BlackRose Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 7, 2004 Chat /shout - zonewide shout chat /ooc - zonewide out of character chat /auction - zonewide way to announce items you want to sell /g or /gsay - group chat /r - raidchat /em text - emotes text /cheer - emote for cheer (and a ton other that can be found in the socials window - hover over the icon for the / command) /brb - you tell everyone around you that you will brb /t charname text - send text to charname /telltarget or /tt will send a /tell to your target /reply Reply to your last tell Misc / Utility /showhood - toggle your headgear's visibility on and off, while still wearing the headgear /bubble_fontsize n - change text size in chat bubbles to size n /kill - kill yourself, probably not terribly useful /dis - disable experience (not sure why you would want to) -toggles /motd - show game message of the day /filter - toggles obscenity filter /friend name -adds/removes name from your friend list /ignore name - adds/removes name from your ignore list /log - logs text to .txt file /played - character played time information /time - in game, real life time /mood [mood] - where [mood] is afraid, happy, sad, tired, angry, none - moods persist until changed /sit /stand /camp, /exit, /quit - to quit out of everquest 2 /yell - breaks encounter and yells for help /con - considers target (same info as is portrayed by mouse cursor) /pizza - now sends you to the preorder EQ2 Collectors Edition webpage /random 1 100 - random number between 1 and 100 (change numbers to whatever) - not confirmed this is the syntax, coming soon to game Group and Raid /invite -- same as radial "invite to group" /invite charname - will invite char name to group Ctrl + I /makeleader name or target /raidinvite -- same as radial "invite to raid" /leavegroup, /leave -- same as radial "leave group" /leaveraid -- same as radial "leave raid" /kickfromgroup -- same as radial "kick from group" /kickfromraid -- same as radial "kick from raid" /disband will now disband the group member you have targeted. Ctrl + D /follow - follows your target /assist char name, partial or full name- you will target char name's target /assist - you will target your target's target (NPC or PC ok) /target name - targets name Character Status Flags /anon - anonymous, hide class/level/etc /role - roleplaying flag /afk [optional message to be returned to anyone who /tells you] /lfg - add you to the lfg search results Who & Example Uses Note: the cap on how many names are displayed is 100. So if the who result is 100, it is likely that there are more results than that. Try narrowing your /who command by adding more parameters, such as a level range. just /, or /who (will bring up a list of people currently in the same zone as you) /who all (can be many things) /who all, good, evil, roleplay, scout, bard, dirge, 30 40, 30, friends /who all GM (will bring up a list of GM's) currently bugged and showing some non-gm players too /who all shaman 10 12 (would bring up all shamans level 10 to 12) /who all 8 (would bring up anyone level 8) /Whotarget will run a /who on your target Channels /tellchannel -> send message to room specified. Alias: /csay /# -> tell command for channel number assignment (better than /tellchannel #) /joinchannel -> enter a room (or create if doesn't exist). /leavechannel -> leave a room. game/world rooms. /leaveall -> exit all channels you are currently in. /channellist -> lists all channels currently in. /whochannel # -> lists all users in specified channel. (channelnumber is displayed next to name in chat window whenever receive message regarding that channel (i.e "You tell channelname (1), "hello channel" ")) Guild /guild create Guild Name - temporary method of guild creation /guild invite -target a player in the same zone and invite them to join your guild. You must be an officer to do this /guild kick -used by officers to remove people from a guild - might work to target yourself and kick too..not sure /guild promote -used to promote people to full member and officer /who all guild - lists whoever is on in guild at the moment /gu or /guildsay /guild motd MESSAGE (adds a message that all guild members will see when they log on) I am assuming if you just type /guild motd you will see the message without changing it but have not tested it. Also I imagine only the leader or maybe officers can change it. Not sure. Pet /pet attack: pet will attack your current target /pet backoff: pet will cease attacking its target /pet stayhere: pet will stop following you and remain where it is /pet followme: pet will follow you /pet report: pet will announce his health in a percentage /pet guardme: pet will guard and follow you /pet guardhere: pet will guard its current location /pet who: pet will announce its master /pet getlost: pet will disappear Feedback /typo - allows you to s
ermynorac Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2004 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 13, 2004 /languages yazarak bildiğiniz dilleri görebilir ve istediğiniz birine değiştirebilirsiniz. ne faydası olabilir bilemicem ama rp serverlarında çok kullanılıyordur eminim. yeni diller öğrenmek içinde scribelara gidebilirsiniz. 12s'a dilleri satıyorlar... :P
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