Roox Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Uzaktan server yonetimi icin ne yapmamiz gerekiyor? cafeden acilan bir baglanti ile? xp kullanicisiyiz
Black_Lupin Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Diğer tarafta hangi işletim sistemi kullanıyorsunuz ?[signature][hline]| Dut ağacında üzüm YETİŞMEZ !! | -------------------------------------------------------------- Evrende bir toz bile sayılamayacak ufaklıkta bir yer kürenin üstünde küçüklüğü belki hesaba bile katılamayacak bir varlığımız var;ne var ki aklımızla büyüğüz . Aklımıza güvenelim -------------------------------------------------------------- | Sahip olduğun gücü asla gösterme ! | | Hepimiz bir doz şenlik alabiliriz . Çok fazla karanlık gün yaklaşıyor!|
Manloth Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 Mesaj tarihi: Ocak 18, 2005 alias sphere { echo -------------------------------- echo SPHERE IRCadmin version 1.0 by echo RoseThorn and zero echo -------------------------------- echo Commands: echo - /spheresetup (set it up) echo - /spherecon (connects you to the remote admin) echo - echo - Right click in any window for commands also. } alias echos { echo @Sphere $+ $colour(notify text) $+ $time([h:nn:ssTT]) $+ $1- } alias sends { if (undefined keyword isin $1-) { return } else { msg %sphere.chan $1- } } alias spheresetup { dialog -m sphere sphere } alias spherecon { if ((%sphere.ip == $null) || (%sphere.port == $null)) { echo 4Type /spheresetup please. | HALT } sockopen sphere %sphere.ip %sphere.port window -el16 @Sphere } on 1:sockopen:sphere:{ echos $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Connection to $sock(sphere).ip opened. sends $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Connection to $sock(sphere).ip opened. bset &z 1 32 sockwrite sphere &z if (%sphere.ver == 1) { .timerwait 1 1 sockwrite -tn sphere %sphere.pass } elseif (%sphere.ver == 2) { .timerw 1 1 sockwrite -tn sphere | .timerwait 1 2 sockwrite -tn sphere %sphere.pass } } on 1:sockclose:sphere:{ echos $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Connection to $sock(sphere).ip closed. sends $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Connection to $sock(sphere).ip closed. } on 1:sockread:sphere:{ if ($sockerr > 0) { echos $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Cannot connect to $sock(sphere).ip $+ . sends $+ $colour(ctcp text) $+ Cannot connect to $sock(sphere).ip $+ . sockclose sphere } :continue sockread %temp if ($sockbr == 0) return if (%temp == $null) { set %temp - } if (world data saved isin %temp) { echos World saved. | sends World saved. | halt } if (($chr(37) isin %temp) && ( isin %temp)) { halt } if (:CRITICAL: isin $gettok(%temp,1-,32)) { sends $+ $colour(notify text) $+ !!! $+ %temp } if (:FATAL: isin $gettok(%temp,1-,32)) { sends $+ $colour(action text) $+ !!! $+ %temp } if (:ERROR: isin $gettok(%temp,1-,32)) && (too complex !isin %temp) && (Timer expired without DECAY flag !isin %temp)) { sends !!! %temp } if (:WARNING: isin $gettok(%temp,1-,32)) { sends !!! %temp } if (are not privileged to do that isin %temp) { sends %temp } if (:GM Page from isin %temp) { sends %temp } echos %temp goto continue } on 1:input:@Sphere:{ echo @Sphere $+ $colour(notify text) $+ $time([h:nn:ssTT]) $+ $+ $colour(info text) $+ >>> $+ $1- sockwrite -tn sphere $1- if ($1 == /close) { sockclose sphere | echo -t @Sphere 4Connection closed. | halt } } on 1:close:@Sphere:{ sockclose sphere } dialog sphere { title "Sphere Remote Console" option pixel size -1 -1 410 250 button "Ok",10, 275 226 40 16, ok button "Apply",11, 320 226 40 16 button "Cancel",12, 365 226 40 16, cancel link "-[ ]-", 13, 50 226 150 20 box "",100, 10 10 380 200 box "Version", 101, 15 25 75 75 radio "48e-55i",102, 25 40 55 30 radio "99f+",103, 25 65 50 30 text "Username",104, 140 30 75 20 edit "", 105, 200 30 120 20 text "Password",106, 140 50 75 20 edit "",107, 200 50 120 20, pass text "Server IP",108, 140 90 75 20 edit "",109, 200 90 120 20 text "Server Port",110, 140 110 75 20 edit "",111, 200 110 120 20 button "Connect",112, 35 180 75 25 button "Disconnect",113, 150 180 85 25 button "Help?!",114, 270 180 75 25 text "Error Chan",115, 140 150 75 20 edit "", 116, 200 150 120 20 } on 1:dialog:sphere:init:*:{ if (%sphere.ver == 1) { did -c $dname 102 } elseif (%sphere.ver == 2) { did -c $dname 103 } did -o $dname 105 1 did -o $dname 107 1 %sphere.pass did -o $dname 109 1 %sphere.ip did -o $dname 111 1 %sphere.port did -o $dname 116 1 %sphere.chan did -b $dname 105 if (%sphere.ver == 2) { did -e $dname 105 } } on 1:dialog:sphere:dclick:13:{ run } on 1:dialog:sphere:sclick:*:{ if ($did == 10 || $did == 11) { set $did($dname,105).text set %sphere.pass $did($dname,107).text set %sphere.ip $did($dname,109).text set %sphere.port $did($dname,111).text set %sphere.chan $did($dname,116).text if ($did($dname,102).state == 1) { set %sphere.ver 1 | did -b $dname 105 } elseif ($did($dname,103).state == 1) { set %sphere.ver 2 | did -e $dname 105 } } if ($did == 112) { spherecon } if ($did == 113) { close -@ @Sphere | sockclose sphere | echos SphereControl session closed. | sends SphereControl session closed. } if ($did == 114) { dialog -m spherehelp spherehelp } } dialog spherehelp { title "Sphere Help" size -1 -1 100 115 option dbu edit "",1,5 5 90 90,vsbar,multi,read button "Close",2,65 100 30 10,ok,default } on *:dialog:spherehelp:init:0:{ loadbuf -po spherehelp 1 $shortfn($mircdirsystem/sp
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