26ee140 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Yaklaşık 1 sayfa boyutunda İspanyolca bir yazı var. Türkçe'ye tercüme edebilecek olan var mı? Çok profosyonelce bir çeviri olmasına gerek yok. Ne olduğu anlaşılsa yeter. [spo1=İspanyolca metin]***Nuevo Tutrorial con 38R para pasar de Vxxx a V600. MateoxTwo (Todo con MSS) ***29/06/2004 Bueno, este va a ser el tutorial definitivo por ahora para la MateoxTwo Para los que estan indecisos, os queria decir que en 2 dias he flasheado mas de 50 veces asi que no hay problema porque se rompa si seguis los pasos correctamente. Con esta version, pasarás a un V600 con la ultima version TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.38R Aclaro que los numeros de la pantalla externa ya son gordos (con la MateoxOne eran finos) (Arregla la camara tambien para los nuevos modelos), y sin rastro de menus Vodafone Tambien permitirá que se puedan liberar los moviles que no dejan poner el movil en modo boot loader (* y # presionados al arrancar) Mejoras en la camara y en el bluetooth, menus animados, todos los botones personalizables, reproduccion de video, menor consumo de bateria, guarda SMS en el movil en vez de en la tarjeta SIM,.... Aclaracion importante (muchos preguntais): Solo se puede flashear con el cable de datos (no tiene por qué ser especial ni nada. Un cable de datos para Motorola v66, T720,.. o V300, V525... Todos esos llevan el mismo conector. Lo puedes encontrar en tiendas de telefonia movil. Una tienda por internet fiables es: Tarmovis Los drivers para el cable son: Descargar Para que os detecte el cable, ya que veo que os pasa a muchos, debereis tener el XP actualizado a SP1 e instalar este parche http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;es;822603 Empecemos: Lo primero es tener la bateria bien cargada. Mientras ve bajandote los programas necesarios y /o flashes Al pasarlo a V600 perderemos todos los datos del telefono (agenda, melodias,fotos,...), asi que habrá que guardarlos Para ello utilizaremos el MPT (Mobile PhoneTools) Si solo quereis pasar los contactos a la tarjeta SIM (no se perderan al flashear: Menu -> Agenda -> Boton central de menu -> Copiar -> Todos a SIM (sobreescribir para no tener entradas duplicadas) Despues para restaurarlos, hacemos lo mismo pero elegimos Todos al Telefono Ya que está todo guardado, empecemos con lo serio. Pasos para flashear: Recordatorio: Bateria llena, copia de seguridad de vuestros datos y haremos un borrado general: Menu, Configuracion, Congig Inicial, Borrado General (el codigo por defecto es 000000) El borrado general lo haremos para quitar todos los archivos del movil que hayamos metido desde que lo compramos, para que no haya problemas durante el flasheo Necesitamos el programa MSS 3.6 (Lo instalamos, siguiendo el fichero de texto que viene con el). (XP) Para98: MSS 3.5.8 Win98 MSS 3.5.8 Original necesario para Win98 Y las flashes y flexes(al flashear, flashear tambien en este orden): 1. MateoxFlexOne_TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.1DR_SE6446AXXF10F8.rar 2. MateoxFlashTwo_www.v525.com_TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.38R_lang0032_full_flash.rar Esta flash (la 2) trae los siguientes idiomas (0032): Español - Spanish (ya no tenemos que meter una tercera flash con idioma español) Ingles - UK English Frances - French Arabe - Arabic Aleman - German Ruso - Russian Turco - Turkish Una vez bien instalado y bajado todo, con el movil encendido y sin o con tarjeta, abrimos el programa MSS. Primero comprobaremos la conexion con el movil. Le dasmos a la primera pestaña, elegimos si tenemos serie o USB y le damos a READ PHONE. Dadle unas cuantas veces, que a veces no lo pilla a la primera. Una vez que salgan todos los datos (la conexion está bien): - Pulsamos la pestaña FLAHING MODULE - Pulsamos el boton Browse, para elegir la flash (seguid el orden descrito unas lineas arriba). - Le damos a SEARCH para que nos pille el movil... y pulsamos el botón FLASH (mo os preocupeis si salen errore durante el primer flasheo, es normal) Ahora toca esperar a que termine cada flasheo ( No abrais nada mientras flasheais, q si no os dará un error (pide muchos