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Ninja Tarihi


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"Tatar Ramazan" said:

Ninja dediğin haydut it uğursuz takımı işte, yalan dolan abartı o hikayeler falan.

Ha bide wowdaki ninjalar varki onlar cidden sopalık veletler oluyor sdf

Ne diyebilirimki :) Yani daha nasil aciklama yapabilirim ki neyse yinede okuyanlara tekrar tesekkur ederim.
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Iga-ryu 伊 贺 流 ("Iga Okulu"yada Iga ogretilerinin toplandigi yer) Ninjutsu cok buyuk bir gecmise dayanan bir dojo ya sahipti. Iga bolgesi ve Iga dojolari bu gecmise sahip cikiyorlardi.. Bu Koga-ryu birlikte, Japonya'da iki en iyi bilinen Shinobi ve Ninja yetistiren ogreti dojolarindan biri haline gelmiştir. Iga-ryu Iga ve Ueno (Mie idari modern Iga City) kasaba çevresindeki alanda Iga Eyaleti kökenli aile fertlerinin kontrolu altindaydi.Sistemi piramit sistemine es sekilde yukseklerden dusuklere dogru siralinirdi.Samuray larin cagrisim sekli Iga-mono idi. Iga aile fertlerinin cagrisim sekli ise Shinobi idi.

Tarih olarak Iga bolgesi;

Nara döneminden bu yana, Iga yoresel olarak Budist rahiplerin ugrak yeri idi. (寺 社,Mikkyou inancina sahip tapinaklari ile varligini koruyan bolge) Ayrica ticari yonden kereste buyuk bir gecim kaynagi idi. Iga nin donemsel gecisler de daima ayakta kalmasinin sebeblerinden biri icteki gecim kaynagini disari eyaletlerede pazarlamasi idi. Lakin bir donem sonra Shugo (Toprak beyleri) ve Jito (malikâne yöneticiler) gelisi guzel politikalari ile halk koseye sikismis durumda kalmisti. Ardindan dogan diger eyaletlerden gelen baskinlarda gunden gune artis gostermisti.Bu baskinlari durduran Iga Aile ferdinin ismi Iga Kamakura idi. Onun döneminde, Bircok degisiklikte yasandi.Iga ailesinin icine kapanis sureci ile halk daha cok Samuray kesimine saygi gostermeye baslarken, Iga ailesi ise iyice gozden uzaklasmaya baslamisti. Bunun yani sira diger eyaletlerden gelen diger dojo sahipleride bu sureci hizlandirmisti. Bushido anlayisina sahip Samuraylar toprak alip yerlestikce Iga Kamakura nin da emekleri yavas yavas sadece toprak beylerinin ekmegine yag surmeye baslamisti.Iga ailesi bir karar verip bu kararin sorumlulugunu alarak gozden iyice uzaklasmak icin kendi ferdlerini ve ogrencilerini alip Iga nin daha ormanlik bolgelerine ve daha gozden uzak bolgelerine yerlesme plani guttuler. Bu siralarda toplu kontra gerilla taktikleri gelistirmeye de baslamislardi.O donemde onlar birer ninja degil ayrica Onigen yada shinobi oni olarak kavramlara sigdirilmaya baslanmisti. Hersey hesaplandigi gibi pek gitmemis olsa gerek bolunmeler hizlanmaya baslamisti Iga ferdlerinde ve ilk bolunme Jizamurai ferdlerinde yasandi.Ardindan bölgelere bölündü. Iga dan kopan ferdler kendi ogretilerini ve yerlesim bolgelerini olusturmaya baslamisti. Koga-ryu donemi tam bu donemde kendini iyice gostermeye baslamisti. Ardindan dogan kargasalardan yararlanan bir cok kendine ait duzeni ve yetistirilis tarzi olan su an isimleri dahi bilinmeyecek derecede sayisi cok olan shinobi aileleri peydah oldu. Artik Ninjalar birer korku kaynagi olmaya baslamisken isler daha da karisicak bir hale gelmisti.
