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Nullsec Haber MK II: Blue Donut vs Rebellions

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Mesaj tarihi:
Eski konu B-R savaşı ile kapandı sayılır.

Artık iki taraf içinde yeni bir sayfa açılıyor. Yeni
deploymentlar, entrikalar, bol dramalı bol savaşlı bir era bizi bekliyor.

Corp ve Alliance larınızın hedefleri, bundan sonraki stratejileri , hede hodo , gogo
Mesaj tarihi:
Bro rzr daha burda, B-R ı temizleyeceğiz epey bi PL leftover tower vsvs var.

region da da biraz grind yapıcaz. Zaten goons immensea ya staging yapıyor. Biz de B-R a geceriz yakında.

PL gitmeseydi Sov2 yi bekleyecekti rzr sisteme jammer takmak icin ama simdi sisteme girmemek icin cokda sebep kalmadı.

Biz 6vdt den sonra bi delve grind yaptık 2 hafta. Daha sonra curse e deploy olduk doril e alliance olarak. o zamandan beri burdayız. Cok alıstım ben buraya cok fazla pvp imkanı sağladı. Bu kadar güzel content lerden sonra simdi aksiyon azalacak.

İleride görünen ya tenal e geri dönüp EMP yi yukardan bastıracağız ( ki sanmam, zaten en basta CE sov u sırf content olsun diye aldık ) ya da bir ihtimal CO nun yanına gideriz gene EMP ye ama farklı yerden bastırmak için.

Dediğin gibi birisi dur demessse sonumuz blue donut hi hiçmi hiç istemiyorum. Zaten curse den sonra sanmam bi süre güzel content cıkacağını. Aluriel üstüne alınma kanka da, EMP , IRC den de kötü bi alliance, sebebi de Phreeze gerizekalısı.

Neyse update edicem aksama burayı.
Mesaj tarihi:

Abi en kısa zamanda nullsecte görürüz umarım Merkezi.

PL/Emp vs BL/RZR şuan en yakın görünen savaş gibi duruyor bakalım.

aynen. Simdi jabber da onu konustuk, phreeze taunt atmıs bizim troika ya =))

burda bi 2 haftalık iş var bizim. B-R sov rzr da kalacak forward outpost olarak, diğer yerlere rus lara yardım edicez grind için falan.

Simdilik resmi bir durum yok ama zaten ilerisi için baska deploy olunacak yer de kalmadı.
Mesaj tarihi:
B-R iyi guzel savasti da. eger bu tip sonuclara yol acicaksa her iki taraftaki pvp meraklilari icin kotu bir sonuc.
Ruslar bu isten karli cikacak sadece, resmen ipden donduler. Simdi eski renter imparatorluklarini korup isk grinde geri donerler. kiracilarini da paypal odemesine baglarlar. oh mis.
Mesaj tarihi:
ya zaten sorun o

B-R a kadar, hed den sonra ruslar moralman sıcmıstı. CFC de zaten ruslar bıraksa da bizde gitek diyordu,, caktırmadan rusların pes etmesini bekliyordu herkes bir nevi.

Bu olay olunca yekten savası topyekün kazandı ruslar. CFC nin karı PL in gitmesi N3/PL ortaklıgının bozulması oldu. da uzun vadede oda yine cfc nin zararına bana sorarsan. ki blue donut kadar salakca bisi de yok

Ruslar bak gör 5 aya kalmaz uprising yapar cfc assetlerine saldırırlar. B-R ı alırlar. sanmam yani uzun süre müttefik kalalım.

kalmayalımda zaten.

ikinci tahmminim mart nisan gibi, PL/N3 burayı işgale gelir yönünde.

ya da kuzeyi iterler drone regions u alıp. ama EMP ile zor bu işler.
Mesaj tarihi:
CFC ruslara nereye kadar yardim edecek, esas mesele o. Destegi cektigi an herseylerini kaybetmeye baslayacaklar cunku. B-R yi CFC kazandi RUS degil. Biz hepden cekilirsek eger Ruslara bu isin kaymagini yemege izin mi verecek yoksa CFC temelli yerlesecek mi. Her halukarda ortada avare avare gezen hedefler vericekler bize.
Mesaj tarihi:
NC. Leak

Let me break this down for you since you clearly did not grasp even the most basic facts about this war.

Let me list all the fleet doctrines that we WERE able to win timer fights with: Slowcats, Titans, Supers

Why is this? well its painfully obvious if you arn't retarded. We are drastically outnumbered and cannot win subcap engagements. You only need to look at the early fights in the war to understand why. Wrecking ball was great and worked really well when CFC were unwilling to field titans and supers. They tried everything so they could have their no risk win with subcaps and then long range dreads but in the end turns out the only thing that beats the second biggest super/titan fleet in the game is the biggest super/titan fleet.

