro boy calculus divide gyrate kung fu molson read sniggle tiff
avril call dizzy gyre kungfu morph rear snog tin man
backside can do hair la hoya motorhead rear end snoop dog tits
bad loser can dog hal lager multiply reel snooze titter
balls cap downward hand stand lambada muscle remove sour puss toes
banana carol doze handstand lap naked reveal southern comfort tomatoes
bar cartwheel dr dre hat laugh nap revolve spank tongue
bar tap catnap draw head lay neck rip spat top
bartender catwalk drink head bang lean nipples rip off spin topless
bath cell duff head banger led zepplin nips river dance split leg torso
be cerveza dust headbang lei mek number riverdance splits toss
beam chalk board e mc headbanger leimek nuts rob zombie spread touch
beastie boys change emcsquared hee haw lick ob robby squabble tougue
become chant eminem heinie lie obliderate robot squash transform
beer chat exercise hind end light obone robot squeeze trig
beer chatter exhibit hiney light saber observe rock squish trigonometry
beer.com check out exhibit hit lighter orgasm rocky star wars trot out
behind cheeks expose hold lil kim ozzy ronson stella tshirt
belly chest face paint holyfield limp bizkit panties rope stomach tune
bench chick fake hoola hoop lip pants rotate stone temple turn into
bend chortle fanny hoolahoop lip gloss parade rowdy stool tussle
bend over christina feel hooters lips parade rub stout twiki
bic chuckle feet hop lipstick party rump stretch twirl
bicker chug felate hottie lipstick pavement sashay stride underwear
big ones clean fellatio hummer lol pdiddy say strip upset
bikini clothes fetch hurt lolli pop peck scrap stripper vocalize
blow cluck fight hustler lollipop perform scuffle striptease walk
blowse comb fire intone look perl jam seat strive war
blue combat fix ja rule love phone seat struggle wave
boobs commotion flash jack daniels ludacris phone number seduce subtract wet
boogie communicate flaunt jacket luke physical see suck wheel
book complain flaunt jam luke skywalker pillow serenade sucker whirl
bootie consume flex jay z lukeskywalker pint serve sulk whiskey
bosum contortcoolio flexible jd lullaby pirouette shake sums whiskey sour
bottle coors flick jedi macarena pitcher shania sunshine white russian
bottle cap count sheep floor jerk mad play shirt sunshine girl wicca
bottom counter flounce jiggle magazine playboy shoe supermodel wiggle
boulders counter top fondle jitter magic porter shoot surf wipe
bounce counter-top french jiu jitsu maim posterior shorts surfing witchcraft
bow cowboy friend jiujitsu make pour shot swagger model workout
box cowgirl frolic joke make out pout shotgun sweep wrangle
boxer coyote ugly frustrated jones makeout prance show swimsuit write
bra croon g string jostle makeout press show off swirl yoga[signature][hline] V ò d à n | ICQ
Mesaj tarihi:
ya ilkini izleme sonradan izlersin ilkinde donarak yayınlıyo[signature][hline]Temiz FutboL İçin Bahise Hayır ! ! !
Bahis Oynamayın,Oynattırmayın..
Spor Dostluk Barış Ve Kardeşliktir...
Kazanç Kapısı Değil.....
Mesaj tarihi:
Paticik Saplar Kulübü Tarafından Onaylanmıştır...[signature][hline]But if my life is for rent and I don't learn to buy
Well I deserve nothing more than I get
Cos nothing I have is truly mine
Mesaj tarihi:
supermıs lan bu
:horace:[signature][hline]Opinions are like assholes. Everybody has got one.

[Bu mesaj BlaCk_DmC tarafından 08 Aralık 2004 19:57 tarihinde değiştirilmiştir]
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