Erken Muromachi döneminde, Iga felsefesi insanların kimseye ait olmadigi sadece kendi birey bilincine ait oldugu ve ozgur oldugunu ogutleyen bir felsefeye sahipti. Bu durum tum diger emperyal tebaa yi iyiden iyiye korkutmaya baslamisti.Ardindan Iga ailesi bolgesel gucunu dahada genisletmek amacli bir kac toprak beyini kendi ailesinin guc saflarina davet etti. Bu diplomatik hareket ile bagimsizliklarini kazanan toprak beyleri iyiden iyiye diger emperyal tebaa nin dusmani haline gelmislerdi.Iga ailesinin onderliginde kurulan bu sistem cumhuriyeti andirmakta idi. - Iga Sokoku Ikki (伊 贺 惣 国 一 揆) . Shogun Ashikaga Yoshihisa, Rokkaku Takayori, Rokkaku klandan olan ve yeni genc dojo ya sahip olan korumasiz bolgeye Güney Taka Omi İl Daimyo saldırdığında Iga Shinobileri bu saldiriyi engellemek icin canla basla calismislardi. 伊 贺 者 (Iga Erkek Shinobi) Bu bagimsizliklarini kazandiktan sonraki ilk puskurtme operasyonu olarak 1487 yılında tarihi kayıtlarda görünür. Iga ve Koga ninja aileleri Shogun Daimyo Bushika larinin saldırısını püskürtmek için yardıma gereksinim duyan Rokkaku Ailesinin tarafında savaştı.Lakin Bushikalar Yabusame lerle donatildigi icin cok zorlu bir savunma olarak tarihe gecmistir. 1579 yılında, savaş ağası Oda Nobunaga oğlu Oda Nobukatsu Iga Cumhuriyeti'ne karşı başarısız bir saldırı başlattı. 1581 yılında, Oda Nobunaga doneminde yuksek tebaa artik bu cumhuriyet benzeri akimin sonunu getirmek icin atilimlara basladi. Kendine ait ninja ailelerini tek bir catida topladi.(Ninja lar bu donemde ikiye ayrim gostermistir. Suikast ve bilgi toplamak icin kullanilan shogun ailelerine baglilik gosterenler. Shinobi olup ozgurluk icin Iga ya ve Koga ya katilan aileler.)Saldirida Oda Nobunaga nin ordusu yaklaşık 40-60.000 kişilik bir kuvvet ile altı yönden ve ninja ailelerinin yardimi ile gerilla pasifize taktikleri ile Iga ya bir gecede gizlice saldırdı ve birçok Iga ailesine ait ferdin yasadigi bolgede beklenmedik bu saldiri. Koga nin yarisini ve Iga ailesinin tum yuksek tebaa sini katlettiler.(Burada birseyi aciklamak gerek; Oda Nobunaga gercekten adimlarini iyi atan ve hamleleri iyi kullanan bir satranc ustasi gibi hareket etmistir. Bu savasin oncesinde sayisiz kez Iga aileleri ve Koga aileleri ile gorusulmus ve iclerine Kunoichi ler sizdirilmistir.*Kunoichi - Tamamen suikast icin egitilen ninjutsu egitimi almis bayan ninjalardir.)Ardindan Oda Nobunaga ateşkes ilan etti ve diger gucsuz ailelerin kacmasina ve gozden kaybolmasina goz yumdu.