Let me list all the fleet doctrines we ARE able to now use to win timer fights with: None

Yep thats right, we can't deploy slowcats anymore on a big timer because guess what, we can't win the escalation battle. Turns out we didn't have the biggest titan and supercap fleet in the game and we definitely don't now. CFC will not hesitate to drop titans and supers on any slowcat fleets they can. If you drop a carrier fleet its going to meet a very predictable end.

Lets not be dumb about this, think about it carefully. You arn't in a Lord of the Rings movie where "fighting to the death" nets you something and a Wizard is going to come over the hill on the fourth morning and bail you out from your suicidal charge. You are playing a game where one thing matters and that is numbers, numbers of slowcats, titans and supers. Turns out we don't have the most so guess what, looks like we have some titans to get.
Turns out when we lost in B-R we lost the sov war. It's as simple as that, so get over it. What happens now I suppose will become clear in the next few days, weeks and months. I don't expect CFC to take all "our" space because I don't think they can be bothered and the b0tlord agreement essentially means that the drone regions are safe and they won't be around in the south forever.

I think what you will find is that we will be free to engage in a war against the russians in a few months without CFC inteference. To do this we need to make sure that our titans get replaced as quickly as we can and everybody who can gets titans over supers. Everyone who can afford a titan should get one and corps need to prioritise getting rid of their shitty and completely ineffective Nyxs and getting titans. I also imagine we might be able to have quite a bit of fun doing exactly what we did in tribute. Jump onto hostile titans and supers with herocats, kill some here and there and have some stress free fun engaging hostile subcap fleets in things like eagles. I think everyone has had their fill of 10% tidi 20 hour slowcat fleets so it might actually be fun.

I'm personally not that sure what resetting PL would do apart from being one of the dumbest things we could do considering B0TLORD gives us some protection. One of the things I actually like about PL is that they are fairly realistic. When they lost Fountain all those years ago they didn't chuck more money after bad after they realised they had lost the war, evacuated with their billions and made a huge super cap fleet. Don't make any mistakes PL actually did more in this war than any other alliance including us when it came to co-ordinating and running things. If you want to look at someone to blame perhaps start with certain shitler allies who take large portions of rental income but field about as many titans as AAA, have no decent leadership and no capable FCs without naming names. I'm not saying we should stab our allies in the back or reset anyone because that wouldn't be terribly clever but I think someone needs to have some words with some of our shitty allies on how they can work towards unshitting themselves.

I personally don't care all that much that we lost in B-R and can't engage on the big timers anymore. It is what it is so no point crying about it or closing your eyes and ignoring the facts. I think there is plenty of fun to be had ganking solo titans supers and smaller fleets that get caught. Whats more turns out we probably wont lose all our jew billions in the drone regions either. I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens when CFC inevitably claim victory and head back north. I'm not mad or sad and you shouldn't be either."">
"An absolute unwillingness to stare facts in the face and "we will fight on our own to the last man" posts is exactly what I expect from the fucking casuals in AAA but from people who are supposed to be experienced at this 0.0 thing? You are making yourselves look a bit naive.

Let me break this down for you since you clearly did not grasp even the most basic facts about this war.

Let me list all the fleet doctrines that we WERE able to win timer fights with: Slowcats, Titans, Supers

Why is this? well its painfully obvious if you arn't retarded. We are drastically outnumbered and cannot win subcap engagements. You only need to look at the early fights in the war to understand why. Wrecking ball was great and worked really well when CFC were unwilling to field titans and supers. They tried everything so they could have their no risk win with subcaps and then long range dreads but in the end turns out the only thing that beats the second biggest super/titan fleet in the game is the biggest super/titan fleet.

Let me list all the fleet doctrines we ARE able to now use to win timer fights with: None

Yep thats right, we can't deploy slowcats anymore on a big timer because guess what, we can't win the escalation battle. Turns out we didn't have the biggest titan and supercap fleet in the game and we definitely don't now. CFC will not hesitate to drop titans and supers on any slowcat fleets they can. If you drop a carrier fleet its going to meet a very predictable end.

Lets not be dumb about this, think about it carefully. You arn't in a Lord of the Rings movie where "fighting to the death" nets you something and a Wizard is going to come over the hill on the fourth morning and bail you out from your suicidal charge. You are playing a game where one thing matters and that is numbers, numbers of slowcats, titans and supers. Turns out we don't have the most so guess what, looks like we have some titans to get.
Turns out when we lost in B-R we lost the sov war. It's as simple as that, so get over it. What happens now I suppose will become clear in the next few days, weeks and months. I don't expect CFC to take all "our" space because I don't think they can be bothered and the b0tlord agreement essentially means that the drone regions are safe and they won't be around in the south forever.

I think what you will find is that we will be free to engage in a war against the russians in a few months without CFC inteference. To do this we need to make sure that our titans get replaced as quickly as we can and everybody who can gets titans over supers. Everyone who can afford a titan should get one and corps need to prioritise getting rid of their shitty and completely ineffective Nyxs and getting titans. I also imagine we might be able to have quite a bit of fun doing exactly what we did in tribute. Jump onto hostile titans and supers with herocats, kill some here and there and have some stress free fun engaging hostile subcap fleets in things like eagles. I think everyone has had their fill of 10% tidi 20 hour slowcat fleets so it might actually be fun.

