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Elite: Dangerous

Öne çıkan mesajlar

Mesaj tarihi:
Ben oyunu alpha yada beta da iken almıştım hatırlamıyorum. Steam e hiç bulaştırmadım. Ek Paketi steam den alabilir miyim? Steam den aldığım ek paketi yine steam e bulaşmadan kullanabilir miyim?
Mesaj tarihi:
64 bit client nefis olmus. oyundaki her sey daha bir guzellesmis, detaylar falan gelismis. oyundaki cruise sanki hizlanmis gibi geldi bana daha iyi olmus. gemi tepkiside daha seri gibi geldi bana belki 64 bit etkisidir bilemiyorum.

ama ama

lan trade nerflenmis :( 300milyoncuk kalmisti elite status'e bekleyemediniz mi.
Mesaj tarihi:
ne uretimi ?

var bir suru trade missionu gene de onceden 4 tane tasi al sana 1 milyon dediginde simdi 60 tane tasi diyor :)

guzel shadow missionlari var 5milyon veriyor ama scanlenmeyeceksin diyor. aldim daha ilk jumpta guvenlik gucleri oylesine scanledi tak failed gorev..

20 jump gidecegim arti istasyona girecegim ??? scanlanmayacagim hic ? jump sirasinda scanliyor zaten adam hadi istasyonu gectik bir sekilde..

begendim ama bir suru sey var bol bol.
Mesaj tarihi:
Kanuni harika yazmışsın dediğini yapacam.

Bu arada, mal gibi hem oyunu kendi launcer ından hem steam den indirdim. iki tane build im var. biri olmazsa akşam diğeri kesin olacak bakacaz artık

EDIT: Dur ya trade nası nerflenmiş?

E type 6 alacağıdım?!?!
Mesaj tarihi:
Type 6 mı alayım yoksa az risk almayıp hauler/Adder lamı takılayım?

EDİT Type 6 alayım bak adam ne demiş

[quote=The main downside of ASP Explorer is the high initial purchase cost and high maintenance costs. Many roles that the Asp fills can be fulfilled with cheaper ships, though the Asp's performance is typically better than that of the less expensive option. An example would be pirating which can be done in a Cobra MkIII whose purchase cost is 6.3 million credits less, while still having a moderate cargo capacity and comparable weapon armament. Another example would be trading which can be done in a Type-6 Transporter that has nearly the same cargo capacity, and costs 5.6 million credits less. A further example would be bounty hunting which can be done better in a Vulture which is more manoeuvrable and has higher firepower, while costing 1.7 million credits less.

The Asp Explorer can be purchased at a 20% discount at Irkutsk station in the Alliance capital system of Alioth.[1]

Pekim bu Alioth da indirim devam ediyor mu
Mesaj tarihi:
Valla millet content yok diye ağlıyor ya şu oyuna bende onu anlamıyorum.

Ben hendi content imi kendim yaratacak kadar hayal gücüne sahibim.

amk adamlar içine content koyuyor diyorlarki çok one routed hep bizi yönlendiriyor oyun. e bu bak open world . buna da çok open diyor hiç yönlendirme yok.

Siz bi ne istediğinizi bilin

Bu oyun tam benlik. EVE i sonunda bırakabilicem amk
Mesaj tarihi:
Vay arkadaş

We can all agree that Frontier's wording in the store about that Cobra Mk. IV was super misleading, and I hope they fired the copywriter who wrote that.
Anyway, here's Michael Brookes confirming that you still have to buy the ship in-game (although subsequent links to marketing materials show them all to be pretty schizophrenic with their wording): https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211985&p=3259083&viewfull=1#post3259083
And a thread from September confirming through Frontier Support that you still have to buy the ship in-game: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=179109
And though it's been changed since it was first posted, the current wording on the store states that
Those who take advantage of this offer will be able to purchase the Cobra MkIV in-game when Elite Dangerous: Horizons lands.
I've already seen at least one bug report on the forums about "where's my free cobra," so I'm hoping to nip this in the bud before we get a dozen threads like that here.
Thank you for your time."">
"Okay, before a bunch of people post here complaining that they can't find their "free" Cobra Mk. IV:
We can all agree that Frontier's wording in the store about that Cobra Mk. IV was super misleading, and I hope they fired the copywriter who wrote that.
Anyway, here's Michael Brookes confirming that you still have to buy the ship in-game (although subsequent links to marketing materials show them all to be pretty schizophrenic with their wording): https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=211985&p=3259083&viewfull=1#post3259083
And a thread from September confirming through Frontier Support that you still have to buy the ship in-game: https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=179109
And though it's been changed since it was first posted, the current wording on the store states that
Those who take advantage of this offer will be able to purchase the Cobra MkIV in-game when Elite Dangerous: Horizons lands.
I've already seen at least one bug report on the forums about "where's my free cobra," so I'm hoping to nip this in the bud before we get a dozen threads like that here.
Thank you for your time." said:

Sikeyim böyle preorder ı. Kızdım şimdi
Mesaj tarihi:
:( zamansiz cikmisim su galaxy merkezine yolculuga, 4-5 gunum ona gitti oraya gitmesem simdi elite status olmustum trade'de simdi oyle bir duzeltmisler (normali bu olmaliydi) ki trade de kas kasabilirsen.

buldugum yuksek rakamli missionlar vermiyor trade e rank, anca para..
Mesaj tarihi:
usd bende fiyat. bi cok oyunda ucuz fiyat veriyo bana steam normalde rusya fiyatlandirmasindan. bunda oyunun sitesindekinden fazla vermis.

117 tl ise eger, iyi fiyatmis bendeki dolar fiyatina gore.
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