1582'de, Oda Nobunaga ölümünden sonra yuksek tebaa daki ayrimlar buyuk kargaşa dogurdu.Bu sirada gizli ailelerin onemli ferdlerinden olan; Hattori Hanzo Koga ve soylentiye gore aracılığıyla Mikawa bu kargasadan kaçmak için Tokugawa Ieyasu dan yardim istendi. Tokugawa şogunluğu bu yardima istinaden Hanzo`yu istihbarattan sorumlu sekilde Edo Kalesi ne gorevli olarak atadi. Edo (Tokyo) Hanzo nun yardimi ile tamamen yeraltinda kalmis ve unutulmaya yuz tutmus aile olan Iga Yotsuya bolgesine yerlestirildi.Sayilari 200 kisiyi bulan Iga ailesi her turlu istihbarat yardimi olarak Hanzo nun direktiflerinde yol izlemeye baslamislardi. Bu donemde Hanzo nun unu iyice artmaya baslamisti.Bu sebeble ; Edo Kalesi'nde Hanzo Kapısı Hattori klanın yakın ikamet adını aldı.

Hattori Hanzo oğlu Hattori Masanari kalenin istihbarat kanadinin tamamen Iga Ailelerinin eline gecmesinde buyuk rol oynadigi donemde; 1606 yılında, Iga ailesi icten bir operasyonla halki orgutleyerek ayaklanma cikardi.Bu ayaklanis buyuk bir katlediliside beraberinde getirdi. Koga ailesi ve Iga ailesinin her kim bu ayaklanmaya karismisza tek bir kelime etmeden katledildi. Bu donem daha genis onlemlerle surdurulurken Tokugawa Yoshimune doneminde buyuk ikinci bir karar ile ninja veyahut ninja ailelerine ait her kim varsa tek sekilde adlandirilmaya baslanmisti ve bu halkada empoze edilmeye baslanmisti. (Bu propaganda da Ninja larin birer katil oldugu ve sadece adam oldurmek disinda birsey bilmedikleri idi. ) Yoshimune direktifinde 1716-1745 baglilik yemini etmis ozel istihbarat egitimi almis aileler disindaki tum ninja aileleri teker teker temizlenmisti. O donemden sonrada kimse ne Iga ya rastlamis nede Koga ya rastlamisti. Cok sonralari bir son operasyonda Iga ailesine ve Koga ailesine ait ortak bir operasyon ile bilgi saglandigi soylenir fakat bu soylentiden ibarettir.

Iga ve Koga Tebaa Siralamasi

Yüksek ninjaları (Jounin), orta ninjaları (Çuunin) ve düşük ninjaları (genin): Iga-ryu Ninja üç sınıfa ayrılirdi.

(derlemedir. Tekrar okudugunuz icin tesekkur ederim.)
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Turkce derlemesini bulamadigim icin ingilizce olarak paylasiyorum.

En unlu ve en gizemli sayilabilecek olusum Oniwabanshu dur.
VE asagida bunun guzel bir ozetini zevkle okumaniz icin paylasiyorum.

Kaynak Wikipedia dir.

The Oniwaban (お庭番衆 Ones of the Garden?) was a group of onmitsu government-employed undercover agents established by the 8th Tokugawa shogun, Tokugawa Yoshimune (1684–1751). They are sometimes described as "ninja".

During the Edo period, onmitsu (the term meaning a spy or an undercover detective) acted as secret agents in security and espionage functions, mainly intelligence and information gathering, sometimes with aid of kobushikata, small groups of lower-class agents posing as mobile manual laborers and working under Iga ninja supervisors. The oniwaban followed a strict set of regulations, which, in some cases, forbade them from socializing with the general public.

Tokugawa Yoshimune established the Oniwabanshu as an elite cadre of originally about 20 handpicked onmitsu, providing him with information about daimyo feudal lords and shogunate officials,[1] while also protecting high-ranking officials of the government and acting as security guards in the Edo Castle. They were possibly quartered in the garden of the castle, hence the name.

According to some sources, during the tumultuous time of the Bakumatsu revolution the oniwaban were even sent to the United States to spy not only on the shogun's opposition, but on the Americans as well.[2]
In popular culture
Further information: Ninjas in popular culture

The Oniwaban have been depicted as the main characters in the television series Ōedo Sōsamō (an undercover group of secret agents, including Isaka Jūzō, Jūmonji Koyata, Konami and others) and Shōgun no Onmitsu! Kage Jūhachi (the group of Kanō Ametarō: Miki, Otojirō and Inokichi, brought together by Tokugawa Munetada) and in the film Oniwaban (known in English as Demon Spies).[3] They were also featured in the TV series Abarenbō Shōgun (being the spies and bodyguards for Yoshimune, including Akane, Ayame, Gorōta, Hayate, Osono, Jūmonji Hayato, Koyuki, Kaede, Nagisa, Ōtsuki Hanzō, Saizō, Satsuki and Sukehachi), as well as in the manga/anime series Ga-rei (Hattori Naizou, a member of the Judgement Day brigade, was a Oniwabanshu in life), Gin Tama (Ayame Sarutobi, Zenzo Hattori and Jiraia), Lone Wolf and Cub, Peace Maker (Shinsengumi member Yamazaki Ayumu), The Dagger of Kamui (the oniwaban monk Tenkai) and Yoshimune (the character Kunoichi, in love with the titular character). The first Shadow Warriors TV series has Oniwaban existing under Tokugawa Ietsuna, the fourth Tokugawa Shogun, but they are Kouga Ninja working against the Iga Ninja.

Some depictions feature the oniwaban in a time period following end of the shogunate, like the manga/anime series Rurouni Kenshin (featuring the now-unemployed Oniwabanshu group including Aoshi Shinomori, Beshimi, Han'nya, Hyottoko, Okina, Shikijō and Makimachi Misao[4]) and Yokujō Climax (Hayato); others take place in an altogether fictional alternative worlds, even in the futuristic science fiction setting, such as in the case of the anime Chou SD Sengokuden Bushin Kirahagane (Jyuuha Gundam), the video game Red Earth (Oniwabanshu leader Kenji) and the miniatures game Inifinity.[5] In the anime series Sailor Moon the name of the villain of the week Oniwabandana[6] (renamed Ninjana in the English version) is also an obvious pun on the oniwaban.

