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yutupta misyonerlik girişimi


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inboxuma bu geldi lan ahaha

peace be on you
May be peace with you
I would like to share some very important information with you. If you were to believe in it and accept it, it would make your life better, it would make you happy & it would benefit you.
Information that if you were to believe in it and accept it, it would make the life of people around you better, it would make them happy and would bring benefit to them & this will have a ripple effect on the society around you and them hence, making it better for everyone to live and enjoy their life.
I would like to speak with you about the 'Purpose of this life'.
Look around yourself. Look at the pen, at the paper, at the chair, at the table, at the bed and everything else around it. Look at everything and think about them. You will find each & everything has a purpose. The pen is there to write, the paper is there to be written upon, the chair is there to sit upon and the table is there to eat upon, the bed is there to sleep upon & everything else has a purpose. I guarantee you that we will not find anything that does not have a purpose & these are the items that we as human beings have produced & developed because we need them and would like them to serve a purpose to make our life easy & better.
Now let us look at ourselves. Look at our eyes, ears, hands, feet, tongue, nose and everything else in the body. The eyes are there to see, ears are there to hear, hands are there to pick & hold items, feet are there for us to walk & the nose is there to smell. Look & think about each & everything in the body and we will see its purpose. Let us look at the perfect body and think about it.
Like we created & produced items for a purpose, our body, our presence in this world has a purpose and there is a Creator who has created us for a reason & the purpose of our life is to use our body to worship the Creator.
Creator of the heavens & earth, Master & Sustainer of everyone
Say: He is Allah, the One
Allah is the Self-Sufficient Master
He begets not nor was He begotten
And there is none comparable unto Him
The Creator sees everything, hears everything & knows everything. He wants us to live our life in this world in the best possible way to benefit ourselves, people around us & the whole community.
I invite you to accept in the Creator -- Allah (GOD) as your lord and worship him. Accept & worship the Lord of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad (may peace be upon them). Turn to Allah (God) alone in your prayers & supplication & ask him for everything you need. Let us submit to the Creator.
Amazingly enough, all of us are already in a state of submission. Look at the new born baby. The baby comes out of the mother's womb without its consent. Who gave this baby its basic humanly instincts? The baby breathes not that it chooses to but it must breathe in order to live. No one forces the baby to breath. The baby submits itself to the air. We drink water as it is a need of the body and we need it to live. No one forces us to drink water. We eat to live as the body needs it. No one forces us to eat.
We submit ourselves to the needs. Now let us change the word 'NEED' to 'ISLAM'.
If we were to believe in the Creator as he wants us to believe, it will mean that ;
We submit ourselves to the Creator & belive in Islam. The word Islam comes from the word S-A-L-A-M-A, which means peace. We submit ourselves to the will of the Creator to bring about peace in this world & once we die we will have happy after life.
I invite you to accept in the Creator -- Allah (GOD) as your lord and worship him. Accept & worship the Lord of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Muhammad (may peace be upon them). Turn to Allah (God) alone in your prayers & supplication & ask him for everything you need. Let us submit to the Creator.
I am humbly calling you to shift yourself from the dreadful consequences of polytheism to the beauty of monotheism. Enter Paradise after this life and save yourself from the hellfire by worshipping God alone & believing in the final messenger of Allah.
If you believe in the Creator of the heavens & the earth, that He is the Master & the Sustainer, that He is the only one worthy of worship & not any of His Creation, including any of the prophets, from Adam to Moses to Jesus to Muhammad. If you believe, then say it now with your tongue.
'I bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah and i bear witness that Prophet Muhammad is the final messenger of Allah'
Then say the translation in Arabic ' Ash hadu Alla Illaha Illa Allah wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Rasool ul Allah.
This is the testimony that enters a person into the fold of Islam. You will immediately feel relief. After that, take your time to slowly learn the beauty of this religion.
You are welcome to visit our friendly sites where you can
*Read more about Islam*
*Chat free 1/1 with knowledgeable Muslims*
http://www.chatislamonline.org OR http://www.edialogue.org
*Ask questions about Islam http://www.islamreligion.com
*Women in Islam Website - http://www.womeninislam.ws
*This is the right time to know about Muhammed (PBUH) - http://www.rasoulallah.net/
Why not give yourself a chance and read the Quran
Online http://www.qurancomplex.org/Quran/Targama/Targama.asp?TabID=4&SubItemID=1&l=eng&t=eng&SecOrder=4&SubSecOrder=1
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