recursos)y tendréis que volver a flashear ) Con cada flasheo, encended el movil para ver que arranca. Tras el primer archivo (flex) es posible que no se encienda la pantalla (es normal con los telefonos mas nuevos). Meter el segundo archivo (la flash)y ya volverá la pantalla Si no se apaga tras el primer flasheo, no os preocupeis. dadle al botón de apagado durante unos segundos, cierra y abre la compuerta del movil,... hasta que veas que desparece la hora de la pantalla exterior (simbolo de que se ha apagado ) y ya encenderá sin problemas. Una vez puestas todas las flashes y viendo que va todo bien, vamos a hacerle unas modificaciones para que se quede limpito Quitar los perfiles wap que trae estas flashes. Para ellos, nos vamos a la pestaña FILE BROWSER del MSS. Pulsamos en READ LIST OF AVAILABLE FILES FROM THE PHONE Nos sale la lista de archivos y borramos /a/WebSession Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
SmoLaFein Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Ben bılıorum ama bunu tercume edebılecek kadar yok heralde :([signature][hline]Onen-i Estel Edain ü Chebin Estel Anim Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
LethE Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 ispanyolca bilmiyom ama oldu galiba. *** New Tutrorial with 38R to happen of Vxxx to V600. MateoxTwo (Everything with MSS) *** 29/06/2004 Good, this it is so far going to be the definitive tutorial for the MateoxTwo For that they estan indecisos, queria to say to you that in 2 days I have flasheado but of 50 times asi that is no problem because it is broken if seguis the steps correctly. With this version, you will happen to a V600 with completes version TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.38R I clarify that the numeros of the external screen already are fat (with the MateoxOne they were fine) (It also fixes camara for the new models), and without sign of menus Vodafone Also it will allow that the moviles can be released that do not let put the movil in way boot to loader (* and # pressed when starting) The personalizables improvements in camara and bluetooth, menus animated, all bellboys, reproduction of video, minor consumption of bateria, keep SMS in the movil instead of in card SIM.... Important explanation (many preguntais): Single it is possible to be flashear with the cable of data (does not have why to be special nor anything. A cable of data for Motorola v66, T720.. or V300, V525... All those take the same connector. You can find in stores of telefonia movil. A store by Internet trustworthy is: Tarmovis Drivers for the cable is: To unload So that it detects the cable to you, since I see that it passes you to many, debereis to have the updated XP to SP1 and to install this patch http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;es;822603 Let us begin: First it is to have bateria loaded well. While it sees bajandote the necessary programs and /o flashes When passing it to V600 we will lose all the data of I telephone (agenda, melodias, photos...), asi that will be to keep them For it we will use MPT (Mobile PhoneTools) If single quereis to pass the contacts to card SIM (you would not be perderan when flashear: Menu - > Agenda - > central Button of menu - > Copiar - > All to SIM (to sobrewrite not to have duplicated entrances) Despues to recover them, we do the same but we chose All to Telefono Since he is everything kept, we begin with the serious thing. Steps to flashear: Reminder: Full Bateria, backup of your data and we will make an erasure general: Menu, Configuration, Initial Congig, General Erasure (I cosay by defect is 000000) The general erasure we will make it to clear all the archives of the movil that we have put since we bought it, so that there are not problems during the flasheo We needed the program MSS 3,6 (we installed It, following the text file that comes with). (XP) Para98: 3.5.8 MSS Win98 Necessary Original MSS 3.5.8 for Win98 And the flashes and flexes(al to also flashear, to flashear in this order): 1, MateoxFlexOne_TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.1DR_SE644ÃXXF10F8.rar 2, MateoxFlashTwo_www.v525.com_TRIPLETS_G_0B.09.38R_lang0032_full_flash.rar