Tekrar ilgi ve alakanizdan dolayi tesekkur ederim.
Nin no Tamashi yada Ninjutsu yada Ninjaitsu hakkinda ne sormak isterseniz cekinmeden sormanizi dilerim.
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Guzel anlamli mesajinizdan dolayi cok tesekkur ederim.

bu baslikta biraz bahsetmistim lakin uzman oldugum bir alan degil ne yazik ki Bushidokan larin yani Lordlarinin koruyuculari olan Samurai felsefesinin. Uzmani olan bir kisinin anlatmasi cok daha iyi olacagi kanaatindeyim.

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Nomura no Ooimagadayu

Nomura no Ooimagadayu was one of the 11 most powerful Ninjas according to the Bansenshukai. His skill was breaking into castles. There is a record of his Ninjutsu. Once when Magodayu was stealing late at night from an enemy's house to gather some information, he was nearly found by the general. Magodayu hid himself under the tatamimats, but the general speared through the mats. Magodayu was hit a little by the spear but endured the pain. Magodayu throw his voice and said loud,"Someone get up and seemed to find us" and then in a different voice," O.K. we must attend." He played a role of many people, as if they were having a conversation. The general was surprised at the conversation and went out of his house to get help. During that time, Magodayu succeeded in his work. Nomura is also famous as the place where the Japanese great novelist, Yokomitsu Riichi, once lived.

Shindo no Kotaro

Shindo no Kotaro was one of the 11 most powerful Ninjas according to the Bansenshukai. His family name was Kondo. His skill was theft of escaping. This is his Ninjutsu record. When he broke into a castle in Sanagu (now in Ueno-area), he was heard by some soldiers. So, he made them think he fell into a well by throwing a big stone into the well. He was good at disguise especially, as a sick person and entered into the castle. That is to say, his Ninjutsu was to camouflage himself from his enemies. In those days several Ninjas fought one another in Iga. Shindo is famous place because there were hard battles in Tensho Iga no Ran. In Shinmei shrine, there is a valuable Buddhism text book which was burnt during this battle.

Tateoka no Dojun

Tateoka no Dojun was the best Ninja of the 11 most powerful Ninjas according to the Bansenshukai. His family name was Igasaki. Though the dates of Dojun's birth and death are uncertain, it is known that Dojun was born in Tateoka of in Iga Province, so people called him Tateoka no Dojun. Dojun was the chief of 44 Iga Ninjas and 4 Koga Ninjas. Dojun was very famous among the Generals. His boss was Fujibayashi Nagato. Fujibayashi belonged to Rokkaku Jotei of Sasaki in the Omi (now Shiga Prefecture) region, and engaged Dodo, who had betrayed Rokkaku. Dojun took 48 Ninjas with him and set out to bring victory to the Rokkaku camp. On his way to battle, Dojun tried to tell his fortune, and the result was "Perfect." Dojun won the battle because he used the Ninja's Bakemono-no-jutus," camouflaging himself from his enemies," to do what was necessary.

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Cuce said:

Mortis said:

olm gençler kendinize gelin lan

ne biçim adamlar oldunuz paticik olarak. Sürekli aggresyon, ciddiyetsizlik.

Adam paylaşmış işte ne güzel ben de mis gibi okudum bilgilendim.

hassolanm bilgilenmek azizim. bu genclik hiç güzel huylar edinememiş.

Raw data koysalar bile yaranamıyor insanlar azizim.
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Turkce derlemesini bulamadigim icin ingilizce olarak paylasiyorum.

Chikata no Iwaya

It is said that the legend of Chikata General began in the southern part of Iga. It is about "Fujiwara Chikata." According to the Taiheiki (a feudal army story), in Heian period (782-1185), Chikata resisted the government by using 4 Onis (a Japanese traditional monster, similar to Demon). Their names were, Kinki (the Gold Demon) who had a body of gold, which he used to render his enemies arrows useless. Fu-ki (the Wind Demon) who can control the tremendous wind, which he used to destroy castles. Suiki (the Water Demon) who can control the water, which he used to push down his enemies. And Ongyoki (the Stealth Demon) who was good at hiding himself, which he used to deftly break into castles. Their attacking method was thought to be based on Ninjutsu. They say the Demons were the origin of Iga Ninjas. Yet, Kino Tomoo went to battle them, and after he read the waka (Japanese old type of song) to them, they surrendered.