I'm personally not that sure what resetting PL would do apart from being one of the dumbest things we could do considering B0TLORD gives us some protection. One of the things I actually like about PL is that they are fairly realistic. When they lost Fountain all those years ago they didn't chuck more money after bad after they realised they had lost the war, evacuated with their billions and made a huge super cap fleet. Don't make any mistakes PL actually did more in this war than any other alliance including us when it came to co-ordinating and running things. If you want to look at someone to blame perhaps start with certain shitler allies who take large portions of rental income but field about as many titans as AAA, have no decent leadership and no capable FCs without naming names. I'm not saying we should stab our allies in the back or reset anyone because that wouldn't be terribly clever but I think someone needs to have some words with some of our shitty allies on how they can work towards unshitting themselves.

I personally don't care all that much that we lost in B-R and can't engage on the big timers anymore. It is what it is so no point crying about it or closing your eyes and ignoring the facts. I think there is plenty of fun to be had ganking solo titans supers and smaller fleets that get caught. Whats more turns out we probably wont lose all our jew billions in the drone regions either. I'm also looking forward to seeing what happens when CFC inevitably claim victory and head back north. I'm not mad or sad and you shouldn't be either." said:

Mesaj tarihi:
EMP Shutdown Imminent: It's All Over But The Crying Edition

After a long hard consideration, I've come to the realization that I do not have the time or the desire to get back into trying to run EMP, and as yet no one that I feel is qualified to lead the alliance as it currently exists has arisen.
Therefore, we will be conducting an organized shutdown of the alliance within the next few weeks.

What does this mean?


1. Start the process of moving your gear, corporate and personal, out to lowsec or a destination of your choosing.
2. Inform myself via forum PM of the finish dates of all your CSAA's if you have any building, so I can time the transfer of 1m7 appropriately.

We will be transferring the VAST majority of all EMP sovereignty to B0T (PL rental alliance) within a short time frame. EMP will continue to have docking rights there until such time as I judge its time to turn off the lights in the alliance for good (ie kick anyone that does not leave by the end of the month or gets with me to make alternate arrangements if they are needed).

If you would like to sell towers, or spare sovereignty gear please contact Dirk Action or PhalanxIII INGAME.

ALL current corporations that are in good standing (which is everyone since we just purged the inactives and non-performers a few days ago) have an OPEN INVITATION to join NULLI SECUNDA if they so desire. Contact PROGODLEGEND ingame to initiate that process.

If you would like a vouch to join any other alliance (blue, red, whatever), and I can be of some assistance please let me know.

If any EMP corporations would like to band together under a new leader and organize a new alliance, I can assist in getting you in touch with N3 diplomats if you would like to attempt to work with that coalition.

All EMP Commanders/Subcommanders will receive their salary for the month.

I'm truly sorry to have to do this, but at the end of the day this alliance became too much work for myself to handle, and I would rather end it now in a calm orderly manner than let it dissolve in a shitstorm of drama at some point under someone else's hand.

We had a fairly good run, and I intend to recap the entirety of it in a final CEO update to be posted this weekend to the general membership.

I'm also going to post a very similar update to the general membership and start pinging it immediately so they can make their own personal arrangements as well.

Thank you for your herculean efforts, and stay in touch. (colonelphreeze)

Mesaj tarihi:
EMP iyi mi kötümü tartışılır ama Phreeze kadar mal bir adam daha dünya üzerine cok az gelir metem

bilirsiniz belki rzr dan ayrılış hikayesini.

Bana titan alın bana titan alın diye forumlarda ağladı, kimse almayıncada corpunu aldı basını gitti.

LOL sonra bu hikayenin farklı versiyonları dolaştı ortada tabe o ayrı

ha bide:

proof that everything baki yuku touches turns to shit
Mesaj tarihi:
Adamlar resmen bu dronelar bizi cok yoruyor bundan sonra fleetlerde slowcat kullanmayin, bu cozum ise yaramazsa siz kullanmayana kadar nerflemeye devam edecegiz haaa one gore demis.

Mittani cikip su eaglelarida nerfleyin cok vuruyorlar dese yapicak sanirim CCP. Bakalim yine kas yaparken neyin gozunu cikaracaklar. N3un slowcatleri biraktan sonra boyle bir konunun gundeme gelmeside ilginc. Zamanlama manidar :D
Mesaj tarihi:
Sethlor said:

N3un slowcatleri biraktan sonra boyle bir konunun gundeme gelmeside ilginc. Zamanlama manidar :D

heralde onu bekliyorlardı CCP bizi nerfledi denmesin diye de, genede yemedi kimse.

hayır ben Dronelar nerflensin istiyordum hep o ayrı da, CCP nin sebebi cok ilginç...
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