This flash (the 2) brings the following languages (0032): Spanish - Spanish (no longer we must put one third flash with Spanish language) Ingles - UK English Frances - French Arabe - Arabic German - German Russian - Russian Turk - Turkish Once or installed and lowered everything, with the ignited movil and without or with card, we opened program MSS. First we will verify the connection with the movil. Him dasmos to the first eyelash, we chose if we have series or USB and we give READ PHONE. Dadle a few times, that sometimes not it pilla to first. Once they leave all the data (the connection is well): - We pressed eyelash FLAHING MODULATES - We pressed the Browse button, to choose the flash (you follow the order above described a line). - we give SEARCH so that us pille the movil... and pressed the button FLASH (mo you preocupeis if they leave errore during the first flasheo, is normal) Now it is called on to hope to that each flasheo finishes (Not abrais nothing while flasheais, q if it will not give an error you (requests many recursos)y you will have to return to flashear) With each flasheo, you ignite the movil to see that it starts. After the first file (flex) it is possible that the screen does not ignite (is normal with the new telefonos but). To put the second file (flash)y already will return the screen If it is not extinguished after the first flasheo, not you preocupeis. dadle to the button of extinguished during seconds, closes and opens the floodgate of the movil... until you see that it disappears the hour of the outer screen (simbolo of which it has been extinguished) and will already ignite without problems. Once puttings all the flashes and seeing that all good goes, we are going to do modifications to him so that limpito remains To clear the profiles wap that brings these flashes. For them, we go away to the eyelash CASES OUT BROWSER of the MSS. We pressed in READ LIST OF AVAILABLE YOU Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
Chemical Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 pis gogıl transletör:P[signature][hline]MAY EXPLODE IF DAMAGED OR DISPOSED OF IN FIRE. DO NOT SHORT-CIRCUIT. KEEP UNDER -30°C Kedimin resimlerine gider Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
SmoLaFein Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Euehuehe :D[signature][hline]Onen-i Estel Edain ü Chebin Estel Anim Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
LethE Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 yooo www.freetranslator.com yada free-translator.com dan yaptım :D[signature][hline]The Dragon died quickly.. just like Fiona.. Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
26ee140 Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Konuyu açan Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Çok teşekkürler[signature][hline]nickimin 26ee140 olduğuna bakmayın, önüme gelen her siteye 26ee140 diye kayıt olurken burayada olmuşum kazayla yıllar önce.. şimdide onu kullanıyorum. yoksa ben xaty De Bakemm Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
sheref Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 ispanyolca çeviri yapılır sayfa başı 20$ alıyorum ama :d[signature][hline]|GBmod.|PAmod.|MEresimos|Pati Sözlük| |Lominadze|News|Blog| |Mail|MSN [email protected]|icq:2135528| Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
KucukHusamettin Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 ama konuya dikkat edin ufak çeviri :D[signature][hline]Sevmek bize haram! Eğlenin bırakın... Bir gün herkes fenerli olcak. İşte o gün dünyaya yazık olacak Msn Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
sheref Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 Paylaş Mesaj tarihi: Aralık 8, 2004 eüheü eet ufacık, sanırım bi telefonun kullanma kılavuzu data kablosunun çalışması için sv1 pack yükleyin falan gözüme çarpan ayrıntılar ama okumadım bile çünkü ufacık bişi :D[signature][hline]|GBmod.|PAmod.|MEresimos|Pati Sözlük| |Lominadze|News|Blog| |Mail|MSN [email protected]|icq:2135528| Link to comment Sosyal ağlarda paylaş Daha fazla paylaşım seçeneği…
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