Kiryu no Sato

Kiryu no Sato means the village where a heavy fog often occurs. The location was the borderline of Ise, in the western part of Mie Prefecture. Generally speaking, any place in Iga has a lot of fog. The fog provided easy cover to hide. One of the most important Iga Ninjutsu tactics was to hide from their enemies. Akuto, a Ninja during the early times, acted fiercely in this area in 1282 according to the Todai-ji Temple Documents. In the age of Japan's civil wars (1467-1603), Iga Ninjas built their castles mostly on mountainsides, like Kiryu, Moroki, Taneo and Takaon (now they belong to Aoyama area). They fought against Oda's forces bravely in Tensyo Iga no Ran in 1581. Their main Ninja group was the Kitabatake families which Oda's forces destroyed in the previous year.

Shimotsuge no Kizaru and Kozaru

Shimotsuge no Kizaru and Kozaru were the two of the 11 most powerful Ninjas according to the Bansenshukai. They were assumed to be brothers or a father and his son. The term "--zaru" in Japanese means monkeys. Ninjas respected and wanted to master monkeys' actions. So, they were thought to be like monkeys and to be good at moving from tree to tree. Bansenshukai said that their Ninja activities were walking without stepping sounds like flying. They also were good at destroying castles. They were both excellent at imitating dog's barking. One day, in order to check the enemy bosses' bed room, they barked over and over again. He couldn't endure the barking and woke up and shouted. Then they knew the position of his room and invaded and killed him. The Heki families, whose ancestors had been famous warriors, Taira no Munekiyo, ruled in the area of Shimotuge.

En no Ozunu

En no ozunu is also called En no gyoja. He founded Shugendo: a religious order which prescribes ascetic practices in mountains in order to attain magic powers beneficial to the community. It is said that some Iga Ninjas came from yamabushis who had worshiped En no ozunu. In Hata mountain in Iga-area, many yamabushies lived, trained and worshiped to gain from En no Ozunu's statue. By the way, there used to be two En no Ozunu's statues on this mountain, but because of digging in the mountains, the two statues were moved to other places. If possible, we wish the two statues will be returned in order for people to worship in the same place like before.

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Aciklayacaklarim daha cok vardi fakat forumun asya yasam bicimine levye yada ryu yada baska sekilde cevaplandirmalarindan oturu paylasimlarimin yersiz olacagi kanaati olusturmus bulunmakta bende bu sebeble. Burada aktarimlari sonlandiriyorum.
Forumuda birakiyorum. Cunku hayatta bir emege karsi troll diye adlandirilan yeni jenerasyon akimi sebebiyeti ile ne paylasirsam paylasayim ne anlatirsam anlatayim yerini ve ilgililerini bulmuyor. Bu sebeble herkese iyi forumlar dilerim. Iyi kalin.

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Iga Koka-Koga Togakure Sakuyashi Hayase Kageyama ve niceleri icin saizou kiriayashi...
Hoscakalin iyi kalin ve kimseyi kendinize dusman edecek kadar sinirlendirmemeniz dilegi ile su gibi bir hayat hava kadar ozgur oldugunuz bir son dilerim.


Song name
Ikue Asazaki - Obokuri Eeumi


Let us get a new piece of land and build a new house, and true up the edges of thatching grasses.

Let us build a stone wall and build a golden house, and celebrate with hundred carpenters(?)

I have nothing to wear though August approaches. My brothers, lend me your one-sleeve.

I want to dress my lover with my single kimono. I will wear vines in the mountains.

The full moon of the fifteenth night is shining with holiness. When my lover visit me, hide behind the clouds.
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Gerekli ilgi ve alakanin beni mutlu etmesinden oturu tekrar bilgilendirmeye devam etmeyi uygun gormus bulunmaktayim kaldigim yerden devam ediyorum. Tekrar ilgili herkese tesekkuru borc bilirim.

Ingilizcesini buldugum icin ingilizce olarak paylasiyorum.

Otowa no Kido

Otowa no Kido was one of the 11 most powerful Ninjas according to the Bansenshukai. His correct name was Kido Yabe. His tomb was in Saionji temple in Ayama area. He was good at shooting. His shooting ability was said to rival the best lived hunters. At the end of the battle of Tensho Iga no Ran (1581), he tried to kill Oda Nobunaga who was at rest at Aekuni Shrine in Ichinomiya in Iga-city. He used his gun and a company of Ninjas, Harada and Ijiro Daikan, to revenge the many Iga Ninjas who were killed by him. Otowa no Kido had the confidence to shoot him, but unfortunately, he failed to shoot Nobunaga. Yet, Nobunaga's fortune was so strong that Kido's shoot only scraped his shoulder. Of course, after the shoot they ran away from that shooting spot like dashing birds.

Fujibayashi Nagato no Kami

Fujibayashi Nagato was famous as one of three Jonins (greatest Ninja master), in northern Iga. He used many Ninjas in battle under Sasaki Rokkaku, who was one of the Sengoku daimyos (a famous general) in Oomi (now Shiga Prefecture) against Oda Nobunaga. His greatest disciple was Tateoka Dojyun, the best Iga Ninjas on the historical record, and the reason why he was famous as Jonin. In particular, his descendant, Fujibayashi Yastake edited the Bansenshukai.(see Ninja Encyclopedia) One of the stories which Fujibayashi Nagato was told as being the same person as Momochi Sandayu was absolutely false. It was a novel. Fujibayashi was different from Momochi Tanba.
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Tesekkur ederim iyi sozleriniz icin.

Bugun inceleyecegimiz konu; Ninjalarin sahis olarak kimler oldugu ve tarihte nerede yer aldiklari

Togakure Daisuke (Togakushi Daisuke-Nishina Daisuke )

Togakure-ryū (戸隠流?) is a historical tradition of Ninjutsu known as the "School of the Hidden Door", purportedly founded during the Oho period (1161-1162) by Daisuke Nishina (Togakure), who learned his original fighting techniques from a Chinese monk named Kain Dōshi.[1] However, the history and early lineage of Togakure-ryū may be impossible to verify due to the antiquity of the time period[2] and its claimed historicity has been disputed. After Togakure, the title of Sōke (grand master) was stated by Toda Shinryuken Masamitsu to have been passed down through other practitioners that kept the style secret from the outside world.

Toshitsugu Takamatsu is the stated 33rd Sōke of this style. According to Bujinkan sources he became well-known throughout China and Japan for his martial arts abilities and also his knowledge from studying Ninjutsu that he then imparted on various Chinese nobles. Passing on the title of Sōke to Masaaki Hatsumi, the stated 34th Sōke, it was Hatsumi who took the style public, which has resulted in the high amount of media and public attention on ninja in the Western world.

The style of Togakure-ryū has been described by its practitioners as being less restricted into certain training regimens like other styles and instead encourages questions and individual, personal training. One of the main goals of the training is to teach students the ability of shin shin shin gan (God's eyes, God's mind) so that they can learn to properly know their opponents and defend themselves.

The historical claims stated by Masaaki Hatsumi and his Bujinkan organization have been disputed, as there is little evidence to corroborate the history as it is told. The Bugei Ryūha Daijiten has stated that embellishments were made to the history, changing the age of things to make the school appear older than it is and competing claims have arisen from other ninjutsu schools as to who is the appropriate successor to the historical ninja.

According to Bujinkan researcher Dr. Glenn Morris (PhD in Communication and Doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology[3]), Togakure-ryu originated in the Mie Prefecture with its creator, Daisuke Nishina. Morris explains that it was started in 1162, as a way of fighting in the war between the Genji and Heike (Taira) clans. The style itself would go on to be known as the origination of ninjutsu and its various fighting styles. Nishina was a samurai and a member of the Genji clan, which had been staging a revolt against the Heike clan because of their oppression against the Genji people. The revolt, however, was crushed and Nishina fled his home village of Togakure in Shinano Province to save his children.[4]

Hatsumi Masaaki indicates that Nishina then changed his name to Togakure to reflect where he had come from and settled down in the forests on the Kii Peninsula in the Iga Province.[2] This account indicates that it was there that Nishina met Kain Dōshi, a warrior-monk who had been politically exiled from China. From Kain, Togakure learned the fighting styles of China and Tibet and put aside his 'samurai code'.[5] Articles written using Hatsumi as a source indicate that Togakure's first successor was his son, Rokosuke. They also indicate that he trained a deshi called Shima, who would become the third master of the style after Rokosuke.[6]

According to Hatsumi, since historical times, the Togakure-ryū style has been passed down through the years until it was given mastership to Shinryuken Toda, the 32nd Sōke of Togakure-ryū. He began teaching the style to his grandson, Toshitsugu Takamatsu, since Takamatsu was five in 1893. When he turned 19, Takamatsu was announced as the next successor of the Togakure-ryū style, becoming the 33rd Sōke. After this pronouncement, Takamatsu decided to spend a year meditating in the "mountains between Kyoto and Nara". Upon his return, he set out again, this time to China where he spent time in the courts of nobles as an important adviser because of his extensive knowledge from his ninja training. It is stated by Hatsumi that because of a series of incidents that occurred throughout China, Takamatsu became infamous throughout the region by the age of 25. When he turned 28, he was elected as the "Head of Japanese martial arts in China".[7]

Passing on the title of Sōke to Masaaki Hatsumi (the stated 34th Sōke) it was Hatsumi who took the style public, which has resulted in the high amount of media and public attention on ninjas in the Western world.[7][8] Masaaki also went on to found the Bujinkan, an international martial arts organization, in Noda, Chiba. The group combines modern Togakure-ryū and the eight other martial arts styles.[9][10]

As of 1986, there were 20 dojos for Togakure-ryū in Japan that house 100 instructors and around 100,000 students. There were also around 50 international dojos teaching Togakure-ryū outside of Japan.


As stated by the Bujinkan organization, the lineage in the line of Sōke (grand masters) of Togakure-ryū, beginning with Daisuke Togakure, is as follows:[11]

Daisuke Togakure (1162)
Shima Kosanta Minamoto no Kanesada (1180)
Goro Togakure (1200)
Kosanta Togakure
Kisanta Koga
Tomoharu Kaneko
Ryuho Togakure
Gakuun Togakure
Koseki Kido
Tenryu Iga
Rihei Ueno
Senri Ueno
Majiro Ueno
Saburo Iisuka
Goro Sawada)
Ippei Ozaru
Hachiro Kimata
Heizaemon Kataoka
Ugenta Mori
Gobei Toda
Seiun Kobe
Kobei Momochi
Tenzen Tobari
Seiryu Nobutsuna Toda (1624-1658)
Fudo Nobuchika Toda (1658-1681)
Kangoro Nobuyasu Toda (1681-1704)
Eisaburo Nobumasa Toda (1704-1711)
Shinbei Masachika Toda (1711-1736)
Shingoro Masayoshi Toda (1736-1764)
Daigoro Chikahide Toda (1764-1804)
Daisaburo Chikashige Toda (1804)
Shinryuken Masamitsu Toda (born 1824 - died 1909)
Toshitsugu Takamatsu (born 1887 - died 1972)
Masaaki Hatsumi (born 1931–Present)


As a Ninjutsu tradition influenced by the samurai martial arts of the Sengoku period, the style of Togakure-ryū consists of a small number of physical escape and evasion techniques called "ninpo taijutsu," as well as a series of sword attack patterns, or biken kata. However, the majority of the art involves techniques of geography, meteorology, swimming, signaling, potion-making, fire-starting, concentration, disguise, impersonation, and other forms of knowledge suited for the unique information-gathering and infiltration roles of ninja.[12]

Togakure-ryū's ninpo taijutsu is described as being "fundamentally different" from other styles of Japanese martial arts that are currently taught in Japan and around the world. This is largely because, unlike these other styles, Togakure-ryū does not have a "tightly regimated organizational structure." The Bujinkan teaches that Togakure-ryū contains some "historical kata," which are similar to the training in judo and aikido in that they require an attacker to attack to initiate the movements.[13] Much of the "formality" that other styles contain is also not present in modern Togakure-ryū. Stephen K. Hayes, famed Bujinkan instructor, explained that it is likely this "freer, more flexible structure" that makes it different, as the style has an atmosphere where "questions are encouraged, but there isn't one pat answer for every question."[13]

In a different manner, modern Togakure-ryū has resemblances to other martial arts styles as well in that there is certain "footwork and dynamics" that all styles utilize because of how the human body moves and works. Stephen K. Hayes stated that a main goal of the style is shin shin shin gan (God's eyes, God's mind) refers to "development of a broad vision or knowledge". This is in relation to learning to anticipate the moves that an opponent will make and to also be able to sense danger.[13]

The Bujinkan organization believes that the original Togakure-ryū dojo utilized four special weapons. The first was the shuko, which is a "spiked iron band worn around the hand". It enabled the wearer to use it as a defense against sword attacks and also to reach higher terrain, as it could be used to climb trees or walls. The second weapon was the tetsubishi (a type of caltrop), which was a "small spiked weapon used to slow pursuers or protect doorways".[14] The third was the kyoketsu-shoge, a blade from a double-bladed spear that was then tied to the rope that also had an iron ring attached at the other end to hold onto. It could be used to "wedge open a door, climb into a tree or over a wall, or tie up an opponent" as well as for fighting.[15]
Training areas

There are 18 training areas that modern Togakure-ryū focuses on. The areas are constantly updated to remain relevant to modern threats that practitioners will need to face.[16] The Togakure ryu Ninjutsu Hidensho is a Japanese manuscript written by Takamatsu, in the possession of Masaaki Hatsumi, that documents modern Togakure-ryū.[6] The document is purported to contain the origin of the "18 Skills of Ninjutsu". Modern Togakure-ryu is taught in the syllabi of the Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan, and To-Shin Do.[17]

The training areas include:[18]

Seishin teki kyoyo (spiritual refinement)
Tai jutsu (unarmed combat)
Kenjutsu (sword techniques)
Bo-jutsu (stick and staff fighting)
Shuriken-jutsu (throwing blades)
Yari-jutsu (spear fighting)
Naginata-jutsu (halberd fighting)
Kusari-gama (chain and sickle weapon)
Kayaku-jutsu (fire and explosives)
Henso-jutsu (disguise and impersonation)
Shinobi-iri (stealth and entering methods)
Ba-jutsu (horsemanship)
Sui-ren (water training)
Bo-ryaku (strategy)
Chōhō (espionage)
Inton-jutsu (escape and concealment)
Ten-mon (meteorology)
Chi-mon (geography)

Criticism of historical claims regarding modern Togakure-ryu

Modern Togakure-ryu and various historical claims are taught by Masaaki Hatsumi (Takamatsu's successor) and the Bujinkan organization. Criticism regarding the historical accuracy of the Bujinkan's claims of lineage have arisen from several sources:

The 1978 version of the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten indicates that Takamatsu's Togakure-ryu "genealogy includes embellishments by referring to data and kuden about persons whose existence is based on written materials and traditions in order to appear older than it actually is."[19]
The 1969 version of the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten indicates that Takamatsu's Togakure-ryu "is a genealogy newly put together by Takamatsu Toshitsugu, who made use of (took advantage of) the popularity of written materials on ninjutsu after the Taishō era" and that "there are many points where it has added embellishments, it has made people whose real existence is based on written records older than is actually the case, and so it is a product of very considerable labor".[20]
The 1963 version of the Bugei Ryūha Daijiten indicates of Takamatsu's Togakure-ryu "this genealogy refers to various written records and oral transmissions and there are many points/places where embellishments have been added and people appearing in the genealogy are also made older than they actually are".[21]
Donn Draeger described the role of the ninja as being "espionage agents". He wrote that there were no longer any living ninja, saying that "Fujita Seiko was the last", but that "modern authorities such as T. Hatsumi are responsible for most research being done on ninjutsu."[22]
Koryu Books, a publisher of Koryū Bujutsu (old school) books and related materials, states on its website that it does not consider modern Ninjutsu teachings to be koryū and, thus, does not sell books related to them.[23]
The Iga-ryū Ninja Museum of Japan claims that the only surviving ninja of historical heritage is Kawakami Jinichi, director of the museum.

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Hino Kumawakamaru

Hino Kumawakamaru was the son of Hino Sukemoto, a supporter of the Emperor Go-Daigo in his struggle against the Kamakura Shogunate. A close advisor to the Emperor, Hino and his brother were active in the early conspiracies, pardoned once, Sukemoto was the second time exiled to Sadogajima (Sado Island) and then executed in 1332.

The story is that Hino, still a boy, travelled to Sado and begged to be allowed to see his father before his execution, but was not allowed. He determined to avenge his father's death, and one night managed to escape his confinement and kill the man who had performed the execution with the sword that had been used. He determined to escape and serve the Emperor in his father's place, but was unable to swim the vast moat around the castle. Spotting a grove of tall bamboo, he climbed to the top and let the bending bamboo deposit him on the other side.

Hino was, in the Meiji period, popular with traditionalists as he combined support for the Emperor with the good old samurai values of filial piety and bloody vengeance, and Yoshitoshi did a number of prints on his story.

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